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Increasing Minimum Wage In America

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The cost of living in America can be expensive, especially for those who are minimum wage workers. The $7.25 per hour can barely help workers afford their basic needs. Minimum wage has a huge domino effect, when people who make minimum wage get done paying their bills they are left with little to no money to spend, which means businesses lose customers, and when businesses lose customers this weakens our economy causing people to go into debt, and turn to the government for assistance. President Obama said “Raising the minimum wage will benefit about 28 million workers across the country, and it will help businesses too (Lee).” Minimum wage should be increased to provide families with living wages, increase the employment rates, and increase …show more content…
I believe the minimum wage is the reason why our unemployment rate is high. People aren’t motivated to go out and get jobs, because they realize they’ll be working a lot for their checks to be a little of nothing. Increasing the minimum wage will encourage people to want to go out and get jobs. Minimum wage has an effect on students and their performance and attendance at school. Increasing minimum wage will make more students want to finish school. Students living in poverty are more likely to drop out of school. There are also those students who work long hours to help their families out, if minimum wage is increased they won’t have to work those hours. Not working long hours will allow the students to get more rest, and will cause them to be alert and awake in school which makes their performance better. Due to the fact that the cost of minimum wage causes so many problems, I believe it is almost crucial that it is raised. Raising minimum wage would make a huge impact on society in many aspects. For instance, a decrease in poverty, unemployment rates will decrease, and the progress in businesses will increase. The negative domino effect mentioned before could be a positive one. So, instead of a student feeling obligated to help maintain their families finances, the parent will be able to handle it own their, which allows the student to focus on their education. In order to create more positive outcomes like this, we need to eliminate the negatives and that occurs when we raise minimum

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