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Mission Specific Outcomes

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The purpose of this paper is to identify two of the four mission specific outcomes of the senior leader as areas that that I need to strengthen as I prepare for taking on senior leader positions in the United States Army Reserve. I will accomplish this task by examining the four mission-specific outcomes of senior leaders as described in Thomas P. Galvin’s article, “Welcome to the Seminar,” provide examples from the Introduction to Strategic Studies Course case study and subsequently identify two of those mission specific outcomes that I believe that will be critical to my success as an emerging strategic leader. As GEN George C Marshall stated at the onset of WWII, It became clear to me that at the age of 58, I would have to learn new …show more content…
The four persistent outcomes are; Steward of the Profession, Networked Leader, Resilient Leader and Critical and Reflective Thinker. The four mission specific outcomes are Strategic Advisor and Communicator, Strategic Planner, Strategic Theorist and Senior Leader at the Strategic Level. As I reflected on the Galvin article and prepared to work on this writing project, I began to see that I need to grow in multiple areas in order for me to become more effective at the strategic leadership …show more content…
Specifically, I feel that my skills as a strategic communicator are not where I would like them to be. As I reflect on my career up to this point, I can see that with one brief exception, while briefly on the Army Staff, the leadership, communication and influence that I have exerted has been largely operational or tactical in nature. When I have been in tactical command or staff positions, I provided direction or advice to senior officers based on my professional experience, technical expertise as a Master Aviator, rank and position. Very little influencing or strategic communication was required or used. Based on the readings and the case study, I can see now that the senior leader needs to develop the ability to influence outside the organization by providing timely and knowledgeable advice to senior military and civilian leadership that is based not solely on rank and experience, but on understanding the environment, ethical reasoning and understanding the potential outcomes of the advice

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