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Colony Collapse Disorder

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In a Honeybee colony there are three kinds of bee: A few hundred drones or males, one egg-laying female, or queen, and 20-80 thousand sterile females or workers. The Honey bee is a crucial part of the agriculture world. The role Honey Bees play in our diet goes far beyond honey production. They pollinate one-third of crop species in the United States, this accounts for 30 billion dollars of crops. states “Honeybees pollinate about 100 flowering food crops including apples, nuts, broccoli, avocados, soybeans, asparagus, celery, squash and cucumbers, citrus fruit, peaches, kiwi, cherries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, melons, as well as animal-feed crops, such as the clover that’s fed to dairy cows” (Silence .P). …show more content…
A class of pesticides know as neonicotinoids are the world’s most commonly used insecticide. Neonicotinoids are one of the leading causes of the Colony Collapse Disorder. Food Safety Agency concluded “that the pesticides represented a “high acute risk” to honeybees and other pollinators” (Grossman .P). No Scientist suggest that pesticides are the sole cause of the bee decline, but they are a big contributor. Pesticides affects a bee colony in a negative way. The first way it affects the colony is by attacking the queen bee. Without a queen all hatched eggs will be males, and one by one the worker bees will die off. The hive will be taken over by another hive, but the bee population will have declined. claims that “In the U.S., neonicotinoids are currently used on about 95 percent of corn and canola crops; the majority of cotton, sorghum, and sugar beets; and about half of all soybeans. They’re also used on the vast majority of fruit and vegetable crops” (Grossman .P). It is commonly perceived that with pesticides we don’t need the honey bee. What this argument fails to consider is that pesticides and Honey bees do two different jobs. An insecticide is used to control pest by physically, chemically, or biologically interfering with their normal behavior. Pesticides are most commonly lethal to targeted and potentially untargeted pest when applied at the rate specified. Therefore they protect the plants from unwanted …show more content…
Part of using the Honeybee to cultivate plants is taking them around the country to pollinate different crops. Commercial beekeepers keep colonies nourished and healthy to their best ability. They move the hives around from state to state in semis, selling their services to farmers at the best rate for the high quality work. The transit id not ideal for the bees it disrupts their natural habitat. When bees are transported they have trouble developing their food glands. This makes it extremely difficult for them to nurse the upcoming generation of bees. In many cases the queen bee stops laying eggs during transit, this decreases the future population of the bees. The combination of malnourished bees and fewer bees to nourish leads the Colony Collapse Disorder. Many crops around the United States need bees. Spread out across 800,000 acres, California almond orchards use about 1.6 million domesticated bee colonies to pollinate the flowering trees and produce what has become the state’s largest oversea export. If the CCD is not prevented a lot of bees will be lost, and the economy will be weakened. It might seem as if other means of pollination could be used. Although the core or this argument is valid it suffers from a flaw in its reasoning. This argument fails to see that bees are not the only pollinators in the world. Other insects and birds pollinate fruits and vegetables as well. The problem is, that other pollinators

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