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Mind Over Meds Research Paper

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Consumers should not invest their money in exploiting manufacturers or medicine markets. Since children and adults should take separate medications, it can become costly. Even if medications are given to children correctly and they are lucky enough to avoid the possible physical and mental side effects of them, consumers should not purchase medicine because of the deceitful market. A majority of medical-related manufacturers do not care who buys their product or how it affects the purchasers. As long as profits for prescription drugs continue to increase, pharmacists and medicine corporations do not care if their purchasers are overusing the drugs (Mercola). Just like much of the world today, medicine companies want money to support themselves. …show more content…
In fact, in many cases, manufacturers take advantage of their customers, especially those with mental disorders. Nearly twenty percent of children who live in the United States have purchased drugs to improve their behavior (“ADHD The Epidemic of…”). Some of the children who purchase medication to make their mental state better may not actually need it, but as long as companies receive money, they are not concerned. Medication companies combined earn hundreds of billions of dollars per year. In the book Mind over Meds by Andrew Weil, he discussed that with $240 billion dollars being spent on unnecessary medications and health care every year, the money being spent could be saved or put to better use by consumers. If consumers resorted to alternative remedies rather than purchasing traditional over the counter drugs from untrustworthy companies, then they could live wealthier or help others in …show more content…
Various alternative remedies can be used to decrease the number of harmful medications that children are given. A better solution to mental diseases than temporarily helpful medications would be providing a child with a stable authoritative figure. In some scenarios, children are diagnosed with mental diseases, while their behavioral issues may just be from a lack of good parenting or discipline (Mercola). While this is not always the case, it is important to be positive of the source of behavior issues before falsely diagnosing a child and giving them medication. Another way to prevent mental issues in a child is to encourage frequent exercise and provide them with a daily routine. The need for medicine related to the emotional state of a child is often stemmed from a lack of exercise, and unhealthy home environment, or the desire for attention in the midst of a busy schedule (Insel). If a child’s behavioral issues continue after creating a balance of stability and movement in their life, an adult should make sure that the child is getting at least eight hours of sleep and a maintaining a healthy diet. A sufficient amount of sleep and staying healthy is often enough to prevent a child from getting normal illnesses as well. Medicine for common illnesses such as the cold or the flu can be prevented by a person washing their hands often, getting an adequate amount of sleep every night, and including

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