...Unit 1 - Individual Project - Introduction to Macroeconomic Theory Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/unit-1-individual-project-introduction-macroeconomic-theory/ Assignment Details Assignment Description Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. In economics, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Below, you will find two scenarios. Your assignment is to discuss the situation by writing the solutions, and then show the solutions and how you got here in one or more graphs or flowcharts. Scenario One Supply and demand are foundational concepts in understanding economic theory. Whether you are a coffee drinker or not, you have been tasked to examine the impact of supply and demand when dealing with the coffee retail industry. A few companies probably come to mind. Pick a major coffee retailer, and then contemplate what has been happening to both the supply and demand for this product. Next, analyze the following scenario that deals with what happened in the coffee industry at the beginning of the last decade: In the early part of the last decade, there was an overproduction of coffee. The price dropped so low that producers' costs were higher than the market price. The reason this happened was that market prices...
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...Unit 1 - Individual Project - Introduction to Macroeconomic Theory Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/unit-1-individual-project-introduction-macroeconomic-theory/ Assignment Details Assignment Description Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. In economics, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Below, you will find two scenarios. Your assignment is to discuss the situation by writing the solutions, and then show the solutions and how you got here in one or more graphs or flowcharts. Scenario One Supply and demand are foundational concepts in understanding economic theory. Whether you are a coffee drinker or not, you have been tasked to examine the impact of supply and demand when dealing with the coffee retail industry. A few companies probably come to mind. Pick a major coffee retailer, and then contemplate what has been happening to both the supply and demand for this product. Next, analyze the following scenario that deals with what happened in the coffee industry at the beginning of the last decade: In the early part of the last decade, there was an overproduction of coffee. The price dropped so low that producers' costs were higher than the market price. The reason this happened was that market prices...
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...Microeconomics and the Laws of Supply and Demand To purchase this visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/MicroeconomicsandtheLawsofSupplyandDemand/2779 Contact us at: help@mindblows.us Complete one of the following options: Option 1: Complete the Supply and Demand Simulation. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing the content of the simulation and address the following: Identify two microeconomics and two macroeconomics principles or concepts from the simulation/video. Explain why you have categorized these selected principles or concepts as microeconomics or macroeconomics. Identify at least one shift of the supply curve and one shift of the demand curve in the simulation/video. Explain what causes the shifts, and how each shift affects the price, quantity, and decision making. Include responses to the following: How might you apply what you learned about supply and demand from the simulation/video to your workplace or your understanding of a real-world product with which you are familiar? How do the concepts of microeconomics help you understand the factors that affect shifts in supply and demand on equilibrium price and quantity? How do the concepts of macroeconomics help you understand the factors that affect shifts in supply and demand on the equilibrium price and quantity? How does the price elasticity of demand affect a consumer's purchasing and the firm's pricing strategy as it relates to the simulation/video? Cite a minimum of 3 peer...
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...of Guelph Department of Economics College of Management and Economics ECON*1050 (01, 03) Introductory Microeconomics E. Adomait (Section 1 MWF 10:30 to 11:20 RozH 104) (Section 3 TTh 1 :00 to 2 :20 RozH 101) Email: eadomait@uoguelph.ca Fall 2010 MacKinnon 728 Ext. 56343 It is your responsibility as a student to be aware of and to abide by the University’s policies regarding academic misconduct, e-mail communication, maintaining copies of out-of class assignments, what to do when you cannot meet a course requirement and the drop date for this semester. To better understand these policies, visit: http://www.economics.uoguelph.ca/courses.asp COURSE OUTLINE Synopsis Market economies primarily rely upon the price system as a means of allocating resources. The objective of Introductory Microeconomics is to develop in students an understanding and appreciation of this price system. The course will survey the strengths and weaknesses of the market economy, as well as the successes and failures of government intervention in the market. Much of the course content is theoretical in nature. Once students have acquired facility in handling these analytical tools, attention will turn towards issues of public policy such as marketing boards, competition policy, environmental policy, and trade policy. Required Textbook: Michael Parkin and Robin Bade, Microeconomics, Canada in the Global Environment, 7th Ed. Purchased new, the textbook is bundled with an access code for...
