...The Art of Seeing Essay Nick Cave Soundsuit Mixed Media Page 184 Soundsuit, created by Nick Cave in 2009 resembles a cloud of ceramic birds that surrounds a body suit of crocheted yarn pieces. The structure that resides on the crocheted body suit resembles the flight pattern of the birds, some delicate lines with beads and others strong, steel like structure protruding upwards, almost looking like tree branches or roots of a tree if looked at upside down. The body suit has various colors although keeping a palate of reds, oranges, pinks, black and white. The patterns resemble flowers of various types and sizes breaking the monotony of matching patterns. The various materials used in Soundsuit work together to create an egg-shaped sphere around the crocheted body suit giving the viewer a feel of surrounding; noise of movement. The strong predominant vertical metal branches that hold the ceramic birds symbolize branches, especially since the artist selected ceramic birds that are perched. Not one bird is alike, some with extended wings and others seeming to take flight; the sound of flapping wings is almost audible. The crocheted body suit has a feeling of randomness, different flowers and symbols in different places in non-geometrical lines. The suite covers all body parts except the head and hands as if the suit would give a person a different identity. It almost feels as if this body suit is closely related to nature. Soundsuit is uniform in the sense that it contains...
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...lines perpendicular to them. Used to build value Cross contour lines parallel lines that curve over an object’s surface in a vertical or horizontal manner (or both) to create the illusion of mass Pigment powdered coloring material Dry media Abrasive, scratch across a paper depositing particles wherever they come into contact with the surface Liquid Media Particles of pigment suspended in fluid that flow onto the surface freely Ex: INK Dry media Metal point Pencil/graphite Charcoal Conté crayon Pastels Metal Point Drawing with thin metal wires Charcoal Burnt wood Not shiny black Conté Crayon Graphite grounded into a powder and dyed into a stick Pastels High-end pigments Also bound in a wax stick Wash Ink thinned with water to create areas of tone Media medium Drawing materials Fluid/ wet media 6 pics have to name which media it is Drawing media & pastel Fluid media & ink wash Italian renaissance people Reafael , Leonardo, michaelangelo Paint= piment + binder + vehicle Component of paint Pigment, binder, vehicle Pigment Powdered coloring agents, provides the color Binder Holds pigment together and allows it to adhere to a surface Vehicle Spreads the pigment Painting media Watercolor Fresco Egg tempera Oil paints Acrylic Watercolor Pigment, gum...
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...its properties. Other additives produce certain desired characteristics in paint, such as the thixotropic agents that give paint its smooth texture, driers, anti-settling agents, anti-skinning agents, defoamers, and a host of others that enable paint to cover well and last long. Manufacturing process The manufacturing process involves five critical parts: Accurate measurement of ingredients Ingredients are typically measured by weight on scales, and in some cases by volume in calibrated vats and graduated measuring containers. . Preassembly and Premix The first step in the manufacturing process is preassembly and premix. In this step, the liquid raw materials (e.g., resins, solvents, oils, alcohols, and/or water) are "assembled" and mixed in...
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...Business Plan Topic: Waste to Building Materials Prepared for: Dr. A.K.M. Saiful Majid Professor Course Instructor: Entrepreneurship Course Code: W301 Prepared by: Safa Tasneem (RQ-17) BBA 18th Batch Date of Submission: January 21, 2013 Institute of Business Administration University of Dhaka [pic] 201, 202 TEJGAON INDUSTRIAL AREA DHAKA 1212, BANGLADESH +8801676907083 tasneem_safa@yahoo.com Partners: The partnership has been formed amongst a group of three close friends and highly aspiring entrepreneurs graduating from the BBA 18th batch of Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka. |Name |Address | |Safa Tasneem |House # C-39, Road # 6, Niketan, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212 | |Adel Mostaque Ahmed |House # 37, Road # 1, Block– A, Banasree, East Rampura, Dhaka – 1219 | |Ahnaf Zabee |House # 3/6, Block- A, Lalmatia, Mohammadpur, Dhaka | | | | | | ...
