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Life Of Moses Research Paper

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Moses’ life
Moses is undoubtedly an important figure in Jewish history. Moses was born in Egypt, around 1571 BC. Moses’ name means “drawn from the river”.
His story started like this. The Pharaoh ordered sent men to kill the slaves’ baby boys as the Pharaoh thought that the Israelites will overpopulate and then soon overrun the Pharaoh. An Israelite mother – Moses’ mother – After hiding Moses for 3 months, she put Moses in a small basket on the River Nile to save his life as he would have been killed by the Pharaoh’s men. But then, the Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses on the River Nile, adopted him and took care of him and named him ‘Moses’ as he was ‘drawn out of the water’.
Moses is Rameses’ adopted brother but they are not blood brother as they don’t come from the same mother. Ramesses becomes the Prince of Egypt but the Pharaoh likes Moses more than Rameses. Rameses appoints Moses as Royal Chief Architect. …show more content…
Moses saw an Egyptian Slave-Master beating a Hebrew slave. He felt very infuriated with this, he pushed the Slave-Master; killing him. Moses, because he killed an Egyptian Slave-Master, he fled from Egypt to the desert of Midian as he did not want to be killed. The priest of Midian had 7 daughters. They went to draw water and fill the troughs to water their father’s sheep, Shepherds came and drove them away but Moses came and watered the sheep for them. The girls didn’t bring Moses back to their house but then their father (Jethro) told the girls to bring Moses and eat with them. Jethro gave Zipporah in marriage. They had a son named Gershom because Moses said ‘He is a stranger in a foreign

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