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...Principles of Microeconomics is an introductory course that teaches the fundamentals of microeconomics. This course introduces microeconomic concepts and analysis, supply and demand analysis, theories of the firm and individual behavior, competition and monopoly, and welfare economics. Students will also be introduced to the use of microeconomic applications to address problems in current economic policy throughout the semester. COURSE OBJECTIVES After studying this course the students should be able to: Understand the basic concepts of the subject. Understand the application of the tools of demand and supply for efficient resource allocation and profit maximization. Identify core economic issues related to business firms. Comprehend the benefits of market efficiency. GRADING PLAN TYPE Quizzes Assignments Final Projects Midterm examination Final term examination Total PERCENTAGE (%) 10 10 10 30 40 100 CALENDER OF ACTIVITIES WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CONTENTS TASKS/ACTIVITIES Introduction to Economics • Basic Concepts – I Class Introduction Introduction to Economics • Basic Concepts – II Utility Assignment 1 Due Demand Supply Quiz 1 Markets - I Markets - II Mid-Term Midterm Exam Market Analysis: shares, currency, and labor markets Market Failures and Imperfections The Fundamental Economic Problems Assignment 2 Due Costs and Revenues Analyzing Market Structure - I Quiz 2 Analyzing...
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...DEC 5018 MICROECONOMICS Group Assignment Guideline Prepared by: Mr. Tai Hen Toong Group Assignment • This assignment is designed to develop learners’ ability to apply the important concepts and effects of a commodity price change in the market. Instructions • Students are required to: • Find THREE article from the Internet / local newspaper OR magazine related to a commodity price change in Malaysia. (Rubber, Palm oil & Fuel etc) • The article must be from July 2014 to July 2015. • Evaluate and discuss the impact of commodity price changes on consumers and producers in terms of demand and supply. Assignment Guideline • Part 1: Introduction to the Micro-economics variables in the articles. • State your objective of study, define the microeconomic variables & how the price changes happened. • Example: Microeconomic variable: Fuel (students are required to prepare a clear and sufficient background study with article attached.) • For each of the article, students required to quote precisely the title of article, author, date and source. Assignment Guideline - cont • Part 2: Describe the impact of commodity price change on: • Consumer: In term of Demand Side • Producer/Seller: In term of Supply Side • Students may explain it with the using of relevant diagrams to illustrate: • Movement or shift of the demand and supply curves. • The changes of Quantity & the changes of Prices Assignment Guideline - cont • Part 3: Analyze and explain...
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...reined in over time and thus forms the context when aussie sets its macroeconomics n microeconomics goals & policies. it is your task to research the BOP and come to some assessment as to how critical solving the problem of ongoing deficits has become. this sets the main parameters in terms of policy activism by the government. in other words, given your understanding of the current BOP problem what government policies are in place and what macroeconomics / microeconomics policies would you recommend? you'll need to keep in mind of course that the effectiveness of government policy must be considered in the tect of increasing globalization and international economic interdependence marking criteria : 1- presentation of data n trends in australia BOP 2- analysis of consequences and prospects flowing from the BOP 3- identification of macroeconomic n microeconomic policy setting 4- evaluation as to appropriateness of current policies and recommendations for future policies 5- presentation. coherency. structure etc including referencing accuracy students note 1. for referencing, please use the correct referencing style as used in harvard referencing 2. submit date 28 august, university will need you to submit a soft copy and a hard copy 3. please note that this assignment will be marked by oversea lecturer where they have a program to analyze whether you full copy paste your assignment or not 4. any...
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...3/30/2016 Expertly Written Sample Assignment on Demand and Supply Concept Order Now Login/Signup Search for Question, Subject, Course Name SERVICES » Free Samples » Demand and Supply of Certain Resources in Australia and Factors Other Than Price Which Affect Demand and Supply Demand and Supply of Certain Resources in Australia and Factors Other Than Price Which Affect Demand and Supply Question- How Demand and supply of certain resources in Australia and factors other than price which affect demand and supply? Contents Introduction Mechanism of Demand and Supply Analysis of demand and supply of certain resources of Australian Market: Conclusion Refrences Introduction Demand and supply are two important tools of micro economic analysis. Demand refers to how much quantity of a product is desired and purchased by a buyer at a given pricehttps://myassignmenthelp.com/freesamples/demandandsupplyofcertainresourcesinaustraliaandfactorsotherthanpricewhichaffectdemandand… 1/6 3/30/2016 Expertly Written Sample Assignment on Demand and Supply Concept level, where supply of a product represents how much quantity of a product that a market can offer at a given price-level. Demand and supply of a product depends on different factors. Demand of a product (suppose, X) depends on the price of that product (PX), price of the related commodities, consumers’ income, population or number of consumer, test and preferences of consumers...
