...of Business Publications Odette School of Business 2012 An assessment of the early stages of a sustainable business model in the Canadian fast food industry David Hutchinson University of Windsor, dhutch@uwindsor.ca Jang Singh University of Windsor, jang@uwindsor.ca Kent Walker University of Windsor, kentwalk@uwindsor.ca Follow this and additional works at: http://scholar.uwindsor.ca/odettepub Part of the Business Commons This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Odette School of Business at Scholarship at UWindsor. It has been accepted for inclusion in Odette School of Business Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholarship at UWindsor. For more information, please contact scholarship@uwindsor.ca. In Press (October 2012) European Business Review http://www.europeanbusinessreview.com/ An Assessment of the Early Stages of a Sustainable Business Model in the Canadian Fast Food Industry David Hutchinson, Ph.D. Jang Singh, Ph.D. Kent Walker, Ph.D. Odette School of Business, University of Windsor Structured Abstract Purpose: The objective is to describe a Canadian corporation's implementation and application of a sustainable business operation and model. It is based upon a case study of an International Canadian coffee and donut chain: Tim Hortons. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected through: (1) extensive publications of corporate documents, (2) observations of actual operations at retail sites, (3) social media...
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...STRENGTHENING STAKEHOLDER-COMPANY RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INITIATIVES C.B. Bhattacharya Daniel Korschun Sankar Sen Forthcoming: Journal of Business Ethics Abstract Corporate social responsibility (CSR) continues to gain attention atop the corporate agenda and is by now an important component of the dialogue between companies and their stakeholders. Nevertheless, there is still little guidance as to how companies can implement CSR activity in order to maximize returns to CSR investment. Theorists have identified many company favoring outcomes of CSR, yet there is a dearth of research on the psychological mechanisms that drive stakeholder responses to CSR activity. Borrowing from the literatures on means-end chains and relationship marketing, we propose a conceptual model that explains how CSR provides individual stakeholders with numerous benefits (functional, psychosocial, and values) and how the type and extent to which a stakeholder derives these benefits from CSR initiatives influences the quality of the relationship between the stakeholder and the company. The paper discusses the implications of these insights and highlights a number of areas for future research. 1 STRENGTHENING STAKEHOLDER-COMPANY RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INITIATIVES Corporate social responsibility (CSR), or “a commitment to improve community wellbeing through discretionary business practices and contributions...
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...built on the premise that the primary goal of a corporation should be shareholder wealth value maximization. Extant theoretical and empirical research in financial economics also generally accept shareholder wealth maximization as the normative and ideal goal on which all business decisions should be based. This paradigm assumes that there are no externalities and all the participants engaged in transactions with the firm are voluntary players competing in free, fair and competitive markets. A very different view is offered by what is loosely called stakeholder theory. The stakeholder theory posits that the focus on shareholders and firm value is misplaced and managers should be concerned with all stakeholders of the firm. The paper attempts to address what is felt as a lack of dialogue between the two camps. INTRODUCTION Corporate finance theory, teaching and the typically recommended practice at least in the US are all built on the premise that the primary goal of a corporation should be the maximization of shareholder value. Extant theoretical and empirical research in financial economics also generally accepts shareholder wealth maximization as the normative and ideal goal on which all business decisions should be based. A quick survey of several corporate finance textbooks reveals this approach (Brealey and Myers (2003), Brigham and Ehrhardt (2002), Moyer, McGuigan and Kretlow...
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...Long Range Planning 43 (2010) 308e325 http://www.elsevier.com/locate/lrp Building Social Business Models: Lessons from the Grameen Experience Muhammad Yunus, Bertrand Moingeon and Laurence Lehmann-Ortega Grameen bank, founded in 1976, has both pioneered the development of micro-finance, and created nearly 30 businesses designed to alleviate poverty. The article traces the gradual development of Grameen’s expertise in formulating social business models, which require new value propositions, value constellations and profit equations, and as such, resembles business model innovation. The article presents five lessons learned from this experience: three are similar to those of conventional business model innovation e challenging conventional thinking, finding complementary partners and undertaking continuous experimentation; two are specific to social business models: recruiting social-profit-oriented shareholders, and specifying social profit objectives clearly and early. We suggest these new business models e where stakeholders replace shareholders as the focus of value maximization e could empower capitalism to address overwhelming global concerns. Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction The Grameen Group is a network of nearly 30 sister organizations linked to the Bangladeshi Grameen Bank, the microcredit pioneer and (together with its founder, Muhammad Yunus, one of this article’s co-authors) 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner. This group was established in...
