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Mineplex Interview Questions

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Pages 2
I think what has motivated me to apply for staff at Mineplex is that I think becoming a staff member is like getting an actual job. So when I turn 15 I can and will be ready for getting a part-time job at a fast food place. While going through the interview process on Mineplex I can expect those types of questions when I go to the interview for my first job.
Most interactions I had was with the report patrol staff members, but my go to guy is now a ex-staff member now. I would send the reports that did not get answered within 48 hours to him and he would answer them. Another thing I would talk to some recruiters on how to increase my chances and give me some tips to improve my next interview. Today I just found another go to guy for my reports! Horray for me right? …show more content…
I've always had a good record, but you might find some reports on me on some smaller server with 20-30 players. The punishment was quite stupid when I said to the Owner that camping is not skill (How can that be bannable?).
I think I will be great for the part because I'm getting all the major things in life for a teen such as a debit card and a learners permitt. If you are wonder why I have a debit card when I do not have a part time job is that I go around during the winter shoveling peoples drive ways for $1-5 and mow peoples lawns for $15 - $30. As of what I said before aboute the major things is that I actually consider getting a staff position on Mineplex a major

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