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Head Start Program Analysis

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Government’s response to women and minorities are almost seen as non-existent or impartial to a particular group's needs and have always been the center of focus for bringing about change to those in need. There is a growing concern that not enough is being done to help women or the minority in destroying barriers that they may face in their everyday life. Fortunately, there are a few government programs that serve to aid individuals who are struggling. One example of this is the early start program and the head start program. While this program serves a diverse group of low-income families, their main target is to help women and their kids by providing the children various services and making sure the mother's needs are met as well as their child's.
The head start program was established in 1965 as a way to tackle the war on poverty by aiming their attention on low-income families who were unable to give their children the proper amenities that they required since birth. What these programs do is endorse school readiness by contributing to a child's educational, nutritional, health and social requirements. The …show more content…
the results from the research indicated an obligation to help those deemed as disadvantaged. What made this program so unique from the start was that it began on an Indian reservation which gave the children a chance to experience and learn more about their own culture as well as venture out onto other cultures by exposing them to other languages such as Spanish dialect, English dialect, and their own native American dialect. The Early Start program and the Head Start program then began to expand its services to everyone and included social services program that was able to catch any health issues in a child very early on as well as provide health services which often times mothers could not

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