...Wellness Spas are everywhere. We are offering a spa that will reconnect your mind, body and soul. It will be a place of refuge and a safe haven to revive your energies, redirect your thoughts and actions in the aim of being whole again. We will offer you exotic services to help you attain this measure of revitalization and peace. Please take a few moments to answer a few questions below. 1) Do you take a few minutes each day to quiet your mind and breathe deeply? a. Yes b. No 2) Are you familiar with: Very Familiar Somewhat Familiar No c. Aromatherapy and its benefits d. Hot stone massage e. Oriental Foot Massage f. Acupuncture g. Thai Yoga Massage h. Yoga exercise i. Spa Parties j. How to change your nutrition habits 3) Which of these services are you most likely to choose? k. Aromatherapy - mixture of natural oils inhaled or rubbed into the body to bring about psychological or physical wellbeing. l. Hot stone massage – heated stones are placed at strategic points on your back and the stones warm and relax the muscles. It is believed to improve circulation and calm the nervous system. m. Oriental Foot Massage – a form of reflexology bringing healing through pressure points on sole and to of feet. n. Acupuncture – ancient Chinese healing through insertion of needle in certain points of the body. o. Thai Yoga Massage – being stretched by the massage therapist to...
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...Equine Assisted Therapy By: Ashley M. Lorenc An ancient Greek sage once said, "The outside of a horse is the best thing for the inside of man." Hippocrates echoed that sentiment when he spoke of "ride rhythm" (Bliss). I have found there is an unspoken magic that horses posses when it comes to healing human beings. This experience is something that could never be taught or reached in a “talk” therapy session. The primary objective of Equine Assisted Therapy at Helping Hands Therapeutic Riding Center is rehabilitation, but it is also there to provide mental, physical, and social stimulation. The children love coming out to ride. It is amazing seeing an unresponsive child get on a horse and 45 minutes later have a totally different personality. Some of the children are more challenging to work with than others. Their attention spans can be short so keeping them focused and entertained can be difficult. One patient we had was a girl about age 12. While on the horse she would talk in song, in a soft tone. She loved being on the horse. When the therapist would tell her left and right she would start to respond and move the reigns. Every child has their own personalities and their own needs. Each child is matched with a horse depending on those needs. This takes great patience for all the participants. Safety is essential. That is why I am there. I volunteer to walk next to the horse, to control the horse, and to monitor the rider through the lesson. The therapist...
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...Wellness Intervention for Older Adults with Chronic Illness NAME INSTITUTION Chronic illness on elderly people has become rampant and of great concern. Medical intervention makes it possible for people to live longer and to survive more severe injury and pain. (Brown, 2003). Chronic illness can lead to isolation, depression, occupational deprivation among others effects. Occupational Therapists intend to know the evidence concerning nonpharmaceutical mind-body interventions that are more likely to increased participations. The objective of this study was to evaluate mind –body interventions for the elderly adult with chronic pain. I randomly sampled one hundred and twenty patients from different hospitals within Miami. The response gave instruction in mind and body relationship, cognitive restructuring, problem-solving, communication and behavioral treatment for insomnia, nutrition and exercise, meditation, hypnosis, yoga and guided imagery. A structured review evaluated pain reduction, feasibility, and safety. I used studies in Medline and PsycINFO to retrieve the data. 40 samples out of 120 include older adults with chronic illness aged between 60 to 75 years for one year follow up. I excluded samples of chronic nonmalignant pain. I selected twenty two and eighteen samples for men and women respectively. The outcome measures varied by the study, it took into consideration of depression scale, chronic pain acceptance questionnaire health, arthritis impact measurements, health-promoting...
