...Mid Term Case Study: Case 16 – Midwestern Contemporary Art Proc 5840 P T Barnum September 25, 2013 Introduction This case begins with a couple named Peter and Catherine Smith. The Smith’s began collecting art in the late 1960’s after Catherine had an unexpected recovery from cerebral vascular spasms because it was one of Catherine’s life- long dreams. By June of 1981, the Smith’s art collection had grown so much that they were contacted by the MCA and Peter was invited to be a member of the board of trustees. In order to be a member of the board, you are asked to donate $10,000.00 to the MCA. Peter was elected to be the chairman of the board by 1989. The MCA is a foundation that specializes in contemporary art and strives to be a place where the public can directly experience the work and ideas of living artists as well as understand the historical, social and cultural context of the art of our time. They blend exhibitions, performances, collections, and educational programs for visitors. They strive to attract a broad and diverse audience in order to create a sense of community through art. Peter joined the board with the intent to attract more artists and a broader audience. He planned to reach this goal by donating more money in order to build a bigger establishment for the MCA. Keith Schmidt was then hired as the MCA’s executive director at the beginning of 1989, at the same time Peter was elected as chairman of the board. Schmidt had experience as a director...
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...them easily with indirect event like presenting them as honor guests. I think she has right position and power to reverse this resentment. After inviting them to the, they may negotiate, or get help but she didn’t choose this way. One of the ways the reach to agreement is determining who is right. In some situation rights are obvious, like the rules or laws show us directly who is right, but rights are rarely clear and situations are usually hard to standardize. To solve this dispute we can get third parties to involve this, for example; public adjudication, arbitrators. She wants to take a legal action against him but I think Fisher was not aware of other similar cases in the history much, because the exception of Philadelphia Museum of Art case was not involved such a large amount of money. Another way to resolve dispute is based on power. Common two forms of power in business are aggression, such as sabotage or physical attack and deprive the benefits for example withholding labor in strike. Whoever is more dependent has less power. Conversely whoever is more independent has more power. As we know the MCA needed some fund from his pledge to finish new building construction or not to go with...
Words: 2010 - Pages: 9
...IMPACT OF MEDIA ON SOCIETY Media has continuously pervaded and defined society and has advanced with technology. The traditional forms of media propagation including television, newspapers, posters and mail remain as efficient as before the introduction of newer methods. Email, websites, e-zines and social online media have replaced expensive media production such as magazines and photographic paper. Media imparts and shapes society’s opinion on the subjects of politics, business, culture and sports. It reflects on the freedom of speech and freedom of expression within a country. The positive aspects of free media far outweigh the negative effects that may occur. In the case of internet based media, control is difficult. Control of the Internet has however been imposed in China. Media has the ability to bring relief to disaster prone areas while at the same time it may be responsible for nurturing prejudice against certain regions. For example, the perception that Africa is an extremely underdeveloped region although it is actually bustling with megacities. In the world of social media, gossip columns have the potential to ruin lives of individuals or boost their popularity. Advertising through modern media has led to the rise of fortune 500 companies. It has been argued that media has resulted in a generation of couch potatoes who rarely engage in outdoor activities. It has become rarer to find someone who has good handwriting since typing is now the preferred skill...
Words: 375 - Pages: 2
...At this day and change of time in a globally subjective, socially varied, and technologically progressing world, contemporary artists stretch their boundaries. By this means artists voice their opinions and views through art, to the wide-ranging and fast moving social backdrop of individualities, morals and politics. A good amount of portion of contemporary art today is more likely to definite a specific thought or emotion than a distinct scene or description. Whereas, this again involves the view to anticipate it, and discover their personal importance within the art, and within among themselves. There are many successful and popular contemporary artists among the world right now, where they tend to produce thousands of art pieces for many...
