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Micro Task 1- Fungi


Submitted By nkeane
Words 451
Pages 2
Task #1: Fungi

Nicole Keane

Clinical Microbiology C453


For this experiment, five food substrates were chosen to compare fungal growth placed in the same environment over a period of seven days. The five foods that were used for this experiment were grapes, strawberry, bread, American cheese slice, and a green pepper.

Materials and Methods
The materials needed for this experiment were five different food items, five small plastic bags, and five wet paper towels. For the experiment to be carried out, five small plastic bags were labeled with the name of each food item as well as the date that the experiment was being carried out. The grapes, a strawberry, a slice of bread, an American cheese slice, and a green pepper were all in their designated bags. A paper towel was then moistened and placed into each of the bags and partially closed to allow air into the bag. Bags were placed in a vacant counter corner that was approximately 20 degrees Celsius with minimal amount of light exposure. The bags were then left to incubate for seven days and observations of fungal growth was completed after incubation was complete.

The results are recorded in the table below showing colony growth in centimeters squared of each food item, the color, and the texture. All results were obtained from incubation in the same location and same temperature.

|Colony Growth(cm²)|Color|Texture|
Strawberry|18|grayish white|fuzzy|
American Cheese|1|brown|wet appearance|
Green Grapes|6|rustic reddish/gray|rough|
Green Pepper|20|dark gray|softened|

Discussion Upon observation of the five substrates, there were some distinct differences in the fungal growth that was noted after the seven days of incubation. Fruits and vegetables, as well as certain bread are expected to be good growth media for

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