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...Media: I.Drawing: Support - Linear drawings vs. tonal drawings Three categories (reasons for making drawings) 1. Sketches to record ideas or sights, 2. Plans or studies, 3. Self-sufficient works of art Dry media: Metalpoint - Ground - Pigment - Cross-hatching - Pencil - Graphite - Charcoal - Binder – Crayon – Chalk - Pastel - Oil Stick - Conte crayon - Fluid media: Pen and ink Brush and ink Quill = feather Nib and stylus - type of pen. Stylus is the stick that holds the nib. Nib carries the ink. Brush and ink - Wash – II. Paint: Components of paint: 1. pigment - 2. vehicle - binder Types of painting : Fresco - Buon fresco - Fresco Secco - Encaustic - Tempera - Gesso - a ground made of powdered chalk or plaster and animal glue. Oil paint - Glazing - Impasto - Acrylic - Watercolor - Gouache - III. Printmaking: Advantage over drawing and painting ? Matrix - Four categoriesof print: 1. Relief, 2. Intaglio, 3.Lithography, 4. Serigraphy Relief: Woodcut - Linocut - Intaglio: Engraving - (burin?) Drypoint - Etching - Lithography: Serigraphy: IV. Photography: Greek roots - to write with light. Photosensitive - Lens - Print - Camera - Aperture - Shutter - Stop - Two things that determine the amount of light that reaches the film: 1. Size of aperture (stop) 2. Shutter speed Telephoto - Wide angle - Film - Film negative - Camera...
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...Isabelle Foster Georgia Southern University Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art PO Box 8032, Statesboro, GA 30460 Georgia Artists Collection gallery Troy Wingard, Jamie, Chalk pastel on paper The Georgia Artists Collection gallery in the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art is a perfect place to see all the diversity of expression within artists from Georgia. These artists used many different mediums for the art displayed in this exhibit. The art pieces range from watercolor, to ceramic sculptures, wood sculptures, engravings done by hand, oil, chalk, pen and ink, pastel on paper, mixed media, and so on. Students here at Georgia Southern University have the opportunity to come to this gallery and see various unique artworks that relate to the state of Georgia, it’s history, nature, and even our school. Erk, by Steve Penley, an oil on canvas piece is an excellent example of this. The portrait brings our most famous football coach Erk Russell, to life as well as all the school pride within the Eagle Nation. One piece of art in particular that caught my attention was Troy Wingard’s, Jamie, which was created in 1998. This piece of art is a very large scale, representational, pastel on paper portrait. The artwork is of a woman with short hair wearing what looks like a white nightgown, laying down in bed as she looks off into the distance. She seems to be deep in thought, strong, serious, and maybe even somber. The picture brings a sense of balance to the woman’s face through...
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...Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities; this article focuses primarily on the visual arts, which includes the creation of images or objects in fields including painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media. Humanities are academic disciplines that study human culture, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative, and having a significant historical element, as distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences. The humanities include ancient and modern languages, literature, philosophy, religion, and visual and performing arts such as music and theatre. The humanities that are also sometimes regarded as social sciences include history, anthropology, area studies, communication studies, cultural studies, law and linguistics. Art Appreciation is having the knowledge, background, and understanding of the universal and timeless qualities that comprise. It is an emotional enjoyment of the extensive study of the humanities. Scope of Art 1. Fine arts from the 17th century on, has meant art forms developed primarily for aesthetics, distinguishing them from applied arts that also have to serve some practical function. (e.g. paintings, drawing, visual designs, photography and computer arts) 2. Practical art is an arts or craft, as woodworking or needlework that serves a utilitarian purpose. (e.g. engraving, sculpture, carpentry, architecture) Subject of Art In...
