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Why Am I Volunteer

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Volunteering has always held a special place in heart, for as long as I could remember. Helping others is a key aspect of my life and in my freshman year I realized it was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. During my freshman year, I joined an organization that focused on bringing to light the negative effects of human trafficking to young girls and helping them overcome bullying. The goal was to help the girls be confident and know their worth. We gave presentations at local junior high schools and would get in groups and listen to the girls talk about their struggles. I volunteered in other places throughout the rest of my high school career, but mentoring younger girls was still on my heart. Entering my senior year of high …show more content…
Initially, I thought I would just be supervising and hanging out with the younger kids, but it ended up being so much more than I expected. A few months ago, a new 7th-grade girl showed up for the Wednesday night study, and we connected right away. She showed me and the other leaders her astonishing dance moves and tumbling. This girl had this awe-inspiring energy about her and had to be one of the sweetest kids I had ever met. As the weeks progressed and we became closer, she started sitting with me in youth group service and regular service on Sundays. I could tell she looked up to me, and it made me realize that leading in the junior high youth group was making a significant impact on the students. As my time leading junior high went by, my friendship with this girl developed, she started opening up about her life to me. She confessed that she had come from a broken home, and hearing her story made me grateful for the life I have. This student had so much spirit and so much joy, it saddened me that she was going through such a tough time. Ever since she confided in me, it has been my mission to help other young girls get through their hardships and show them they have someone to turn

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