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...Journal of Management http://jom.sagepub.com/ What We Know and Don't Know About Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review and Research Agenda Herman Aguinis and Ante Glavas Journal of Management 2012 38: 932 originally published online 1 March 2012 DOI: 10.1177/0149206311436079 The online version of this article can be found at: http://jom.sagepub.com/content/38/4/932 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: Southern Management Association Additional services and information for Journal of Management can be found at: Email Alerts: http://jom.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://jom.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav >> Version of Record - May 29, 2012 OnlineFirst Version of Record - Mar 1, 2012 What is This? Downloaded from jom.sagepub.com at Sunway Education Group on April 23, 2014 Journal of Management Vol. 38 No. 4, July 2012 932-968 DOI: 10.1177/0149206311436079 © The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permission: http://www. sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav What We Know and Don’t Know About Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review and Research Agenda Herman Aguinis Indiana University Ante Glavas University of Notre Dame The authors review the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature based on 588 journal articles and 102 books and book chapters. They offer a multilevel and multidisciplinary theoretical framework...
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...1 Profiting from poverty: ethics of microfinance in BOP Linda M. Sama and R. Mitch Casselman Department of Management, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, St. John’s University, New York, New York, USA Abstract Purpose – This paper seeks to examine the ethical dilemmas that emerge when offering microfinance services in BOP markets. Design/methodology/approach – Utilizing the ethical lenses of deontology, teleology, virtue ethics and moral relativism, the paper builds on prior research on ethical issues in BOP markets and the ethics of microfinance to highlight the specific stakeholder impacts facing MFIs. Relevant literature and examples from practice are utilized to illustrate the different ethical perspectives. Findings – In general, many of the key dilemmas represent themselves in the extreme poverty segment of the BOP where commercial business models have the least traction. Research limitations/implications – Propositions are developed for the corrective actions in the paper which might allow future research to uncover differences in intervention success in different BOP markets. Practical implications – The discussion of potential interventions for the various stakeholders may ameliorate criticisms of MFIs, suggest opportunities for cross-sectoral partnerships and improve outreach to the poorest of the poor. Social implications – For each issue addressed, this paper looks at the types of corrections that are made or called for through markets, government actions and...
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...ARTICLE IN PRESS Long Range Planning -- (2010) ---e--- http://www.elsevier.com/locate/lrp Complex Business Models: Managing Strategic Paradoxes Simultaneously Wendy K. Smith, Andy Binns and Michael L. Tushman As our world becomes more global, fast paced and hypercompetitive, competitive advantage may increasingly depend on success in managing paradoxical strategies strategies associated with contradictory, yet integrated tensions. We identify several types of complex business models organizations will need to adopt if they are to host such paradoxical strategies. Managing complex business models effectively depends on leadership that can make dynamic decisions, build commitment to both overarching visions and agenda specific goals, learn actively at multiple levels, and engage conflict. Leaders can engage these functions through team-centric or leader-centric structures. Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction By the late 1990’s, USA Today was the highest circulating national newspaper in the United States.1 CEO Tom Curley and his senior executive team had created a new category of newspapers by negotiating distribution deals with hotels and businesses to provide national news to educated and high-income business travelers, a demographic that yielded excellent advertising revenues. When widening access to the Internet and the emergence of novel news content channels such as Yahoo! and AOL promised to put the newspaper’s position under...
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...http://crs.sagepub.com Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee Crit Sociol 2008; 34; 51 DOI: 10.1177/0896920507084623 The online version of this article can be found at: http://crs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/34/1/51 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com Additional services and information for Critical Sociology can be found at: Email Alerts: http://crs.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://crs.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations (this article cites 30 articles hosted on the SAGE Journals Online and HighWire Press platforms): http://crs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/34/1/51 Downloaded from http://crs.sagepub.com at LA TROBE UNIVERSITY on April 21, 2008 © 2008 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. Critical Sociology 34(1) 51-79 http://crs.sagepub.com Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee University of Western Sydney, Australia Abstract In this article I critically analyze contemporary discourses of corporate social responsibility and related discourses of sustainability and corporate citizenship. I argue that despite their emancipatory rhetoric, discourses of corporate citizenship, social responsibility and sustainability are defined by narrow business interests and serve to curtail...
