...by those who serve in the military, as illustrated in the video. | |The most common types of mental health problems experience by those who serve in the military, as illustrated in the video are | |post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), addiction, and paranoia. Each veteran/ enlisted man seemed to suffer one or all of these. They stated| |that what starts it all is losing fellow brothers and being able to basically unleash their beast. They go through so much and do not have | |to rein in their violent behaviors but then when they come home they are expected to instantly be around mass amounts of civilians and are | |expected to rein in those violent behaviors they haven’t had to worry about. So on top of trying to control all that they also have this | |raging paranoia inside them because they were train to think, if they are your bother (sister) they are against you, they are here to | |hurt/kill you, they were so use to staying vigilant and on guard that when they come home they do not know how to shut it off. Then when | |dealing with their ptsd and paranoia they feel that the only answer is drugs or alcohol and develop and addiction. | |What kinds of services are needed to address the mental health and other human services needs of our military? For each service you | |identify, indicate whether it best fits the medical, public health, or human services model, as described...
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...Spc1024 Biography Speech Outline Greg Plitt: The Fitness Model Genera Purpose: Is to educate those who does not know about the fitness community and how Greg Plitt life changed after he made his decision to move forward with the community of Modeling. Specific Purpose: Greg Plitt legacy it was to impact those who doubt them self and had no self confidence what's so ever, In fact Greg Plitt his legacy was so big that he influence the world by his presence and word of wisdom about life lessons. I. Introduction A. Opening statement: Greg Plitt is known in the Fitness Industry but Greg has other roles that he played such as a motivational Speaker around the world and a Actor. B. Topic Introduction: Greg Plitt it's a Professional Fitness Model, who dedicate himself to fitness and health and to motivate others who have not found their way. C. Topic Relevance or Importance: Greg Plitt Fame came about after he got out of the military he was in the United State Military Academy and became a Ranger for five years. After that he took on Fitness Modeling and for 5 years straight he broke the record by being on a Fitness Magazine Cover every month! But not only he was a Fitness Model he was also a actor, entrepreneur, and Motivational Speaker. Adding to that he became America 1st Male Fitness Model. D. Thesis: We are going to be talking about how did Geg Plitt grew up with and where, how did he became a model and acting career, what was his achievements and how he...
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...and motivation theories as it relates to the Army. The Army’s organizational structure can be complex to those who aren’t familiar with the military. The Army consists of numbered armies, corps, divisions, brigades, and battalions that conduct full spectrum operations around the world.” (Department of Defense 2012). Those units report to the Department of Defense through a chain of command. The units within the Army have front line managers (Troop Commanders), middle managers (Division Commanders), and top managers (Commanding Generals). These managerial levels are comprised of Army officers. The enlisted leadership is comprised of line managers and staff managers. The President is the Commander-and-Chief of the armed forces, otherwise known as the President. His top-level management team consists of the Vice-President, the Chief of Staff, and the Secretary of Defense. The Army is a mechanistic organization combined with a Professional Bureaucracy structure and a Matrix Departmentalization strategy. Professional Bureaucracy applies to the Army in respect that it relies on soldiers and leaders to be proficient in their profession. The rules and procedures are governed and outlined in Army regulations. There are regulations for every area associated with the Army from: military occupation specialty (MOS), every military...
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...Background Summary The United States (US) military has a rich history, which has paved the way for civilian societal advancements. Development of the military has a span of over two centuries starting with the creation of the Continental Army in 1775 under the command of General George Washington to what is now a current day War on Terrorism where specialized branches of the military are divided into subcultures that include the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Notable leaders include General Colin Powell, an American-Statesman and retired four Star General in the United States Army who is considered one of the most popular and admired leaders in America. Douglas MacArthur, an autocratic leader who was an American 5...
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...Pass in review is a long-standing military tradition that began as a way for a newly assigned commander to inspect his troops. It dates back when George Washington was trying to form an Army and because of hardships, he needed help to bring it together as a unit, to fight together and not individually. He enlisted a Prussian officer Baron Von Steuben. It’s a tradition dating back to when Baron von Steuben arrived at Valley Forge and reported to Washington during the American Revolution in 1778. Von Steuben’s training technique was to create a “model company” and one of the ways he did this was through drill and ceremony, which is still being used to this day. He...