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...Aristotle‘s concept of mind with that of Descartes. Introduction In this essay I attempt to show Aristotle’s concept of soul/mind*[1]. Then I compare and contrast it with Descartes’ concept of mind. In order to understand Aristotle’s concepts of mind, I shall consider Aristotle’s De Anima, in which Aristotle mostly concentrates on soul/mind discussion. I will examine the work of Kahn and Sorabji, who both considered Aristotle’s and Descartes’ philosophy in relation to soul and body problem. In order to compare Aristotle’s concept of mind with Descartes’, I am going to introduce Descartes’ most famous philosophical work which involves the question of mind directly, namely hisMeditations. …………………………. …………………………… ………………………………. If we look at Aristotle’s De Anima we can understand that pre-Aristotle thinkers were already concerned with corporeal and incorporeal problems. For example, for Plato soul was an ‘incorporeal’ and immortal thing, but body corporeal and mortal. The first impression we get from reading De Anima is that the mind and body problem was unsolved. Perhaps the resolved problem didn’t satisfy Aristotle. Aristotle claims that an incorporeal thing cannot exist without a corporeal thing. Aristotle’s new theory for solving soul and body problems makes controversial debate among most post-Aristotelian philosophers. Rene Descartes was one of them who rejected the Aristotelian concept of mind in which corporeal and incorporeal...
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...There is a major debate in philosophy called the mind and body debate. This is the debate about what gives us our personal identity as to whether it is our minds, our bodies or whether it is both. A number of philosophers have commented on the mind and body debate. These are dualists, monists and materialists all of which have theories explaining what gives us our personal identity. Dualists believe that the mind and body are separate, monists believe that the mind and body are one but can be separated and materialism is the view that there is no such thing as a mind or a soul and that when we die we die. Philosophers such as Plato and Descartes are dualists. In this dualist argument, Plato presents four arguments for the immortality of the soul which are cyclical – everything comes into existence from its opposite which sets up the cycle of birth and death, recollection- Plato believed that the knowledge we acquire is not learnt but remembered or recollected. Plato believed that the soul existed in a realm of forms before coming into the body, where it acquires this knowledge. As evidence of this he cites the slave boy who has no education but can grasp complex mathematical concepts just like the film ‘Good will hunting’, Affinity – Plato believed that the body has an affinity with the earth and that the soul has the affinity with the eternal real of forms. Because the soul is composite, at death it is dispersed at death and so it returns to the real of form to which it has...
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...the mind/soul can survive the death of the body (18) The soul is a defining essence that runs through one or more lives said to be an eternal part of a person that makes them individual. The body is the physical part of a person, which is alive when they are alive. It is debated whether anything can survive the death of the body and many different religions have different beliefs on this matter. Christians believe that the soul is the part of God that remains with a person eternally therefore; the soul survives the death of the body and remains with the person forever. However Buddhists believe that once a personal dies they are re-entered into the cycle of samsara unless you attain enlightenment, your karma stays with you and is carried on in each life, not a soul or the same body. An embodied existence is a soft materialist view where the body is representation in a material form, something that is a whole; the mind cannot survive without the body. A disembodied existence is a dualistic view where life after death may be disembodied (separate from the body) the soul and body are separate. The soul is the spiritual, emotional part of a human being regarded as immortal or sometimes is believed to survive death and makes a person who they are and how they act. Each religion has a variety of beliefs on what they believe a soul to be. Dualism is the beliefs that refers to the mind and body as two separate things and that the soul survives the death of the body. Plato...
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...Materialism: Gilbert Ryle in the ‘Concept of the Mind’ talks about the soul, which he refers to as the ‘ghost in the machine’. He claims that it is a ‘category mistake’ to talk about the soul. It is a mistake in the use of language, resulting in people speaking of the mind and body as different phenomena. Talk of the soul refers to the way in which a person acted and integrated with others in the world. Dawkins argued that there is no pre-existent soul that is by nature divine. Scientific beliefs are supported by scientific evidence, and so are reliable, whereas religious beliefs, such as the concept of a soul, depend on myth or faith, thus lack empirical evidence. Dawkins believes that belief in the soul has resulted from the human inability to accept that evil and suffering have no purpose. Each individual is a product of evolution with no immortal soul which survives death. The purpose of life is DNA survival; humans are no more than DNA carriers that will ensure the survival of the species. Dawkins says that we are no more than the ‘robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes’. Our sense of individuality comes from our genes working together as a unit. Humans perceive themselves as a whole and this is necessary for our genes to survive. Through evolution, consciousness has developed in humans so that they are able to choose the behaviour that is more likely to lead to survival of their genes for the purpose of reproduction. He believes...
