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Minimum Wage Should Be Raised

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I decided to write about minimum wage because this has been a going on discussion in America if it will benefit the economy and people who can't afford to support themselves. For example Barbara Mantel argues in her article “Would raising the rate be good for the economy?” that since 2009 minimum wage has always remained at $7.25 an hour and political pressure has been building up on congress to raise minimum wage. She says that polls have shown a majority of people support the idea of raising minimum wages. This would cause minimal job less while putting money into the hands of low-wage workers who would spend it, boosting the economy. She also claims that 21 states have already set their own hourly minimum wages more than $7.25 and congressional democrats have introduced legislation to raise wages to $10.00 an hour with the support of president Obama. Barbara Mantel’s argument that minimum wage should be raised because it's the best solution to reducing poverty. …show more content…
A higher minimum wage will not only increases workers’ incomes, which is sorely needed to boost demand and get the economy going and it also reduces turnover, cuts the costs that low-road employers impose on taxpayers, and pushes businesses toward a high-road, high-human-capital model. Critics of the minimum wage, however, often hold on to the claim that raising the minimum wage will lead to job losses and ultimately hurt the overall economy, exacerbating the problem of high unemployment. The argument that raising the minimum wage will help the economy will always be debate amongst

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