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Submitted By tinker356
Words 672
Pages 3
“Innovation’, ‘creativity’ and ‘design’ are surely amongst the most frequently used – and abused – words in business today, not least because excelling in these areas is widely acknowledged to be associated with business success”. For that reason I have chosen these two companies Samsung which is a manufacturing company and Wyndham who offers services, these two companies have in these past couple of years reinvented their brand all thanks to using innovation, creativity, and design. Both of these companies have excelled in sells by offering better products or services to their customers. These companies have learned to utilize all three strategies in order for their company to thrive and flourish both internally and externally.
I would like to start off with a little history of my manufacturing company Samsung. “Samsung Electronics, leads the global market in high-tech electronics manufacturing and digital media.” This company was first established on March 1, 1938 by chairman Byung-Chull Lee in Taegu, Korea however, they “Began production of the black-and-white televisions for domestic sale” in the 1970’s. In the late 70s to early 80s Samsung decided to invest in heavy, chemical, petrochemical industries which led to new businesses under the Samsung name for example Samsung Heavy Industries, Samsung Shipbuilding and Samsung Precision Company (now Samsung Techwin). As a result in the following years to come Samsung expanded globally and diverfisied their company by entering the PC market, Home appliances, inventing the first DVD-R, Developing the world's fastest CPU (central processing unit), the Alpha chip, and entered into the mobile market for example tablets and mobile cellphones. Currently Samsung is known for its Galaxy smartphone series which is the leading competitor to Apple Inc. in terms of mobile phones. Overall Samsung is the leader in electronics because they have learned to utilize innovation, design, and creativity as a way to be more successful and offer better products to their customers.
On the other hand, I have chosen Wyndham Worldwide for my service company because they offer overnight stays at hotels or resorts which is a service most people need when vacationing or on a business trip. Wyndham Worldwide started in 2006 but didn’t open there first hotel until 2007 in china. In the following 2008 they unveil their first GREEN resort directory and in that same year introduce GREEN uniforms made out of plastic. In 2009 Wyndham is recognized as the largest hotel company in the U.S and in the past a couple of years has introduced its first app for the IPhone and then introduced their rewards programs that offers “Industry Leading Program Benefits”.
When comparing these two industries they both offer something different to their customer base, one is a manufacturing company known for their home appliances and electronics and the other one is known in the service industry by offering overnight stays at their hotels and resorts. I believe the two companies I chose offer products and services that consumers need or want and they both accommodate to that whether it is by offering technologically advancements or hospitality. The differences between the manufacturing industry and the service industry is that the manufacturing industry offers tangible good or products that can be held or seen and are produced in a in a factory or warehouse. The service industry can be classified under many categories like hospitality, banking, or advertising. Also in the service industry the service they provide is based on their consumers and the environment and how it will affect their experience.
Nonetheless both Samsung and Wyndham Worldwide both utilized innovation, design, and creativity because in order for Samsung to produce new and upgraded products to customers they need a good diverse team that offer different ideas, techniques, or concerns that help in building that Mobile phone, tablet, or TV. Samsung has their own design team, marketing team, and their own research and development department that takes care of certain areas like parts, system software and graphic design; all of these departments utilize innovation, design, and creativity. Now Wyndham

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