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...firm evidence for distinction- Discuss Humans appear to have both a body and a mind, the body which is related to physical movements and appearances. And the mind which relates to feelings and emotions, qualia. Many philosophers therefore make a distinction between the mind and body, the dualist view that a person is made of two separate substances. On the other hand, some philosophers take a monist/ materialist view that the mind and the body are the same substance. This is a contentious area of philosophy, and has created a debate known as “the mind, body problem”. Such philosophers as Plato take a dualist view and try to offer evidence to suggest a distinction between the body and soul. Plato saw the body and soul as two separate entities. The soul that most closely resembles the divine and immortal. While the body resembles the human and mortal, which is endlessly changing and can be broken down. Plato was not trying to suggest the soul was perfect as it joined the body which it is inhibited by, however, he explains that by taking care of the soul the person can develop knowledge. Plato used evidence such as the “world of the forms”. He suggested that by taking care of the soul and ignoring physical pleasures the soul can return to the word of the forms when the body dies. For the body to survive it must meet its basic needs such as food, reproduction and physical pleasure. On the other hand for the mind to be stimulated it has other needs that are met through deep thought...
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...ideas on the soul. The main argument I'm using to examine us being 'basically physical beings' is dualism and the connection between the mind, body and the soul. One of the first recorded forms of dualism was platonic dualism. Plato (429-347 BCE) believed that the body was physical and is rooted in the four dimensions of space and time which is subject to change, he called this the 'sarx'. But a 'being' also had another part, a soul, which existed in the world of forms and was made up of three distinct elements; reason, emotion and appetite. These three instincts in Plato’s view are what animates us. This therefore makes us not just physical beings. Plato though, saw the soul as pure or 'simple' and therefore the body was inferior something which trapped the soul until death. Plato appears to believe that the soul will be reborn in a new body after that. Aristotle (384-322 BCE) at the time also agreed that we had a 'soul'. But he believed that the body and soul were inseparable, this is the earlier monist ideas. Due to the soul and body not being able to separate this mean that the idea did not allow the soul to survive death. Aristotle did rethink this at times wondering if we did have non-physical elements to us, but it's not likely since he believed people couldn't live after death in any sense. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274 CE) was one of the first to integrate dualism into Christianity. Aquinas mainly followed Aristotle's view and believed that the body and soul were inseparable...
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...beyond death must exist. He said that the body was composite, and therefore capable of perishing, whereas the mind was simple and imperishable and the only immortal part of the body. He believed that the soul belonged to a higher state of existence, and the body was holding out soul’s captive; our body is seen in a negative light as it distracts us and our souls from seeking the forms through its trivial worldly desires such as sex and love of money. The best way Plato puts his point across is through the analogy of the charioteer, the charioteer is displayed as our reason in which controls and maintains the carriage, the two horses are spiritive and appetite. Appetite is often depicted as black as this is the one leading us away from our ultimate goal and leads the soul stray whereas the white horse, our spirit, is the one who keeps us on the right track. The horses are our mind and body in which are often seen as out of control and out chariot must reign them in and control them for us to have a chance of reaching Eudaimonia. At our death the soul will be set free from the body and will reach the ultimate destination known as the World of Forms. Plato therefore concluded that it is seemingly natural for the soul to carry on after the physical body has perished. In complete contrast to Plato stands the notorious zoologist Richard Dawkins, his belief holds the theory of biological materialism in which there is no existence of a soul. There is no chance of life after death and...
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...Explain concisely the philosophical problems of the relation between the mind and body. The mind and our understanding of what it is has been the centre of philosophical debate since the 6th Century BC where the ancient Greeks sort for ways of explaining human action. No longer did the Homeric understanding that human action was simply the result of his environment sufficient, an inward search to explain actions took place and as such, the concept of psyche was developed. The concept of psyche evolved through terms such as soul and then mind through philosophical debate and mistranslation since this period, and it is the aim of this paper to show how the mind has been conceptualised and the irrationality of associating in like form to that of the body. In order to understand the problems with relating the mind and body – the concept of Cartesian dualism, as theorised by Descartes needs to be examined. Descartes believed in an independent nonmaterial soul inhabiting and finding expression in a mechanically operated body. Descartes used his own words cogito ergo sum, “I am thinking therefore I exist” as somewhat of an unanswerable means of proof. In an attempt to understand everything and break it down to its most simplest form, Descartes the skeptic attempted to doubt everything in order to understand himself. He argues that he can doubt everything around himself, he can even doubt that his own body exists, however he can no doubt that he is doubting, - he could not doubt...
