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Doom's Argument Of Cheating

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Pages 3
Cheating—regardless of the form—is not merely a tool for success. It is not a new concept in today’s society, nor is it escalating into something uncontrollable by institutions. Cheating has been present throughout history, and, in fact, cheating is much easier to detect than it was many years ago due to electronic analysis that confirms whether or not an article, research paper, thesis, or medical breakthrough is another individual’s original work. In the blog Save Higher Education: Toss the Cheaters, Professor Doom takes an apposing stance in an attempt to make individuals “knowledgable” about the issue, cheating, in institutes of higher learning. He states that institutions allow cheating simply because they rely on funding, which requires impressive teacher evaluations and high graduation rates. Doom also expresses his belief that college courses offered on the internet will soon cause traditional institutes to be a thing of the past. Where is Doom’s factual evidence …show more content…
However, he states these facts in regards to teacher evaluations and high graduation rates; some of which is factual but also very faulty. Teacher evaluations offer students the ability to leave their true opinion of a professor to further help future students decide which classroom best fits their educational preferences. Doom states that student evaluations are somehow a form of “administrative encouragement of cheating…with no risks or consequences”. What he does not realize, however, is that many institutions have implemented honor pledges in order to decrease the amount of cheating within the institution. In the result of an individual cheating, institutions do not immediately expel the student like many institutions in the past. Instead, they gather necessary information and handle the situation accordingly. This allows some students to stay enrolled, but if necessary, other students will be

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