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The White House Executive Branch

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The White House is known by all around the world, as the President's mansion! It sits on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and is a bold remembrance to the country's past.. But the White House didn't always look like it did today, matter of fact it was much smaller than it was now. The white house was designed by Irish born architect James Hoban in a Neoclassical style. The construction of the residence took place from 1792 to 1800 and was famously painted white. When President Thomas Jefferson moved in he and architect Benjamin Henry added a few adjustments to hide stables and storage space. Then unfortunately in 1814, during the war 1812 the White House was set ablaze by the british and doing so destroyed the interior and charring most of the exterior. …show more content…
It is also where the President makes important decisions that could possibly affect the nation. The White House is also referred as the executive branch as that's what the President is, but that's not all, the branch is also comprised of the Vice President and Cabinet members. The executive branch has many powers which serve the purpose to keep the other two branches(judicial & legislative) in check. The main power of the executive branch is to sign or veto legislation, command the armed forces,, adjourn Congress, grant reprieves and pardons, and receive ambassadors. All of these powers are portrayed thru the actions of the president, as of recently the president just used his power of commanding the armed forces by sending in more troopers to Iran. Plus earlier this year he passed a ban on muslims entering this country(which is completely …show more content…
was fun, exciting, and tiresome. We went on a saturday which meant there wasn't much traffic to deal with. After we arrived, I first noticed that there was a lot security as I came to avenue, we went first to the executive building, the building looked really old and worn down and had really high fences. As we kept on walking we arrived to the White House! It was glorious with the high columns and shimmering white walls in the hot summer heat. But there was something off, from the last time I visited they had placed barriers between the fence and the crowd which makes it harder to take pictures close up. Next we went to the the U.S. Department of Treasury and the building was huge, it also showed essence of roman architecture as it had columns. Since it was the weekend the crowds near these national monuments were enormous. We wanted to see the white house both from the north and south lawn. The north lawn was much better looking with the semi-circular portico. After that we walked across the lawn to visit the washington monument we saw the the structure was made up of concrete blocks just stacked upon each other to create one tall structure. Since it was getting late we didn't go see the Capitol building but we saw it from afar and again I saw the presence of roman architecture but this time in the form of a dome, but also with columns. Sadly we did not go on any tours as we were very short on time. Some interesting facts I found was that the White House

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