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Head Start Policy Analysis

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Head Start began in 1965 to provide childcare and preschool education for low-income families (Administration for Children and Families [ACF], n.d.). Since its inception, the program has served more than 30 million children and their families (ACF, n.d.). Head Start and Early Head Start targets pregnant mothers and children up to age 5 (ACF, n.d.). This program has the characteristics as a family policy because of the intersection between this public service and the impact on the family system. Most Head Start programs include a family intervention to enhance the educational experience. The program also allows low-income families access to childcare, which is a large family cost, so that the parents or guardians may work and use their income for other family needs besides childcare and preschool education. This paper uses the Popple and Leighninger’s policy analysis model to review the Federal Head Start Program (Chapin, 2014). This model was selected because of the historical, social, and political contexts in which the Head Start program was developed as well as for …show more content…
All developments are affected by the interactions the child has to the world around them. Herman-Smith stresses the importance of neurological development for a child within the first five years (2013). Significant disparities between children in low-income families versus children in middle-income families can be seen as early as nine months (Herman-Smith, 2013). Specifically, Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory recognizes the large extent that the external environment has on the child (Family Child Care Academy, 2014). Levels of influence are at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels: the most important being the mezzo level and family interactions. The Head Start program uses family interventions to encourage parent engagement in the child’s learning and the

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