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Submitted By eyansuraya74
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Are you a forgetful person? Do you wish you could remember those facts or lists that everyone seems to know but you always seem to forget? Well let me tell you that this unnecessary embarrassment can be destroyed with simple memory improvement methods that anyone can learn.

When you applies the principles of Mnemonics, which I will teach you later, it will benefits you as below : • Lock the information in your memory easily for the rest of your life • Impress friends with your amazing ability to recall facts • Become highly intelligent and gain personal confidence from this • Become highly respected amongst your peers • Teach your family and friends these wonderful memory tricks so they too can benefit

Today I would like to show you how easy to learn about mnemonics and the effectiveness of this tricks using various examples. Let us start with what Mnemonics are?
Mnemonics are generally known as memory aids. They help people to memorize or remember huge amount of data and information. These memories can be recalled in the sort of directories such as features, steps, periods, fractions, segments etc.
There are different kinds of mnemonics working as memory devices. Mnemonic examples come in many varieties and flavors. The effectiveness of a mnemonic depends upon the thoughts of people using it. Mnemonics are basically visual as well as verbal.

Four examples of Mnemonics for you here.
Musical Mnemonics: A well known musical mnemonic is the 'ABC' song through which children learn and remember the alphabets.

Word or Expression mnemonics: Word mnemonics are known to be the best and most commonly used mnemonics. In this type of mnemonics the first alphabet of each entry in a list is organized to make a phrase or word. For example the word 'FANBOYS' represents the seven conjunctions that are- For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet and So.

Name mnemonics: The first alphabet of each character from a list of facts is used to form a name of a commodity or an individual. For example if you arrange the first letters from the list of the colors of rainbow it becomes 'VIBGYOR'. Each letter of this word signifies a name of colors: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red respectively.

Model Mnemonics: Model mnemonics characterize some information by making models to help people to realize and remember them. Pie diagram is an example of model mnemonics.

Given the several examples of Mnemonics, I am sure you still need a further understanding on how does Mnemonics works. Rite? It basically acts as a tool which allows larger more difficult pieces of information to be hooked upon easy to remember information. So let’s us look at these examples.

1. Great Lakes of North America: For this we can use the acronym Homes where each letter corresponds to one of the great lakes - Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.
2. Planets of our Solar System: We can also use silly expressions to help us remember the order of the planets in the solar system - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune becomes "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos".

As you can see from these mnemonic examples, learning can be very easy if you learn to store and recall the information in the correct way. You can now use these mnemonic examples to create your very own mnemonics. This is just one of many memory improvement techniques you can use to transform your life. Learning can be fun and easy; unfortunately most of us are not told how to learn. So we become very inefficient at it. It does not have to be like this

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