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...| Business Leadership and Human Values Seminar2 CreditsBU 131.601.F5Summer Session 2016Wednesdays 1:30-4:30pm -- June 8 – July 27 Harbor East Room 230 | Instructor Rick Milter, Ph.D. Contact Information Phone Number: 410.234.9422 milter@jhu.edu Office Hours Typically before class session or by appointment. Required Learning Materials This course is a series of thematic conversations about human values and your responsibilities as an emerging/aspiring business leader. There is no traditional textbook, but there is much reading. You are required to read The Moral Compass: Leadership for a Free World, a workbook by Lindsay Thompson available online as a PDF in Course Documents. You will find details about required learning materials in the Bibliography and Theme Briefs sections of the Syllabus. Course Description and Overview This course explores ethical leadership as a framework for enterprise value creation in a complex environment of competing economic and moral claims. Students examine the intrinsic ethical challenges of leadership and the concept of a moral compass as a foundation for responding effectively to the ethical challenges of corporate citizenship and value creation in a competitive global economy. (2 credits) Syllabus Table of Contents Page Topic 2 Bibliography & Learning Resources 6 Calendar, Seminar Structure, Theme Briefs, Content 42 Seminar Preparation Toolkit 48 Learning Objectives, Graded Assignments...
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...Introduction The business as per the generally acceptable notion is a profit making entity and takes into account function of monetary transactions as the criteria measure for the success of its operational activities. Corporate social responsibility in the past is considered as unwanted activities which are imposed on business by law and governing bodies as unnecessary burden which is against the basic principle of profit making for the business organizations. Business organizations have been considered as bodies that meet the demand of the consumers by supplying their goods and services, and have the responsibility for generating wealth and employment opportunities. (Mette Morsing & Carmen Thyssen, 2003) In recent times after the increase in concern about the ecological imbalances and the impact of business on the environment, this above view is however changing and more and more entities are taking corporate social responsibility activities and few of them are also able to align their business goals in order to generate profits. The modern business also debates over the business responsibility towards the Shareholder’s and owners versus Stakeholders (employees, consumers, suppliers and shareholders) in the present day scenario. After taking the consideration of responsibility towards stakeholders, businesses are coming closer to the society and are altering the function of business organizations taking into considerations the business’ wider role. The wider role define...
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...Deeper Luxury lp lan eta ryr es t originalexperientialconnectedwholelovingdepthmeaningspecialnaturalauthenticgreengenuinetrustedconsceoustsusttainableethicalinnerintegralrespectfulplanetaryrestorativethri r us bl i na nableenchantinginnerintegralrespectfulconsciousrestorativeauthentircgreencontributingengagingworthwhileinspirinedcpinitualcreativediverseoriginalexperientialconnectedwhole gs o r taing henticg eengenuinetru s erseoriginalexperientialconnectedwholelovingdepthmeanitngtspecialnaturalauthentstgreconsciuiussuustedconscioussustsciinu bleethicalinnerintegralrespectfulplanetaryconscio hau a oas ic ed engeno netr dep su s t ovi g i e ectedwholelovingdepthmeaningspecialnaturalethichallelrunstedplanetarysustainableencharnttvinginnerintegralrespectfulconsciousres torativeauthenticgreencontributingengagingwo oa tai w o cted aningspecialnaturalauth me originalexperientialconnectedwholelovingdepntnh na e e us r enticgreengenuinetrustedconsciousspetainableethicalinnb rintegralrespectfulplanetaryrestorativethri o alc x l ie i ieo nableenchantinginnerintegralrespecltfuelrcntinsciousrestorativeauthenticgreencontributingengagingworthwhileinspiringspiritualcreativedeverseoriginalexperientialconnectedwvholre xp rati eth e th ina yr to ig ce erseoriginalexperientialconnescoredwholelovingdepthmeaningspecialnaturalauthenticgreengenuinetrustedconscioussustainableethicalininal rintegralrespectfulplantatraresconscio ee y et r inn langengagingwo ive fu d ectedwholelovingdepthmetaningspe...
