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College Athletes: Stressful Or Ineffective?

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Many students struggle with anxiety and stress within high school. The pressure placed on students from parents, teachers, bosses, coaches, teammates, peers, and ourselves is intense. Unfortunately, most teens are unaware of how to deal with the strain of having too much to do but not enough time. Organization allows us to be in control of our lives and prepared for the future.
My first interview was with Abby Jackson, a friend and peer of mine. She told me that track was a stress in her life. To cope with the stress of this sport, Abby avoids it. Although Abby is aware that this method is ineffective, she continues do continue to participate in track. Abby stays in this activity because she is extremely talented, even if she does not always enjoy it. I would not recommend Abby’s way of handling stress for high schoolers because ignoring tests and information could cause people to fail classes. Instead, Abby should combat her sports anxiety by finding people she enjoys spending time with at practice. These people can make her feel more confident and encourage her. …show more content…
She balances full time online enrollment, is directing a play, and is a manager at Coffee Connection. To deal with these many commitments, Cari makes multiple to do lists- she even includes simple tasks, like waking up, on these lists. She said that this process is both ineffective, due to the loss of time, yet also effective, because of the motivation and reward. This practice is extremely useful for high school students, like me, who enjoy being organized and in control. Lists are reminders of all the assignments, assessments, and schedules that teens have. This method could help with test anxiety because the more someone studies and is prepared the easier the test will

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