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Prejudice Against Transgender People In Canada

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According to a recent study conducted in Canada, Transgender people are 29 percent more likely to commit suicide than the average person(Bauer2). This is an astonishing statistic because there are far too many transgender people committing suicide. Issues regarding the transgender community are not only present in Canada, but all over the world. Transgender have been ignored for far too long, and it is time for them to become an open topic that everyone feels comfortable speaking about. The history of the prejudices goes back to ancient times and is present today. There are many causes of the prejudices against transgender people. These prejudices have affected transgender people in many ways. There are many solutions to solve the transgender …show more content…
The transgender issues have a long history. Since before Christ existed people have disagreed about the transgender topic. In many religions being transgender is strictly forbidden. For example, in the Torah contains prohibitions on cross-dress and damaging genitals. The Torah was written in 3012 b.c. by Moses. This means that before christ was even born an influential figure in a major society and his followers were already opposed to transgender people. The Torah is not the only ancient example of people being opposed to the transgender community. Another example could be the Abrahamic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions specifically state that God created man and woman not someone who is both. Many people follow these religions and it influences them greatly. When people follow a religion they are more likely to develop ideas about something before they even get to know the problem. Ideas such as being transgender have been discriminated against because religions are superimposing ideas onto their followers instead of letting them decide for themselves. These prejudices can be traced back to since before

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