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...Regular Assignment 1 Module: The Business Environment Tutor: Steve Tidball Submission Date: 19th September 2013 Confidentiality: I have read, understand and adhere to the KOL Confidentiality Policy. Click here to access the KOL Confidentiality Policy. Academic Integrity Statement: I have read and understood the Academic Integrity guidelines for Kaplan Open Learning and the University Of Essex, and declare that this assignment conforms to all of the rules and regulations contained therein. Please note: the guidelines can be found in the Student Handbook (see section 6.4). Regular assignment one Introduction In this assignment, the explanation of the macroeconomic and microeconomic environment will be happen with the aid of examples. Once this has been completed, a critical analysis of how the economic environment in recent years has affected Hampshire fire and rescue service will be made. Main Body The Macroeconomic environment The Macroeconomic environment is an examination of the economy. The macroeconomic environment is an important one because the analysis compiled enables a business to investigate an economy and see what trends are occurring. For instance, if the economy has grown since the last analysis or shrunk. The difference between the increase and decrease of the economy is important because the retailer has no control over how the economy grows or shrinks. There are also certain influences which will affect the macroeconomics; these are...
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... Proffecer name: Pudasaini Assignment Number: 1 Submitted by: Rajendra Sondarva Date: 07/22/2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 01 ABSTRACT ...................................................................................02 ASSIGNMENT ...................................................................................03 REFERENCE ...................................................................................08 INRODUCTION 1] Description managerial economics relies on microeconomics and industrial organization to analyze business practices and design business strategies 2] Description the difference between price-taking and price-setting firms. ABSTRACT Overview of industrial organisation and micro economics related to managerial economics and difference between price taking and price setting. ASSIGNMENT 1. Why managerial economics relies on microeconomics and industrial organization? Answer: The new managerial economics design...
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...ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD (Department of Economics) WARNING 1. PLAGIARISM OR HIRING OF GHOST WRITER(S) FOR SOLVING THE ASSIGNMENT(S) WILL DEBAR THE STUDENT FROM AWARD OF DEGREE/CERTIFICATE, IF FOUND AT ANY STAGE. 2. SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS BORROWED OR STOLEN FROM OTHER(S) AS ONE’S OWN WILL BE PENALIZED AS DEFINED IN “AIOU PLAGIARISM POLICY”. Course: Introduction to Micro Economics (801) Semester: Autumn, 2010 Total Marks: 100 Level: M.Sc Economics Pass Marks: 40 ASSIGNMENT No. 1 (Units 1–5) Q.1 How is the Microeconomics different from macroeconomics? Discuss also the subject matter of microeconomics in detail. (20) Q.2 Compare the consumer behavior under Cardinalist and Ordinalist school of thought. (20) Q.3 What is meant by elastic demand and inelastic demand? Write the formulas for point elasticity and arc- elasticity. How can elasticity at a point along a linear demand curve can be determined by inspection? (20) Q.4 Explain long-run laws of return to scale in detail. (20) Q.5 Explain the statement “that the shape of cost curve plays an important role in decision making”. (20) ASSIGNMENT No. 2 (Units 6–9) Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 40 Q.1 Explain short run and long run equilibrium of a firm in a perfect competitive market? (20) Q.2 How price discrimination exists and which are the necessary conditions, must be fulfilled for its implementation? (20) Q.3 Determine the equilibrium price and output when a monopolist...
