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Creative Writing: Steve Robinson's Stereotypes

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Steve Robinson couldn’t sleep in his massive la mansion tonight. As much as he was getting restless in his bed, still relentlessly trying to sleep, he couldn't find the relaxing spot that could make him doze off. At last, he woke up, dragged himself down from the bed with a grunt; his naked body covered with a silk robe. He looked behind on the four naked women piled on his bed. He was so intoxicated last night that he couldn't even remember if he had sex last night or the women pleasured each other.
He looked at his 27 years old self in the mirror.
‘Dudley - The Dong’, he said with a phony excitement, followed by a long sigh. He looked at the clock on his dresser; it was the stroke of midnight.
“Happy Birthday, Carol,” he greeted while lightning …show more content…
He was a multimillionaire soon to touch the billion-dollar mark. After jumping from orphanage to orphanage, he landed himself in New Jersey where he fell in love with Carol. He was determined to give a life of luxury to Carol. So, he did what any decent looking guy will do. After graduation, he moved to LA to be an actor with a chance rate of one in a million. He was not that lucky. Except for a few print ads, he couldn't land any decent job. He was barely surviving in LA and was brutally defeated by the Hollywood industry. He was eventually discovered in a café, not for his acting skills but the talent he carried in his nether region, by one look at his crotch by Suzie Q. Most men in the world know her; she was the most talented actress in the adult industry. She offered him the chance to star in ‘Dudley - The Dong’ alongside her. With nothing going in his life and six month rent overdue, he accepted the offer which earned him a decent thousand bucks, a good deal for a new …show more content…
He considered it to be a stepping stone to the main cinema, but realized that he was wrong, later in his life. His first adult film was a blockbuster with over two million downloads worldwide. With growing popularity of ‘Dudley- The Dong’, a sequel was made and soon it became a franchise. It turned out to be a cult classic that made it possible for Steve to buy his first home in LA suburbs. Suzie Q and he starred in many adult films together and became close friends in no time. He was heartbroken when Suzie was found dead in his apartment due to drug overdose. He didn't leave his home for many days after Suzie’s death. He didn't go to her funeral even; he was too stressed to get out of bed. When he eventually came to his senses after few days, he visited Suzie’s grave to bid goodbye. He also apologized for not attending her funeral. He had now decided to leave LA, but his life took an unexpected turn when he stopped at a cafe on the way over from cemetery; he met Jack Gannon there. Jack was a failed perverted director. He once directed a family drama film which he turned into a soft-core porn. American audience though loves glamour and nudity in films, but it had broken all level of vulgarity. It was a disaster that lost studio millions of dollars. He was thrown away from the studio and its executives ensured that he would never work in Hollywood again. He was soon on the streets, unable to find any work. He once got a

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