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Gen Xers Retirement Case Study

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And as Baby Boomers are entering retirement very soon, they value retirement benefits. Organizations should offer them better medical aid and pension scheme to assist them in preparing for retirement.

Generation X was born between 1961 and 1980. This generation has more exposure to world through televisions and media when they were young than previous generations. Gen Xers like to challenge the status quo and always look for new ways of doing things. They require immediate and continuous feedback. They are less loyal to a particular organization and are more willing to leave a job for a more challenging option or better offer. Also, Gen Xers value work-life balance, and they think personal goals take precedence over work-related goals.

Gen Xers are in the early-to-middle-part of careers, and will soon take over leadership positions in their organizations. The most successful reward elements to engage with Gen Xers are to provide them with real-time performance feedback, challenging assignments and career development opportunities, in order to help them progressing to the next level in their career. As Gen Xers realize the needs to support family expenses and to make sure their families are taken care; financial rewards are important to them. Organizations should offer more competitive salary and medical plan to …show more content…
Gen Yers are more educated than previous generations, therefore they more confidence, independent, and self-aware. They are goal oriented and are more likely to break rules to achieve the results. Gen Yers are comfortable with changes and are willing to take on new challenges and responsibilities. They are willing to accept a job that fits their lifestyle over the one that pays more. Gen Ys value skill development, teamwork and demand work-life balance. They need to know how their decisions and actions contribute to organizations’ success and expect frequent and honest feedback from

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