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Millennials Dumbest Generation

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Pages 3
Millennials Are Not the Dumbest Generation

Many people refer to the Millennial generation as dumb, lazy, entitled, and having a poor work ethic. In reality, this generation is the most technology savvy and quick to learn. Millennials are far from dumb they are just misunderstood by older generations who were not fortunate enough to utilize the same tools and resources as the Millennials do.
Studies have shown that new information technology has improved the knowledge base of the Millennials, thus improving overall IQ scores. James R. Flynn discovered that IQ scores have increased generation after generation. According to Marcel Just of Carnegie Mellon University, “We are gradually changing from a nation of callused hands to a nation of agile brains.” For example, before the …show more content…
Andrea Lunsford believes we are in the midst of a literacy revolution and believes technology is reviving the ability to write. She found that young people today write far more than any generation before them, she contributes that to the increase of online socialization. Also, the toys today are made using modern technology and are able to increase the learning ability from ages as young as infants and toddlers. A survey conducted by Pew Research
Center, teachers found that technology is has become a helpful tool for teaching middle and high school students to write, as well as shaping student writing in many ways. While older generations may frown upon the increase of online socialization, such as the use of Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other social media sites, the Millennials are benefiting. If the older generations took the time to learn from the Millennials, they could also benefit from the use of new-age technology. After they get to know and understand the advantages, they would have a different perception and may be more supportive of

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