Words: 2007 - Pages: 9
...Art101 Assignment 8.1: Discussion on Contemporary Art Trends (Manjares) What trends do you see in art today? Have you found art that is being produced currently that speaks to your experience? Have you found art that has engaged, informed, and changed your view? The 21st century has witnessed the growth of many technological innovations that affect everyday life, such as the Internet and satellite systems. Satart is a new type of art that is done by a satellite. There is no brush or stroke done in this type of art. I think this is a wonderful way to capture art from all around the globe. At first I thought that art was just as boring as when you watch a move that had no action, but know that I have done this course I have found that art is interesting and fun to know about. As you explore for the facts it is like building a puzzle every piece helps you understand and to appreciate art. After this course I have changed the way I see art. Now I can see what the artist felt and what he was trying to express with the colors and lines. It has made me look at art in a different way like when I see a painting I like it seems to talk to me and I reflect myself in it. I have enjoyed this course as well as all of my fellow peers. Thanks everyone I have had lots of fun!...
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...in journalism and my passion for art, it was only a matter of time before I stumbled upon Emory Douglas, the revolutionary artist. He was born in 1943 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and has been a resident of California since 1951. He became the Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party in 1967, a role he held until the party disbanded in the early 1980s. During the Party’s active years he served as the art director overseeing the design and layout of the Black Panther, the Party’s weekly newspaper. Douglas's artistic talents and experience proved a powerful combination: his striking collages of photographs and his own drawings combined to create some of the era's most iconic images, like that of Newton with his signature beret and large gun set against a background of a blood-red star, which could be found blanketing neighborhoods during the 12 years the paper existed. The Black Panther Party newspaper covers were bold and graphic, using just black and one color, and either illustrated by Douglas himself or with high-contrast photographs. Douglas was trained as a commercial artist at City College of San Francisco and has been the subject of several solo exhibitions. His work has also been in numerous exhibitions about the history of the Black Panther Party, including shows at the Arts & Culture Conference of the Black Panther Party in Atlanta, GA in 2008 and “The Black Panther Rank and File” at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco in 2006. Most recently...
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...Media has continuously pervaded and defined society and has advanced with technology. The traditional forms of media propagation including television, newspapers, posters and mail remain as efficient as before the introduction of newer methods. Email, websites, e-zines and social online media have replaced expensive media production such as magazines and photographic paper. Media imparts and shapes society’s opinion on the subjects of politics, business, culture and sports. It reflects on the freedom of speech and freedom of expression within a country. The positive aspects of free media far outweigh the negative effects that may occur. In the case of internet based media, control is difficult. Control of the Internet has however been imposed in China. Media has the ability to bring relief to disaster prone areas while at the same time it may be responsible for nurturing prejudice against certain regions. For example, the perception that Africa is an extremely underdeveloped region although it is actually bustling with megacities. In the world of social media, gossip columns have the potential to ruin lives of individuals or boost their popularity. Advertising through modern media has led to the rise of fortune 500 companies. It has been argued that media has resulted in a generation of couch potatoes who rarely engage in outdoor activities. It has become rarer to find someone who has good handwriting since typing is now the preferred skill. Conversely, media has brought...
Words: 370 - Pages: 2
...According to Oxford Art Online, the Simultaneous explosions of the Australian art market in the 1990s, gained international recognition for Aboriginal Art that emerged into the contemporary Aboriginal art that appealed to White Australia's conflicting a desire for cultural reconciliation. The recognition of artistic production in Aboriginal communities across Australia enabled artists to explore themes of cultural alienation. The first wave of contemporary Aboriginal painters including Clifford Possum, Rover Thomas, Paddy Bedford and Emily Kame Kngwarreye, utilized repertoires of dots, blocks of color, with stimulating negative spaces or gestural brushstrokes to evoke the sense of a sacred, collective 'knowledge'. Collectors and museums began to actively collect contemporary Aboriginal works, whose conceptual paintings reinterpreted Australian colonial history. Our Guarantee To You No Quibble Money Back Guarantee! We are so confident in our ability to produce top level academic work that we are prepared to back it with a "No Quibble, Money Back" guarantee! Guarantee Information Essay Writing Service Today Aboriginal Australians are producing art in the remote regions where artists continue to explore their connections with their ancestral land and traditions of ground designs, body art, painted canvases, and bark paintings using contemporary materials. The practice of art is seen differently by indigenous art-makers than their contemporary artist counterparts;...
