Premium Essay

Mis Fnb Project


Submitted By Z6068281
Words 1382
Pages 6
Project Management

Office of the Senior
Associate Vice President for Finance

Project Management Institute
Project Management Fundamentals
 PMI is an aggregation of best practices from thousands of professional project managers
 Principles in this training are based on PMI methodologies, there are other methodologies
 Organizations typically use these as a basis for developing custom project management processes
 For PMPs, this course counts towards PDUs.
Office of the Senior
Associate Vice President for Finance

Page 2

GW MS in Project Management
Project Management Fundamentals

Office of the Senior
Associate Vice President for Finance

Page 3

Project Management Fundamentals

1. Project Issues
2. Project Characteristics
– Definition of a Project
– Project vs. Operations
– Key Elements of Project
– Project Lifecycle Phases
– Project Management

Office of the Senior
Associate Vice President for Finance

3. Project Participants

Project Stakeholders
Project Sponsor & Owner
Project Manager
Project Team

4. Basic Project Tools

Project Charter
Project Management Plan
WBS / Schedule
Action / Risk / Change
– Document Management
Page 4

Project Issues
Project Management Fundamentals

Office of the Senior
Associate Vice President for Finance

Page 5

Project Characteristics
Project Management Fundamentals

Office of the Senior
Associate Vice President for Finance

Page 6

Definition of a Project
Project Management Fundamentals

Project - A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
Temporary / Not Ongoing
- Definite beginning and end
- Does not mean a short duration
- Does not necessarily apply to product, service, or

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