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Miracles in the Bible


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Miracles in the bible

N.T. Miracle # 1 Two Blind men cured Matthew 9:27-31

N.T. Miracle # 2 Blind man healed Mark 8:16-26 N.T. Miracle # 3 Centurion’s servant Matthew 8:5-13

N.T. Miracle # 4 Deaf and dumb man Mark 7:31-37 N.T. Miracle # 5 Demon cast out of boy Matthew 17:14-21

N.T. Miracle # 6 Demon possessed man Luke 11:14-22

N.T. Miracle # 7 Dumb spirit cast out Matthew 9:32-33

N.T. Miracle # 8 Ear of Malchus Luke 22:47-53 N.T. Miracle # 9 Fig tree withered Matthew 21:18-22

N.T. Miracle # 10 Five thousand fed Matthew 14:14-21

N.T. Miracle # 11 Four thousand fed Matthew 15:32-38

N.T. Miracle # 12 Healed son of nobleman John 4:46-54

N.T. Miracle # 13 Jairus’ daughter Matthew 9:23-26

N.T. Miracle # 14 Jerusalem man healed John 5:1-14

N.T. Miracle # 15 Lazarus raised from dead John 11:35-47

N.T. Miracle # 16 Leper healed Matthew 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45

N.T. Miracle # 17 Man born blind John 9:1-12 N.T. Miracle # 18 Man with dropsy Luke 14:1-6

N.T. Miracle # 19 Net full of fishes Luke 5:1-11

N.T. Miracle # 20 Paralytic healed Matthew 9:1-8

N.T. Miracle # 21 Peter’s mother in-law Matthew 8:14-17

N.T. Miracle # 22 Ressurection Luke 24:1-9

N.T. Miracle # 23 Second net of fishes John 21:1-14

N.T. Miracle # 24 Syrophoenician’s daughter
Matthew 15:21-28

N.T. Miracle # 25 Tempest stilled Matthew 8:19-27

N.T. Miracle # 26 Ten lepers Luke 17:11-19

N.T. Miracle # 27 Tribute money provided Matthew 17:24-27

N.T. Miracle # 28 Two blind men Matthew 20:29-34

N.T. Miracle # 29 Two demon possessed men
Matthew 8:28-34

N.T. Miracle # 30 Unclean spirit healed Mark 1:21-27

N.T. Miracle # 31 Unseen through the crowd Luke 4:25-30

N.T. Miracle # 32 Unseen through the crowd again
John 8:57-59

N.T. Miracle # 33 Walking on water Matthew 14:22-33

N.T. Miracle # 34 Water to wine John 2:1-11

N.T. Miracle # 35 Widow’s son Luke 7:11-17

N.T. Miracle # 36 Withered hand Matthew 12:10-14

N.T. Miracle # 37 Woman with blood healed Matthew 9:20-22

N.T. Miracle # 38 Woman with sickness Luke 13:10-18

Miracles by the Apostles
N.T. Miracle # 39 Damsel freed of demons Acts 16:18

N.T. Miracle # 40 Earthquake at Philippi Acts 16:25-26

N.T. Miracle # 41 Elymus blinded Acts 13:11

N.T. Miracle # 42 Eutychus restored Acts 20:10

N.T. Miracle # 43 Lame man cured Acts 14:10

N.T. Miracle # 44 Publius’ father Acts 28:8

N.T. Miracle # 45 Seven sons of Seava Acts 19:13-16

N.T. Miracle # 46 Sight restored Acts 9:17-18

N.T. Miracle # 47 Viper bite Acts 28:5

N.T. Miracle # 48 Aeneas healed of paulsey Acts 9:34 N.T. Miracle # 49 Death of Ananias Acts 5:5-10

N.T. Miracle # 50 Dorcas restored Acts 9:40

N.T. Miracle # 51 Lame man cured Acts 3:6

N.T. Miracle # 52 Released from prison Acts 12:7-11

N.T. Miracle # 53 Sick healed Acts 5:15

Other New Testament Miracles
N.T. Miracle # 54. Agabus Acts 11:28

N.T. Miracle # 55. Ananias Acts 9:10

N.T. Miracle # 56. Cornelius Acts 10:3-32

N.T. Miracle # 57. Freed from prison Acts 5:19

N.T. Miracle # 58. Gift of tongues Acts 2:3-11

N.T. Miracle # 59. John's vision at Patmos Revelation 1:1-10

N.T. Miracle # 60. Miracles of seventy Luke 10:17

N.T. Miracle # 61. Outpouring of Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-14

N.T. Miracle # 62. Paul's miracle Acts 16:9

N.T. Miracle # 63. Peter's miracle Acts 10:1-48

N.T. Miracle # 64. Philip's miracle Acts 8:6-13

N.T. Miracle # 65. Stephen's miracle Acts 6:8

N.T. Miracle # 66. Three apostle visions Matthew 17:1-9

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