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...Part 1 Abstract Physical fitness is a mandatory requirement by all military personnel. This enables the soldiers maneuver through their daily endeavors of protecting a nation. The nature of the job on the contrary places soldiers at the risk of injuries some of which may materialize at the most unwarranted moments. The military therefore require a highly mechanized medical service, one that secures quality (Patrick,1998). Quality in the provision of medical services encompasses a number of factors key among which is accuracy in diagnosis, treatment and drug prescription. Additionally, data in the medical spheres require secure and integral storage. Most of the diagnoses especially those associated with terminal recurrent illnesses depend largely on the patient history. All the patient details therefore require a secure database and an appropriate filing mechanism. Initially, all these activities were performed manually or mechanically with the medical system relying on paper back files and manual diagnoses. These had a number of pitfalls given the dynamic nature of military operations. Soldiers keep moving from place to place depending on the security needs of the country and they will always need to have their medical services with them. Mechanical administration becomes cumbersome in such conditions with portage prove difficult. It also becomes difficult to keep a sequential filing system for references (Marion, Ball & Joan, 2004). Technological developments...
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...Would the reinstitution of the draft end the fake adoration of the military members? If there is a draft then they would all have to work for their heroic title. Being in the military is a job, therefore, the word soldier would regain its meaning that has been lost over the years. Not all veterans want to be praised or labeled because doing so separates them from everyone else. Harry Hershey says that the only way to solve problems would be to inducing the draft. The authors Andrew Bacevich, William Deresiewicz, and Clay Bonnyman Evans also have similar views and agree that instating the draft would be helpful. I say to avoid the separation of veterans from society we should reinstitute the draft. The author of “Today’s Soldiers are Proud...
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... Business Proposal for online expansion – Food Corps In a small town in North Carolina, the United States Marine Corps combat force is training for an upcoming combat mission to Iraq. With the Marine Corps standard of not allowing service members to shop outside of the military base while in uniform, several service members are faced with a dilemma. The options of finding a nutritious meal are limited to local takeout or the not so nutritious military meals ready to eat (Survival Acres, 2014). As a solution to the problem, a young Marine Sergeant pulls out the business flyer he received in the mail from a local business. The flyer provided a solution to many of the Marine’s meal problems. The business was offering to pick up meals from any local dining establishment while only charging a small fee that was close to what a tip would be at many of those establishments. The service member placed the call, Food Corps arrived within the hour delivering over twenty meals and the rest was history. Developed in 2008, Food Corps has proudly served the needs of America’s heroes in their time of need. Food Corps helps feed the United States Military and emergency response personnel by helping the hero find the food they want and delivering it to them when they need it most. Food Corps has partnered with restaurant establishments in the vicinity of emergency response personnel to ensure the prompt delivery of essential nutrients. Food Corps was...
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...detrimental. The level of withdrawal required could be viewed as the United States is abandoning its allies and with it destroying our credibility. A move to an over-the-horizon balancer may be a better alternative type of concert-balance strategy with today’s world political landscape. The growing multipolarity of the world political entities has to be taken into consideration in a shift in America’s strategic posture. The continued economic and military growth in China, the military reemergence of Russia and continual posturing of Iran helps advance the argument for a shift to a concert-balance strategy, with an emphasis on an over-the-horizon form. Countries like Germany, India, and Japan should be leveraged to allow them to emerge as regional balancers. Furthering these alliances regionally would allow the United States to maintain its strategic position and to balance while reducing its footprint.2 Further, support for this shift in strategy is the mounting debt of the United States and the current restructuring of our military more specifically our Army. As our national debt continues to grow and the constraints on our military’s resources mount, a change in strategy is paramount....
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...proud military career and optimistically open a new chapter within a Department of Defense (DoD) Civil Service Agency or US Government Contract Agency. In preparation of this juncture, I feel to achieve an MBA will complement my global experience and bring all my technical, leadership, and management expertise together in a more lucrative upper management role. Start a New Career For most starting a new career can be a bit scary. Fortunately for those of us with a great deal of longevity in the military the ability to step ahead in the interview line is greater than those who have not served in the US Armed Forces. Many employers realize veterans bring a lot of value to their table, such as; accelerated learning curve, leadership, teamwork, diversity and inclusion in action, efficient performance under pressure, respect for procedures, international and technical trends, integrity, conscious of health and safety standards, and triumph over adversity (Veterans Today, 2010). Veterans also bring life experiences which only the military can bestow, soft-skills that unite individuals of all incomes, race, and nationalities, changing their fellow coworkers into a model of integrity, discipline and creativity. However, these fine qualities and characteristics woven into every veteran is fine for entry level positions or perhaps middle management, but achieving a foot in the door for upper management will require an MBA. Besides my extensive background with the military, there...