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...Philosophy 2500 – Jaden Phan – 7:45 – 9:00 am. The clues of mental phenomena and its mystery Philosophy of human persons is always a difficult question for humankinds. We are the highest form of animals equipped with supreme functions. We not only have soul which is the principle of life, but we are also believed to have mind or consciousness which is much more functional, divine and peculiar to the soul. But often times, we are unaware of what we are having and how our body operates in our daily life. Therefore, many philosophers, psychologists, religionists or even mathematicians, and sciences have been actively trying to define the nature, attributes and affections of our brain/soul. There are many different views and perspectives on the soul and the mind-body problem, such as materialism, physicalism, dualism, mysterianism and so on… So, how exactly do we understand humankinds, and all living beings as a whole? How exactly do we understand our own self? Do both material and immaterial parts exist? If so, how do they relate to each other? Although most of these questions have convincing answers, I believe we are still in the mystery of defining the true nature of mental phenomena. (1) Thomas Nagel said that: “Conscious experience is a widespread phenomenon. It occurs at many levels of animal life, though we cannot be sure of its presence in the simpler organisms...” His main thesis is that fundamentally an organism has conscious mental states if and only if there is something...
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...Williams Philosophy 180 9.18.12 Personal Identity. What am I? A mind or a body? Between both my mental and physical realities my true self is found in my mind. An intangible but highly influential, very private set of thoughts construct the perception of how I allow the physical world to experience my being. My body is a physical representation of the collective effort of thoughts and experiences of my mind. In essence our body serves as a vessel or shell for our very soul. The question, “what am I?” could also be “who are you?” What constitutes an individual’s identity? I believe between the two options of physical and mental realities that my prolonged mental consciousness gives me my identity. My memories are who I am. Without my memories I am just a body a tabula rasa all over again. This idea of memory serving as our identity can be seen with the example of Alzheimer’s patients. Alzheimer’s is an autoimmune disease that even with today’s modern medicine is still misunderstood. The patient suffering AD experiences a slow wipe out of their memory. Even though, still unclear to how or why this happens to millions of people worldwide we are able to see first hand years of life disappear into nowhere and how destructive this is to families, loved ones, and an individuals identity. They exist physically as a shell and nothing more. Their connection and relationship to the physical world is of no use without the mind. For the record I am by no means stating that an AD patient’s life...
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...Michael Lacewing Descar tes on mind-body independence and the inter ming ling thesis This handout follows the handout on ‘Descartes’ arguments for distinguishing mind and body’. You should read that handout first. How is the mind related to the body? While Descartes has argued that the mind as intellect is distinct from the body, we have just seen that the existence of the imagination complicates the picture. In Meditation VI, Descartes says nature…teaches me by these feelings of pain, hunger, thirst, etc., that I am not only lodged in my body, like a pilot in his ship, but, besides, that I am joined to it very closely and indeed so compounded and intermingled with my body, that I form, as it were, a single whole with it (159). Because ‘one single whole’ doesn’t sound like ‘two substances’, this claim and its implications for Descartes’ dualism are puzzling. THE ARGUMENT FROM BODILY SENSATIONS AND EMOTIONS Reflecting on perception, sensation and feeling, we notice that we perceive we have bodies, and that our bodies – this particular physical object that we have a close and unique relationship with – can be affected in many beneficial and harmful ways. This is brought to our attention through our bodily appetites, like hunger and thirst, through emotions, such as anger, sadness, love, and through sensations, like pain, pleasure, colours, sound and so on. All these experiences have their origins in the body. This doesn’t mean that mind and body aren’t distinct; in Meditation...
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...against the immateriality of the soul, despite rejecting the Cartesian claim that personal identity being attached to the soul (Heide 06 Apr). His own account of personal identity, while compatible with there being immaterial souls, does not depend on such entities existing. Instead, he connects personal identity to continuous consciousness, or memory, a position which does not rely on the soul to do any explanatory work. This paper will first explicate René Descartes's view of personal identity, and it will be argued that Locke's critique provides compelling reason to reject the argument that personal identity as tied to an individual soul. Locke's...
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