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Qlt1 Task 2

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Title: Discuss the importance of clinical workplace hygiene, preventing the spread of infection.
Nosocomial infections are those of which are obtained in a hospital, and are possibly caused by antibiotic resistant organisms. A zoonotic disease is a disease that can be spread between animals and humans. Zoonotic diseases can be caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi.(CDC,2013) Clinical workplace hygiene is essential for eradicating and preventing the transmission of infectious diseases. The subject of this task will be addressed, with regard to hospitalised canine parvovirus. Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a highly contagious viral disease of dogs that commonly causes acute gastrointestinal illness in puppies(Cornell University,2014) …show more content…
A simple measure of white blood cell count is often the clincher for a CPV diagnosis. Because one of the first things the parvovirus infects is the bone marrow, a low white blood cell count can be suggestive of CPV infection. If a dog has both a positive ELISA reading and a low white blood cell count, a fairly confident diagnosis of CPV may be made.(Cornell University,2014) Treatment includes receiving intravenous fluids and nutrients to replace the lost quantities. An intravenous drip is preferred as the digestive tract is in distress. Antibiotics may be administered via an intravenous drip also, or by an injection to diminish intestinal bacteria that has entered the bloodstream. The prevention of the virus from dispersing, is keeping the dog up to date on its vaccinations. The first one should be given when the pup is 8 weeks old. It should not encounter other dogs until it has received this. The ‘5 in 1’ combats many ailments including; distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and parainfluenza.(Cornell,2014) Warmth is vital for the dogs recovery; an aid such as a hot water bottle is helpful. Hygiene should …show more content…
It involves cleaning, disinfection, barrier nursing, protective clothing quarantine, treatment, sterilisation, vaccination, prevention, hygiene, adequate ventilation and owner compliance(Parnell,2016) Isolation is the physical separation of the animal suspected of having or proved to have a transmissible infectious disease.(Cooper etal,1994) Quarantine is the isolation of animals with, or those that have a potential threat to infectious diseases. Barrier nursing creates a barrier between the nurses and other animals so they don’t come into close proximity to the infectious animal. This is carried out by wearing protective clothing and using separate equipment. PPE includes disposable gloves and aprons, masks and safety goggles. This is worn to protect the nurse from pathogens. It allows other animals to live in a safe enclosure as the nurse disposes of these safely before handling them. An ideal disinfectant should be rapidly toxic to a wide range of micro-organisms at room temperature - vegetative bacteria, bacterial and fungal spores, acidfast bacteria, rickettsia, chlamydophila, viruses and coccidian(Wesche etal,2016) The disinfectant that kills the Canine Parvovirus is known as parvocidal disinfectant.
SOP’s are written protocols for each job within the practice.(Cooper etal,1994) There should be SOP’s for the isolation of animals with infections to prevent it from spreading to animals

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