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...field opposed to leaving this career. I like working in the logistical field because the economy needs logistics. The employment opportunities in the logistic field are widespread throughout the country and world. I have eleven years of experience in logistics; so I have knowledge advantage. When I earn my Bachelors degree, it will support and strengthen my logistical experience. For logistics I should continue to pursue a logistic career because the economy relies on logistics. The economy functions on supply and demand. Companies distribute and receive supplies to supply the economy of what it demands. It does not matter what type of business it is: military, agriculture, industrial, manufacturing, human resources, or financial. The logistical behavior never changes. Every supply and demand business model is requisite of logistics. Logistics is the reason for economic growth and technological advances. If it weren’t for the increasing demand for logistics to supply the economy quickly, then it wouldn’t have stimulated the advancement of technology to do so. Michael Porter, a business strategist, inferred that the increased logistical demand made business subsequently competitive. The competition through logistics sparked the technological industry into innovative equipment. In turn, this stimulates new businesses to grow and provide new employment for logisticians (Sheffi, Y 2012). Employment growth Advanced technology allows businesses...
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...but rather to a crisis in an entire institution: America’s general officer corps. America’s generals have failed to prepare our armed forces for war and advise civilian authorities on the application of force to achieve the aims of policy. The argument that follows consists of three elements. First, generals have a responsibility to society to provide policymakers with a correct estimate of strategic probabilities. Second, America’s generals in Vietnam and Iraq failed to perform this responsibility. Third, remedying the crisis in American generalship requires the intervention of Congress. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF GENERALSHIP Armies do not fight wars; nations fight wars. War is not a military activity conducted by soldiers, but rather a social activity that involves entire nations. Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz noted that passion, probability and policy each play their role in war. Any understanding of war that ignores one of these elements is fundamentally flawed. The passion of the people is necessary to endure the sacrifices inherent in war. Regardless of the system of government, the people supply the blood and treasure required to prosecute war. The statesman must stir these passions to a level commensurate with the popular sacrifices required. When the ends of policy are small, the statesman can prosecute a conflict...
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...The Spartan constitution created by Lycurgus was a distinct way to run a society of people. “ This theory of government was adopted by Plato, Diogenes, Zeno and all those who are praised for their attempts to make some statement about these matters… (Plut. Lyc. 31).” When looking at Plato’s Republic there are many similarities to the unique Spartan city-state. Ideas that were similar included, elimination of wealth, the ideas about woman, children, and marriage, and the training for the military soldiers. Another aspect that could have aided Plato’s Republic from the Spartan society was the council of Elders that represented the people. This system would allow the people to become more involved in the government and create a more secure system of checks and balances. The similarities between the Spartan society and the Republic made Plato’s ideal city stronger because it allowed the people to be closer in equality then previous systems of government and because of the acceptance of their social classes. The elimination of wealth in the Spartan society was implemented in Plato’s Republic. Both government ideals about erasing currency, trade, and unnecessary luxuries from the societies, personified people as being more accepting of their social classes. The citizens would not flaunt their riches to others because they did not possess more then they needed to be happy within their social classes. “…they are only fed, and not paid in addition to their food, like other men: and therefore...
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...The Massachusetts 54th Volunteer Regiment was the first all African American infantry group enlisted into combat during the Civil War. Before 1863 black men were not allowed to enlist in the United States military. Although after the passing of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln granting African American men to join the Union forces thousands of black men came to the North ready of battle. The acceptance of black soldiers was very controversial, and caused many white northerners to question the capabilities of black soldiers. State governor John A. Andrew supported the idea of African American soldiers and appointed Robert Gould Shaw to lead the first official organised regiment of black soldiers. These men would later become a model for future black regiment and racial justice in the military. The Soldiers of the...
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...subdivided into several hundred local units, or so called "domains" controlled by local "daimyō" (lords,Japanese: 大名), each with his own force of samurai(Japanese: 侍) warriors.Tokugawa Ieyasu came to power in 1600, gave land to his supporters, and set up his "bakufu" (feudal government) at Edo (modern Tokyo). The "Tokugawa period" was prosperous and peaceful and Japan terminated the Christian missions and cut off almost all contact with the outside world. In the 1860s, the Meiji period began, and the new national leadership systematically ended feudalism and transformed an isolated, underdeveloped island country, into a world power that closely followed Western models. Democracy was problematic, because Japan's powerful military was semi-independent and overruled—or assassinated—civilians in the 1920s and 1930s. The military moved into China starting in 1931 and declared all-out war on China in 1937. Japan controlled the coast and major cities and set up puppet regimes, but was unable to defeat China. Its attack on Pearl Harbor...
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