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...Professor Owen R. Phillips University of Wyoming Ross Hall 124 COURSE SYLLABUS FOR INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS 4020 Course Description and Prerequisites Economics is broadly defined as a way of thinking about problems of allocation. This course entails the use of intermediate microeconomic theory in the analysis of problems facing decision-makers, not only in business, but also in government and other nonprofit organizations. Intermediate microeconomic theory can be described as the theory of choice. It has application to all decision problems. Specific theoretic tools are developed and applied to real world settings in order to illustrate optimal decision guidelines. The prerequisites for this course are a beginning economics class in microeconomics and a basic understanding of algebra and geometry. Required Textbook Required: Pindyck, Robert S. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L., Microeconomics, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1995, ISBN 0-02-395900-2. Determining Your Grade During the course there are two “midterm” examinations. At the end of the course there is a comprehensive final examination; in the final exam there is some emphasis on the material following the second examination. All of the exams consist of multiple choice questions. Questions will be of a problem-solving nature much like those assigned in the homework. The homework questions are excellent preparation for the examinations. Answers to many of these questions are worked in the...
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...ssignment 1A (100 marks total) Assignment 1 should be submitted after you have completed Units 1 through 5 (Chapters 1 to 12). It is worth 10% of your final grade. Insert your answer to each question below the question. Show your calculations. None of the assignment questions require you to provide a graph. 1. Identify each of the following topics as being part of microeconomics or macroeconomics. (5 marks) a. the impact of a change in consumer income on the purchase of luxury automobiles Microeconomics b. the effect of a change in the price of Coke on the purchase of Pepsi Microeconomics the impact of a war in the Middle East on the rate of inflation in Canada Macroeconomics c. the effect of pollution taxes on the Canadian copper industry Microeconomics d. the effect of a balanced-budget policy on economic stability Macroeconomics All correct 5 marks 2. Which of the following statements are positive and which are normative? (4 marks) a. There is a tradeoff between inflation and unemployment in the short run. Positive b. If consumer income increases, other things equal, the demand for automobiles will increase. Positive c. Canadian workers deserve more liberal unemployment benefits. Normative d. If interest rates increase, investment will decrease. Positive All correct 4 marks 3. a. Explain the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage. Which is more important in determining trade patterns and why? ...
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...Subject Code: IMT-17 Subject Name : INTERNATIONAL Notes: a. b. c. d. Write answers in your own words as far as possible and refrain from copying from the text books/handouts. Answers of Ist Set (Part-A), IInd Set (Part-B), IIIrd Set (Part – C) and Set-IV (Case Study) must be sent together. Mail the answer sheets alongwith the copy of assignments for evaluation & return. Only hand written assignments shall be accepted. 5 Questions, each question carries 1 marks. 5 Questions, each question carries 1 marks. 5 Questions, each question carries 1 marks. Confine your answers to 150 to 200 Words. Two Case Studies : 5 Marks. Each case study carries 2.5 marks. MARKETING A. First Set of Assignments: B. Second Set of Assignments: C. Third Set of Assignments: D. Forth Set of Assignments: Objective: 1. To give an overview of the scenario on international marketing which offer unlimited opportunities to the organization 2. To equip students with the understanding of environments with capability to develop products and other marking mix elements to develop effective market plan. 3. To imbibe an outlook to win world markets Contents GLOBALIZATION: THOUGHTS AND PROCESS For and Against Globalization; Determinants of Global Trade; Global Trade Dynamics; Global Trade and Economy Flows During -; International Competition; Outgrowth of New Markets; Defining Concepts of Global Trade; Drivers of Globalization;Organizing Global Marketing; Global Local Marketing; Objectives of Global Marketing...
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...Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management SYLLABUS and ASSIGNMENTS International Business Strategy INTL 460 SECTIONS 61 and 81 Fall 2008 Professor Daniel F. Spulber Office 606 Leverone 491-8675 E-mail: jems@kellogg.northwestern.edu International Business Strategy Course Description The course defines the objectives and strategies of international business. The course emphasizes economic analysis of international business strategy formulation. Topics covered include gains from trade, costs of trade, and the competitive strategy of the international business. The course considers alternative modes of market entry, including import and export through intermediaries, contracting with suppliers and distributors, strategic alliances and foreign direct investment (FDI). Case studies are used to illustrate the basic principles of multinational business management and strategy. The course introduces the “Strategy Star” analysis. The first week of the course is dedicated to introducing international business strategy and providing a review of the micro-economics concepts that will be employed during the course. The course then introduces the concept of the ‘Global Value Connection.” This concept is used to develop global competitive strategies that depend on doing business between countries. Weeks 2 and 3 present strategies for providing global added value. The course highlights the economic aspects of gains and costs of trade that are relevant...
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