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...society. Based on their purpose, organizations can be classified as for-profits, governments, or nonprofits. At a minimum, for-profits seek gain for their owners; governments exist to define the rules and structures of society within which all organizations must operate; and nonprofits (sometimes called NGOs—nongovernmental organizations) emerge to do social good when the political will or the profit motive is insufficient to address society’s needs. Aggregated across society, each of these different organizations represents a powerful mobilization of resources. In the United States, for example, more than 595,000 social workers are employed largely outside the public sector—many in the nonprofit community and medical organizations—filling needs not met by either government or the private sector.1 Society exists, therefore, as a mix of these different organizational forms. Each performs different roles, but each also depends on the others to provide the complete patchwork of exchange interactions (products and services, financial and social capital, etc.) that constitute a well-functioning society. Whether called corporations, companies, businesses, proprietorships, or firms, for example, for-profit organizations also interact with government, trade unions, suppliers, NGOs, and other groups in the communities in which they operate, in both positive and negative ways. Each of these groups or actors, therefore, can claim to have a stake in the operations of the firm. Some benefit more...
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...Are the current corporate social responsibility policies employed by online gambling companies proportional to the psychological impact the industry has on its consumers? A critical review of the UK online gambling industry. Andrew Macdonald March 2013 MA (Soc) Business and Management University of Glasgow 1 CONTENTS 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................3 2 Literature Review............................................................................................5 Introduction and Definitions.................................................................................5 Justification of Research.....................................................................................8 CSR within Online Gambling.............................................................................10 Psychological Aspects of Online Gambling........................................................13 3 Methods.........................................................................................................19 4 Findings.........................................................................................................25 Survey Results...................................................................................................25 CSR Policies......................................................................................................30 Socially Irresponsible Practices............
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...International Journal of Management Reviews (2007) doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2370.2007.00215.x XXXX utilitarian, ORIGINAL XXX International Publishing Management theories IJMR 2007managerial and relational Reviews of corporate social responsibility © Blackwell Journal of Ltd 2007 1460-8545 Oxford, UK ARTICLES Blackwell Publishing Ltd Utilitarian, managerial and relational theories of corporate social responsibility Davide Secchi Concepts and theories of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been examined and classified by scholars since the mid-1970s. However, owing to the evolving meaning of CSR and the huge number of scholars who have begun to analyze the issue in recent years fresh efforts are needed to understand new developments. Since there is a great heterogeneity of theories and approaches, the task remains a very hard one, mainly because heterogeneity derives from multi-disciplinary diversity. The criterion for selection is to consider the role that theorists confer to the firm. Following this idea, three groups of theories have been discerned: (1) the utilitarian group, in which the corporation is intended as a maximizing ‘black box’ where problems of externalities and social costs emerge; (2) the managerial category, where problems of responsibility are approached from inside the firm (internal perspective); (3) relational theories, or those in which the type of relations between the firm and the environment are at the center of the analysis. The three perspectives...
Words: 16348 - Pages: 66
...Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Corporate social reporting and reputation risk management Jan Bebbington Carlos Larrinaga Jose M. Moneva Article information: Downloaded by University of Strathclyde At 07:57 17 October 2014 (PT) To cite this document: Jan Bebbington Carlos Larrinaga Jose M. Moneva, (2008),"Corporate social reporting and reputation risk management", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 21 Iss 3 pp. 337 - 361 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09513570810863932 Downloaded on: 17 October 2014, At: 07:57 (PT) References: this document contains references to 70 other documents. To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 10839 times since 2008* Users who downloaded this article also downloaded: Jeffrey Unerman, (2008),"Strategic reputation risk management and corporate social responsibility reporting", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 21 Iss 3 pp. 362-364 Carol A. Adams, (2008),"A commentary on: corporate social responsibility reporting and reputation risk management", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 21 Iss 3 pp. 365-370 Pekka Aula, (2010),"Social media, reputation risk and ambient publicity management", Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 38 Iss 6 pp. 43-49 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by 117974 [] For Authors If you would like to...
Words: 16821 - Pages: 68