Premium Essay

Minimum Wage and Its Effect


Submitted By Larasmom
Words 1001
Pages 5
Minimum wage has changed many times throughout the years. There are many people who are affected by the changes that are made. Many believe that raising the minimum wage is a good idea and have pushed for the increase. Minimum wage has many effects on the economy: helping families with the cost of inflation, helping businesses thrive, and can also cause job loss. When minimum wage is raised it creates more money for workers. The boost in pay for families helps them to buy necessities, such as food, clothing, housing, and transportation. When products become more expensive, it is hard for families who only make minimum wage to purchase these items. Government will then tend to step in by increasing the minimum wage to an amount that can help with these expenses. “In his State of the Union address, Obama pressed to raise the hourly rate in stages to $9 an hour in 2015, up from the current $7.25, and index it to inflation. The change, should it become law, would boost the wages of 15 million Americans, according to the White House (Luhby, 2013).” When minimum wage is raised it will help “lift 900,000 families out of poverty and increase the incomes of 16.5 million low-wage workers in an average week (Lowrey, 2014).” Increasing the price of minimum wage can help businesses to thrive. When more people are being paid an increased amount than before, it would cause them to increase spending after receiving their paycheck. With receiving more money, families will tend to spend their money more on the necessities that they need but were not able to afford before. “When consumer demand grows, businesses thrive, earn more profits, and create more jobs. Economists call this the "multiplier effect" (Dreier & Cohen, 2013).” With businesses receiving more profit from the increase in wages, they are less likely to go overseas. When businesses do not leave the

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