|Project: Customer Response System |Project Manager: Bill Venkman |
|Created by: Kin Cheung |Last Updated by: Kin Cheung |
|Date Created: 8/23/2014 |Date Last Updated: 8/23/2014 |
|Problem or Opportunity |Causes and Effects |System Objective |System Constraint |
|The current system does not provide good service|Cause (s): |Create a system that will record employee |Computer hardware must be purchased and network |
|to users who submit check-in and check-out |Caused by using independent and manual systems. |information and equipment they’re checking in or |established to support new system. |
|equipment as there tends to be a rush during the|Effect(s): |out. |System must be able to process data for multiple |
|start and end of every shift. |Long delays, which leads to employees clocking | |scenarios. |
| |in early and clocking out later, resulting | |System must easily identify and record employee |
| |massive overtime paid. | |information. |
| |Dissatisfied employees | |System must be secured to prevent unauthorized |
| | | |data modifications. |
|The current system does not accurately track |Cause (s): |Keep equipment information up-to-date by |Data is currently on paperwork. |
|equipment location / status, leading to |Caused my manual entry, and no existing database|integrating it into the new system. |System should import existing data from |
|unnecessary or excessive purchases of additional|system, so inquiries / reports cannot be |New system will also maintain employment status |spreadsheets as a starting point. |
|equipment. |performed to reveal equipment status. |for each employee to identify what equipment |System must be secured to prevent unauthorized |
| |Effect(s): |needs to be returned to the depot. |data modifications. |
| |Unclear amount of equipment are actually in | | |
| |inventory | | |
| |Unclear of which employee are responsible for | | |
| |the lost or found equipment | | |
|The proposed system would provide various |Cause (s): |A system report should be able to send automatic |System must be secured to prevent unauthorized |
|reports and automatic notifications which | |notifications to supervisors on purchase order |data modifications. |
|include: purchase order status, including |Effect(s): |receipts and upon request provide reports on | |
|receipt notifications, and reports on damaged / |The effect would be better management |damaged / lost equipment. | |
|lost equipment per employee. |decision-making and cost reduction. | | |
| |Description |
|1 |Equipment check- in and check –out. |
|2 |Maintain and update employee maintenance records as their ID, name, skill classifications, building they are assigned to, |
| |supervisor, and other details. |
|3 |Track equipment when notices of termination are sent to the depot staff: if employee quits, they are to check-in equipment at the end of the day, and if they are fired supervisor is |
| |responsible in getting the equipment and checking it in to the depot center. |
|4 |Purchasing equipment from equipmentdeals.com exclusive supplier for GB manufacturing. |
|5 |Order status reports with equipmentdeals.com. |
|6 |Receipt confirmation notices needs to be sent out to supervisor / employee. |
|7 |Record lost / damaged equipment costs by employee. |
Exhibit 3.1
Use the following narrative to construct the Context Data Flow Diagram for the Equipment Check-out System (ECS).
The purpose of the Equipment Check-out System (ECS) is to provide maintenance employees with the equipment needed to complete their maintenance jobs. Employees will occasionally request equipment check-outs. The Equipment Depot staff will maintain records of those check-outs and provide the employees with the appropriate equipment and an equipment check-out receipt. When employees have finished with the equipment, the employee must conduct an equipment check-in at the Equipment Depot. In response to the equipment check-in, the Equipment Depot staff will maintain records of the equipment check-in and provide the employee with an equipment check-in receipt. Occasionally, supervisors will make request an equipment purchase that results in the Equipment Depot staff needing purchase equipment through equipmentdeals.com. The supplier daily sends an electronic file showing the status of all orders, which will be imported into the system so that the Equipment Depot staff can field status requests from supervisors. When the Equipment Depot staff receives ordered equipment, they will use the packing slip to verify the shipment and notify the requesting supervisor of their availability. The Safety Committee will periodically submit a list of employee skill classifications that can safely check-out any piece of equipment. Supervisors will submit the skill classifications for each employee. Upon request the system will generate a report for supervisors listing employees having a history of excessive equipment losses or damage. Upon request the system will generate for employees a statement detailing what equipment they have checked out and are expected to have in their possession.