Words: 858 - Pages: 4
...Name of Student: Name of Professor: Course Code: Date: Contemporary Art Thesis statement An analysis of contemporary artwork reveals that there is a strong relationship between contemporary art and everyday life as artists can use them for environmental and political activities. Introduction One question that most people usually ask themselves when asked about the history of arts is whether art can have a history. Yes, art has a long history, older than most if not all individuals currently living on earth. Most people think of it as being timeless because art has remained beautiful and attractive since the Old Stone Age. Individuals enjoy looking at arts for its own sake not knowing that they may have a significant meaning and the knowledge of its context inasmuch as viewers from different generations and cultures may see same artworks and interpret them differently from the previous generations. Most of the art works we see around originate from things of the past. Rarely does an artist come up with an imaginary art from vacuum (Art History, par 1). Most of them usually refer their arts by critiquing the outmoded models, borrowing some traditional techniques and methods, researching the old and forgotten stories as well as building on some timeless themes to enable them obtain new ideas (Par 3). It is very important for us to understand the historical precedent as it guides artists in obtaining context since art began from the caves by the Old Stone Age Homo sapiens....
Words: 1960 - Pages: 8
...VCS265 Contemporary Arts and Design In Malaysia Anthony Lau PREPARED FOR: MDM. MARIAM BINTI MARIAM LECTURER DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL STUDY PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD ASHFAN MAZLAN 2014209874 MUHAMAD IHSAN BIN ZULKIFLI 2014292284 MOHAMAD TAUFIQ BIN AHMAD RODZI 2014644326 DATE OF SUBMISSION: 26 AUGUST 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In performing our assignment, we had to take the help and guideline of some respected persons, who deserve our greatest gratitude. The completion of this assignment gives us much pleasure. We would like to show our gratitude to Madam Mariam Binti Idris, VCS128, Universiti Teknologi MARA, for giving us a good guideline for assignment throughout numerous consultations. We would also like to expand our deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided us in writing this assignment. Many people, especially our coursemates and team members itself, have made valuable comment suggestions on this proposal which gave us an inspiration to improve our assignment. We thank all the people for their help, directly and indirectly, to complete our assignment. ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to figure about the Malaysian Contemporary Art. The main idea of this research is to know more about Contemporary Art in Malaysia by researching a Malaysian artist. Contemporary art in Malaysia is diversed and also beautiful. There are things that is useful to search and learn for. The artist that we researched on is Anthony Lau...
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...Syllabus ARH 4470/5482 Contemporary Art Spring 2013 Tuesday and Thursday 2:00-3:15pm Chemistry and Physics, Room 197 Instructor: Dr. Alpesh Kantilal Patel Assistant Professor, Department of Art + Art History Director, Master of Fine Arts Program in Visual Arts Contact information for instructor: Department of Art + Art History MM Campus, VH 235 Preferred mode of contact: alpesh.patel@fiu.edu Office hours: By appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays (preferably after class). Course description: This course examines major artists, artworks, and movements after World War II; as well as broader visual culture—everything from music videos and print advertisements to propaganda and photojournalism—especially as the difference between ‘art’ and non-art increasingly becomes blurred and the objectivity of aesthetics is called into question. Movements studied include Abstract Expressionism, Pop, and Minimalism in the 1950s and 1960s; Post-Minimalism/Process Art, and Land art in the late 1960s and 1970s; Pastiche/Appropriation and rise of interest in “identity” in the 1980s; and the emergence of Post-Identity, Relational Art and Internet/New Media art in the 1990s/post-2000 period. We will focus primarily on artistic production in the US, but we will also be looking at art from Europe, South and East Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Emphasis will be placed on examining artworks and broader visual culture through the lens of a variety of different contextual frameworks:...
