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Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Short Story

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The Search Story
I often find myself pondering weird subjects when I lay in bed at night before falling asleep. My brain is beginning to shut down and my mind wanders to a place where philosophical musings and far-fetched hypotheses swirl around my subconscious. Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe and if so, why have they not contacted us yet? What is dark matter exactly? Where did religion first come from? If I become a vegetable, is there a way I can die legally? It was this last thought that I posed to my coworker one day after it had popped into my head repeatedly. He told me that the idea is called Physician-Assisted Suicide and it’s illegal. This sparked a long conversation between us, but my curiosity wasn’t fully appeased after we moved on …show more content…
When I mentioned it to a close friend as a possible topic for this project, she immediately launched in to a long explanation about the states that actually allow it, a girl named Brittney, and something called Death with Dignity. She works at a medical school and apparently it’s a topic that she discusses every year with her students. I’ll admit that I didn’t fully listen to her at the time, because she often goes off on lecture-like tangents and I’ve learned to selectively tune her out sometimes. (We used to date and the girlfriend-tune-out habit is hard to break.) The next day I received an email from her with a dozen articles on the topic. When I decided to pursue the topic fully, I started to read some of the articles she sent me. One, in particular, told the story of Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old woman with terminal brain cancer who fought for her right to die on her own terms before she truly began to suffer. The decision made perfect sense to me. Everyone should be able to make the decision to end their life when they want to, but barring that, every mentally competent, terminally ill patient should be able to end their suffering by terminating their life

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