Makoto Shinkai’s 2016 animated movie adaption of his novel, Your Name, depicts the story of Taki, an everyday high school student in Tokyo, and Mitsuha, a high school student in a rural town, who discover that they periodically swap bodies. Gradually, they get use to the body swap and begin to learn more about each other until suddenly the phenomenon stops after the passing of a comet. Taki, plagued by his memories of Mitsuha, sets out to find her only to discover that the comet broke apart causing a fragment to fall and destroyed the Mitsuha’s hometown 3 years ago. Taki manages to restart the body swap phenomenon and works to prevent the deaths of the townspeople and ends up meeting Mitsuha in person due to an event called the twilight. However…show more content… The movie defines a connection between the shrine festival, the shrine god, and the comet. The comet breaks off everytime it comes within orbit of the Earth as explained by the cave painting when Taki drinks the kuchikamizake. The first comet, in the past, created the first massive crater from which people would start calling “God.” The second breakoff of the comet lands where the shrine was built in Mitsuha’s town, creating a lake. In consistence with the theme, the shrine festival is also held on the same day as the comet breakoff. These points solidify that there is a connection between, the comet, god, and the shrine. The shrine god’s power is at its apex when the comet seems to be of close proximity to Earth’s orbit and helps explain how Future Taki and Current Mitsuha were able to interact as if they were in the same timeline at the crater where they saw each other. Because the shrine god’s power was at it’s peak during twilight, they seemed to have been able to have bend time to make the two meet. Mitsuha had also created the kuchiki mizake sake during the shrine festival, and because she was the inherited priestess by blood, Taki drinking the sake had allowed for the shrine god to bring them into the same