Premium Essay

Midnight in the Cemetery


Submitted By sigga77
Words 4737
Pages 19
Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.
Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers.
Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.
They say dating is a numbers game... so can I get your number?
Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?
Is your daddy a Baker? Because you've got a nice set of buns!
Did you invent the airplane? Cause you seem Wright for me.
If I were a stop light, I'd turn red everytime you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer.
I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.
I thought happiness started with an H. Why does mine start with U?
I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?
Hey baby, you must be a light switch, cuz every time I see you, you turn me on!
Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.
For a moment I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Now I see that I am very much alive, and heaven has been brought to me.
Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.
Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.
Do you have a map? I'm getting lost in your eyes.
I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?
Are you an orphanage? Cause I wanna give you kids.
I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on.
I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. I wouldn't forget a pretty face like that.
My buddies bet me that I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the bar. Wanna buy some drinks with their money?
Are you a fruit, because Honeydew you know how fine you look right now?
Does your left eye hurt? Because you've been looking right all day.
I will stop loving you when an apple grows from a mango tree

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