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Raising Minimum Wage In America

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Kelby Storm Rough Draft
The minimum wage in America is a problem that is continuing to grow. This can be fixed by raising the minimum wage. In Webster's college dictionary "minimum wage" is defined as “the lowest hourly wage that may be paid to an employee” (“Websters College Dictionary” 845). The minimum wage determines what a human makes per hour which in America is not where it should be. At a job there is a low that can be set for how much the minimum is per hour worked. Many places put it at minimum wage just so that they can make as much money for the company without losing a bunch to pay the employees who are the one that keep the business running. Minimum wage is a very debatable topic as people view it as it is too high and others …show more content…
this statistic proves that more Americans are at the poverty level each year. America can continue to stay atop the world by raising the minimum wage and keeping the poverty rate as low as possible. “Over the past 45 years, average worker productivity has more than doubled, while pay for middle-and low-income workers has either flatlined or fallen after being adjusted for inflation. This is due, in part, to our failure to raise the minimum wage” ("Should the Federal Minimum Wage be Raised"1). All that America has to do is raise the minimum wage so that the hard working citizens can earn enough money to support their own family. Money today is not worth the same as it did many years ago. The value of a dollar is decreasing over the years. The money value we have today is not equivalent to what it was many years ago. “Today's minimum of $7.25 an hour is worth 25 percent less than the minimum in the late 1960s”(" Should the Federal Minimum Wage be Raised"1). A good idea would to be matching the equivalent rate of minimum wage back in the 1960's to today's equivalent. “An increase to $10.10 an hour as proposed by President Barack Obama would restore the wage floor to the same value it …show more content…
There are many jobs becoming available every year but that does absolutely no good unless the minimum wage is increased to a reasonable amount for people to live off of. Americans should be able to live a manageable life with above $7.25 an hour wages. The minimum wage is a problem that needs to be solved so that Americans can get out of poverty. As the population increases more and more people are living in poverty or homeless even when Americans have jobs. As America continues to grow in population the only thing that could happen with the same minimum wage is a higher poverty rate in America. All America has to do is simply raise the minimum wage to help people stay off the poverty

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