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Urinary System Research Paper

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It has become common today that people often ignore the nature calling to hold their pee at least once a day instead of attending to solve the urge in the bathroom. Numerous people are not aware how problematic these issues are caused on human health in the contemporary life; however, the number of people who are getting involved in are stealthily and gradually increasing. The urinary system plays a vital role among human organs that helps to operate our bodies normally. As a result, due to the reason of not using the bathroom efficiently, negative bacterias would grow inside to cause urinary tract infection and bladder infection, and bladder burst. More specifically, people turn to drink less water. Various harmful consequences would bring about: dehydrated problems, urine color changes, and kidney stone. It is necessary to figure out what happen when you hold your pee, and how to prevent ahead of time before damage your bodies. …show more content…
It is constituted by two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder. two sphincter muscles, and a urethra. To begin with the kidneys, their shapes are similar as beans and sizes are big as your own fists. The kidneys carry urea from the blood via tiny functioning filters called nephrons. Each nephron is made up of small blood capillaries called a glomerulus, and a diminutive tube called a renal tubule. Urine, which is composed of urea, water plus excess substances, moves through the nephrons, and passes down to the renal tubules. Next, urine via two tubes ureters goes through to the bladder. The ureters serve as a tube for the passage of urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary

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