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Mill's On Liberty And Chapters On Socialism

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PIC – Reading – 11.12.17
Liberalism – Reading One
Mill, J.S. (2005), 'extracts from 'On Liberty' and Chapters on Socialism' in Festenstein, M., and Kenny, M. eds. (2005), Political Ideologies: a reader and guide. Oxford. OUP. Pp. 78-85.
1. What, according to Mill, is the sole justification for restricting individual liberty?
2. In what ways does Mill clarify this argument?
3. Summarise what Mill calls ‘the appropriate region of human liberty’.
4. How do Mill’s comments on the freedom of opinion relate to his comments on freedom of action?
1. A person’s individual liberty must only be restricted, against their will, “to prevent harm to others”. (Mill, 2005, p. 79) This is called the ‘Harm Principle’; an idea proposed …show more content…
Burke claims the leading principle is looking back on the past to help aid decision making and behavior control in the present. He continues, saying that the “temporary possessors and life-renters” in the commonwealth should be mindful of the society they inherited and the social conventions and traditions that come with it. (Festenstein and Kenny, 2005, p. 129)
2. The institutions and traditions created by by-gone generations would crumble and be destroyed for their own wealth and gratification. This would disallow a link between generations and burke argued that “Men would become little better than the flies of a summer.” (Festenstein and Kenny, 2005, p. 129)
3. The relationship between individuals and the state is very much a peternal one in the eyes of Burke. An individual must never wish to reform the state and should view its defects like the “wounds of a father, with pious awe and trembling solicitude.” (Festenstein and Kenny, 2005, p. 129). The individual should look at the state and its faults with the upmost respect and be wary of any change to the state that has been proposed.
4. Burke believed that “society is indeed a contract,” (Festenstein and Kenny, 2005, p. 130); one between individuals and society, a partnership that not between those alive, dead, and yet to be born. He goes on to say that whilst all states may have a form of

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