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Jack Merridew

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In Lord Of The Flies, the author, William Golding is making the announcement that we cannot flee our savage, cruel dispositions, and in the absence of social order, we sink into a predicament of turmoil. The protagonist of the novel, Ralph, has the finest intentions of keeping the stranded boys on the deserted Island safe, as he is naturally a leader of the civilization. Along with his friend, Piggy, they find the conch shell, which is a symbol of democracy on the island. The individuals, being controlled by the society, are trapped with no sense of direction of how the day is going to end. The boys rely on fear, destruction, and an inch of hope to survive on the Edenic-like island.

Alongside Ralph, the Antagonist, Jack Merridew is controlling and reluctant to Ralph’s ways. He is very cruel and manipulative and represents our savage tendencies. His biggest ally, Roger, represents pure evil. ”Ralph’s temper broke. He screamed at Jack. You’re a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!” (Golding,258). Jack and Roger form a tribe with the hunters as Ralph and Piggy form a tribe with Simon and the littluns. At this point, the characters have let go of all their innocence in the novel and now rely on social strength in numbers and trust in their tribe. …show more content…
As time passes on the island, the littluns become scared to what is known as the beast. Although there may

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