Words: 4237 - Pages: 17
...Museum of Egyptian Modern Art The Museum of Modern Egyptian Art is considered one the most important and famous art galleries for modern and contemporary art in Egypt, located in the opera House in zamalek. This essay shows how this art gallery has successfully promoted art in Egypt and attracts artists and non-artists. The gallery holds hundreds of different artwork pieces from late centuries up till now, which make people still enjoying going to this valuable museum either an artist or non artist one. The museum is well organized, with many collections and you can find all the services and information needed, and some issues need to be improved The museum of modern art gallery is a very calm and organized place, it is a great experience to visit it and to know about Egyptian modern art and great artists .The museum is surrounded by green gardens containing some statues in the front side, you will walk through the walkways until you reach the tickets booth where you can purchase your tickets, its inexpensive which encourage more visitors to go and affordable by everyone even non artists ones. After entering the museum from the main entrance you will be able to see the whole building from inside, the ground, first and second floors, you will be impressed by its size and the amount of pieces it holds. On the left hand you will notice a big map and information about the museum and how everything is located and organized in it and how the museum...
Words: 388 - Pages: 2
...London art fair on 16 October 2013. Photograh: Oli Scarff/Getty Images I was one of those idiots who passed by the Banksy stall in Central Park last weekend. Like everyone else, I presumed the look-a-like canvasses to be fakes. At $60 a pop, how could they be otherwise? Except they weren't. It was another one of those now-you-see-me-now-you-don't Banksy tricks. Had I known better, I would have been thousands of dollars up. And that, I suppose, was Banksy's point: modern art is all about the dollars, something to discuss seriously with your financial adviser. I wasn't kicking myself because I missed out on an affordable Banksy. I was kicking myself because I missed out on a whopping profit. And seeing all those flash silver cars from Frieze art fair chauffeuring VIPs around London to yet another champagne reception, one can readily see his point. Contemporary art has become the purest expression of modern capitalism, embodying that irritating amoral dictum: something is worth what someone is prepared to pay for it. Over at Tate Britain, they are staging an exhibition of British iconoclasm. Beginning at the Reformation, the exhibition tells the story of art under attack, of smashed statues and defaced paintings. Originally, of course, iconoclasm was a religious phenomenon. Abraham's father, Terah, was an idol-maker from Ur. One day Terah left the young Abraham in charge of his shop, whereupon he smashed all the idols with a stick. "It was terrible," Abraham explained to his father...
Words: 639 - Pages: 3
...Art Appreciation HUMA205 Individual Project Unit 1 Abstract In this paper there will be two more definitions for the word ART by using a reliable source from the internet. There should be proper quote and citing of these definitions. After that process is complete there will be a search in the internet and find one specific example of each eight (printing, sculpture, architecture, photography, print making, conceptual art, installation art, and performance art) types of art. The examples should establish artists and /or from the museum collections online. After that there will be description of the art and explanation of why the example that was present to exemplify the definitions of the word ART. Use critical thinking to evaluate the question for each example. According to Oxford Dictionary, “Art is the expression or application of human creative still and imagination, typically in a usual form such as painting or sculpture.” (Oxford University Press, 2013) American Heritage Dictionary status, “Art is a human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.” ( American Heritage Dictionary, 2000) Dictionary.com says, “Art is the production of something beautiful or extraordinary.” (Dictionary.com, 2011) Painting There’s a painting by Norman Rockwell. The painting appeared on the cover of an magazine around 1913. Rockwell was youn boy were the painting was published. There is...
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...arranging of objects, he has recently created many amazing and creative public sculptures. Most of his large installations of sculptures are made from things found trashed in the street. He received a Bachelor of Arts from University of Wisconsin in 1970, and a Master of Fine Arts from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan in 1973. From 1973 to 1977 he was Assistant Professor of Art at The University of Oklahoma in Tulsa. In 1979 he started working with his Museum of Modern Art installation Gathering Dust. Here he created thousands of tiny sculptures pinned to the walls. His work has been displayed in galleries and museums around the world. Donald Lipski is in the permanent collections of many museums, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Whitney, The Menil Collection, The Chicago Art Institute and many more. In 2000, Lipski won the Rome Prize from the American Academy in Rome. Each year, the Rome Prize is awarded to thirty emerging artists and scholars in the early or middle stages of their careers that represent the highest standard of excellence in the arts and humanities. He is also the winner of many other awards and honors, including The Guggenheim Fellowship, National Endowment for the Arts Awards, and The Academy Award of the American Academy of Arts & Letters. Donald Lipski is represented by Galerie Lelong in New York City. His public projects have been both amazingly popular with the public and gained others artists attention. Another amazing well...
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