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...Alexandra Powell Evaluating Art Art 280.004 Instructor: Fuller Depicting the Hunting Man On October 3rd, 2014, I visited the Ed and Gwen Cole Art Center in downtown Nacogdoches, TX. I viewed on display the Stephen F. Austin State University’s School of Art Annual Faculty Exhibition. This year’s exhibition features a wide array of work in painting, ceramics, metals, mixed media, digital and sculptures. The painting I chose to write about is titled “Duke and Stoney,” under the artists name Shaun Roberts. The painting is an oil on canvas and was completed in 2014. It stands 6 feet tall and 4 feet long. When I first looked at the painting “Duke and Stoney,” I noticed that there were three subjects in the painting, a man, a dog, and an armadillo lying dead on the ground. I saw that the man was holding a rife in his right hand and that his shirt was unbuttoned, allowing you to see that he has a tattoo on his chest as well as above his rectangular belt buckle. The tattoo on his chest is of a skull with two pistols pointing upwards and the one above his belt states the word “HELL.” The man is wearing baggy jeans that have a hole on the right knee and he has a knife in a pouch hanging off his belt. The man is wearing a cowboy hat and a smile. In the background there are many shadows and one of them forms the silhouette of a face. Roberts, the artist, uses soft line to add the shadows in the background of the painting making them blend in as if they aren’t even there...
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...High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing: Tight Oil Kevin Conibear 10060801 Geology 377: Petroleum Engineering Dr. Rob Taerum April 11, 2014 Introduction Tight oil has reversed a decline in Western Canadian and U.S oil production. In tandem with advancements in horizontal drilling, high volume hydraulic fracturing has enabled companies to tap into billions of barrels of tight oil that were previously thought to be inaccessible. Tight oil, trapped in microscopic pores within impermeable layers of shale, is an unconventional oil reservoir. Unconventional reservoirs cannot be extracted through a traditional ‘well and pump’ procedure. Conversely, conventional oil reservoirs can be extracted through this traditional process. Conventional reservoirs are layers of rock that allow oil to flow relatively easily through a series of pores in the rock, thus are high in porosity and permeability. However, there are a diminishing number of conventional reservoirs, leading to the increased demand for the production unconventional oil – tight oil. Hydraulic fracturing is a technique that creates cracks within shale formations, allowing tight oil to flow freely for efficient and profitable extraction. This process has only recently been utilized to its great potential, and has proven to have profound economic implications. What is shale? Shale is fine-grained sedimentary rock that is often rich in in petroleum and natural gas. Sedimentary rocks are formed through an accumulation of sediment...
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...2007:224 CIV M ASTER’S TH E SI S Study of the reactions between iron ore slag and refractories Julien Zimmermann MSc PrograMMeS in engineering Materials Technology (eeigM) Luleå University of Technology Department of Applied Physics and Mechanical Engineering Division of Material Mechanics 2007:224 CIV • ISSN: 1402 - 1617 • ISRN: LTU - EX - - 07/224 - - SE Summary: For the fabrication of iron ore pellets at LKAB (Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB), one of the methods used is to sinter the pellets in a rotary kiln. This Kiln has a drift temperature of 1250°C in average. During this process a coating, causing the wear of the refractories materials, is formed, inducing expensive maintenance periods. The aim of this work is to find the reaction that takes place between the Slag and the bricks, in order to find the parameters that have to be changed to improve the bricks lifetime in the kiln. The use of bricks with higher alumina content is one of the solutions, but it is expensive. The influence of Alkalis and especially Na2O has been studied before in inert atmosphere. In this work it will be studied in air as well as the influence of the alumina content of the brick. Experiments were performed in air atmosphere, using powder samples that have been compressed into pellets. The devices used to characterize the reaction and the product of the reaction were: Kanthal furnace, X-ray diffraction (XRD), dilatometer, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry (DSC/TG)...
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...ASSESSMENT – A Culture of Inquiry Please work with your department faculty to develop a graduate profile that reflects common goals among all departments and in relationship to our mission statement. This graduate profile should be ready prior to our next Program Chairs meeting on October 7th, when we will discuss and come to agreement about what we believe is our “ultimate” graduate profile. Following program chairs’ agreement, the material will go to the full faculty for discussion and vote. I will also gather input from Student Affairs so that we understand their contribution to the success of our students. Readings about assessment and what it is are attached.* As I mentioned earlier, we will be working our way through this process together, and developing our assessment program in relationship to the goals and values unique (and/or integral) to this institution. Additional readings are on reserve in the library, and an enormous amount of information is available on the web. *Distributed at the Program Chairs meeting on 9.9.2008 MISSION Maine College of Art delivers a demanding and enlivening education in visual art and design within an intimate learning community. We teach each student how to transform aspirations and values into a creative practice that serves as the foundation for a lifelong pursuit of personal and professional goals. VALUES o Maine College of Art’s educational philosophy is built on the premise that focused individual attention and...
