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Mmi274 Study Guide


Submitted By roxygirl
Words 2315
Pages 10
MMI 274 Exam Review
Units 1-7; 7 only first 5 slides * Intellectual Property: no physical existence- product of the mind; intangible * Cannot be possessed, but it can be owned * Can possess a particular performance, or embodiment in a physical object * Possession of a physical object embodying a copyrighted work does not equate to ownership of the copyrighted work * Many people believe that when they purchase something, they have the right to do anything they want with it * However, if that property is CD that contains copyrighted works, the owner of the CD cannot do whatever she wants with that piece of property (at least not legally) * One major disadvantage of intangible property is that it can easily be infringed upon… easier to see that your car was stolen than your song; song could be stolen by multiple ppl * Permission to use IP is usually granted by a license: state how the work can be used and what compensation the copyright owner will be paid for allowing the use * The compensation is usually in the form of royalties (% of the price paid for the use) * what types of works is considered IP? (slide 9) songs, sound recordings, movies, tv shows, plays, dance routines, books, poems, photos, paintings, sculptures, computer programs, and websites * Care about songs and masters (song recordings) * Sometimes have a mix of copyrights ex) dance routine involved with another copyright (songs and dance choreography – songs, master recordings, choreographed routines: Broadway) * Buy a CD don’t own master recordings of songs – no copyrights * Know 3 forms of protection in IP: copyright, patents, and trademarks
Unit 2: * difference between author’s right philosophy (slide 4) vs user’s right to philosophy (slide 5-6) * Author’s right philosophy is the natural right *

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