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Personal Narrative: The Small Tennessee Town Of Mcminnville

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The small Tennessee town called McMinnville has a population of 13,669; quite frankly, I find this hard to believe for I highly doubt I have seen that many people in this radius. However, I felt like I was surrounded by that many people in the town's high school-- having only one high school was to blame. Growing up, there wasn't much to do. You had the option of eating out, walking around the mall, bowling, roller skating, or going to the movies. I don't believe kids still walk around the mall anymore-- it may have something to do with there only being four stores left. I hardly ever see people at the bowling alley, but apparently it's still up and running. I went to the movies often as a kid, but the other activities I didn't partake in. I usually went to our local park and sat down with a good book-- usually in the company of good friends. …show more content…
I often found myself making bets with people regarding how long a new business would last. I'll give it to Mcminnville though because now on main street there is a frozen yogurt place and a vegan friendly cafe. If you love Mexican food, you'd quite enjoy the town-- there's at least five Mexican restaurants, so take your pick. My favorite place to eat is China Wok, which is McMinnville's only Chinese restaurant. "Dining someplace nice" is code for "we're eating at Applebees." Unfortunately, Applebees is the nicest restaurant in town. Although places to eat in Mcminnville are mostly fast food, there are a couple of entertaining activities that have sprout up in the last few

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