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...A light-emitting diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor light source. It is a p–n junction diode, which emits light when activated.[4]When a suitable voltage is applied to the leads, electrons are able to recombine with electron holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence, and the color of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photon) is determined by the energy band gap of the semiconductor. An LED is often small in area (less than 1 mm2) and integrated optical components may be used to shape its radiation pattern.[5] Appearing as practical electronic components in 1962,[6] the earliest LEDs emitted low-intensity infrared light. Infrared LEDs are still frequently used as transmitting elements in remote-control circuits, such as those in remote controls for a wide variety of consumer electronics. The first visible-light LEDs were also of low intensity, and limited to red. Modern LEDs are available across the visible,ultraviolet, and infrared wavelengths, with very high brightness. Early LEDs were often used as indicator lamps for electronic devices, replacing small incandescent bulbs. They were soon packaged into numeric readouts in the form of seven-segment displays, and were commonly seen in digital clocks. Recent developments in LEDs permit them to be used in environmental and task lighting. LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime...
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...Survey of Creative Individuals’ Space Needs and Preferences Survey of Creative Enterprises and Interested Businesses CONCORD, NH September 2011 Prepared by Sw an Research and Consultin g for — Survey of Creative Individuals, Enterprises and Businesses – Concord Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of Survey Results – Creative Individuals’ Space Needs and Preferences . . . . . . Relocation to a Live/Work Facility: Interested Respondents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Needs and Preferences for Live and Work Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current Studio/Work Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current Living Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Studio/Work Space Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current Space Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Needs and Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 16 20 21 23 26 27 1 2 9 ...
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...Innovations Report, Nadukuppam Panchayat, Vilupuram District, Tamil Nadu, Pitchandikulam Bio Resource Centre, Tamil Nadu In Partnership for Development with AusAID and Quaker Service Australia Extract from Chapter 2: WATER INNOVATIONS WATER SUPPLY ANALYSIS COMMUNITY FEEDBACK ON WATER WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS TECHNOLOGY REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS FURTHER WORKS ADDITIONAL INNOVATIVE OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION WASTE WATER TREATMENT ANALYSIS EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS TECHNOLOGY REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS All households in Devikulam use water from the village tank for drinking and cooking. Households in the village have their own taps linked to the village supply, however households in the colony are not directly linked to the village supply, they use a common tap to attain suitable drinking water. Access to the village tap for drinking water is only available for one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening, thus water is collected in large vessels for daily use. Households in the colony also have common taps, linked to the water tank in the colony, however due to the quality of this water it is not suitable for drinking and is used only for washing and cleaning. Water Supply Analysis The development of a safe and reliable water supply system has vast economic, social and environmental benefits to the Devikulum community. Currently, the community water is supplied from three different bores, one of which has been identified...
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...GARBAGE SORTING AT HOME ABSTRACT Sorting garbage is a hot topic in our country as it become compulsory to people to sort their garbage at home started from 1 September 2015. Garbage sorting is the way to reduce the amount of solid waste to be compose at land fill and take so many year to decompose; because it contributes to environmental protection. Therefore, it is important for us to support our government and give new ideas in order to help Malaysia clean country. This work is about to study about what is garbage sorting and study about previous and current method use by Malaysia to sort garbage Based on this, we introduce the new idea to design user awareness on garbage sorting such as games, introduce garbage sorting through media social, garbage sorting notice or instruction at product packaging and compose song about garbage sorting. This new idea can be a platform to enhance the current system in Malaysia INTRODUCTION Heading towards a developed nation by 2020, Malaysia needs to implement strategies and effective initiatives to transform the country in terms physical, economic and social. Therefore, hygiene and environmental sustainability is one of the essential characteristics attentions. To achieve hygiene and environmental sustainability in the country, Malaysia faces many challenges that must be addressed with a strategic and effective manner. The challenges are in many aspects including the attitude and...
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