...Spring 2007 New Experiences, Emerging Consumer Issues This Update explores the emerging field of mobile commerce, generally defined as business-to-consumer commercial activities conducted via a mobile device. Technological developments within the wireless industry are giving rise to healthy growth forecasts for the mobile sub-set of electronic commerce. This paper describes the main types of mobile commerce applications available to Canadian consumers. Consumer protection issues and a number of policy initiatives are also discussed, in light of experiences of earlyadopting countries. Monitoring the consumer issues raised by mobile commerce will assuredly be required as technological developments and consumer uptake further evolve. Mobile Commerce: Winter 2010 The Consumer Trends Update is published by the Office of Consumer Affairs, Industry Canada. It provides brief reports on research or policy developments related to themes explored in the 2005 Consumer Trends Report, which is available at: www.consumer.ic.gc.ca/trends. The recent boom in mobile devices, in terms of both the scope and nature of usage, is heightening the potential for mobile commerce. A majority of Canadians today have access to a mobile phone 1; in fact, some have access to more than one, and a growing number even rely exclusively on wireless The pace of technological adoption: telephony. 2 Recent models integrate voice the U.S. payments example communications with various non-voice functions...
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...market is highly competitive and dominated in Canada by the major telecommunications players, Bell, Rogers, and Telus. In 1998 the telecommunications industry in Canada was deregulated by the CRTC, opening the door for smaller players to enter the market. In 2008 the Canadian government allowed new competitors to bid on new wireless licences which resulted in a flood of new competitors such as WIND Mobile, Mobilicity, Public Mobile, and Vidéotron Ltée. YAK Communications was founded in 1999 by Tony Lacavera as a dial-around long-distance service. Its sister company WIND Mobile is one these new wireless players and is making inroads in this complex market. YAK Communications started as a re-seller of long-distance services by purchasing bulk long-distance capacity at wholesale prices from the large carriers and selling it at discount prices to consumers – no need for contracts, customers just dialled a number before their long-distance number and the discounted rates applied. In 2006 Tony Lacavera oversaw Globalive’s purchase of YAK Communications, a private company that also owns Wind Mobile. Lacavera is Chairman of Globalive and has a 35% stake in the company. Today YAK Communications carefully segments the telecommunications market, offering discounted services to consumer and business markets. Let’s look at its offerings and how it segments the market. Yak started by buying blocks of long distance time from the major phone companies and selling the time back to the...
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...MCS*3620*02 Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Nokia Lumina 1020 November 28, 2013 Table of Contents Executive Summary………………………………….Situation Analysis…………………………………… Market Analysis………………………………. Market Environment…………………………..Consumer Analysis……………………………Competitor Analysis………………………….. Blackberry………………………………... Apple……………………………………… Samsung………………………………….. HTC……………………………………….. Product Analysis: Nokia Lumia 1020…SWOT Analysis………………………………………Marketing Strategy………………………………….Marketing Objectives…………………………Marketing Strategies………………………….. Basis for Segmentation…………………. Target Market…………………………… Positioning……………………………….. Competitive Approach…………………..Target Audience………………………………Proposed Budget………………………………Communication Objectives…………………...Overall Creative Strategy……………………..Creative Executions…………………………... Social Media……………………………... Experiential Marketing…………………. Sponsorship………………………………. Personal Selling…………………………. Television Ad……………………………..Media Strategies………………………………Activity Schedule……………………………..Plan Assessment & Closing Recommendations……Bibliography………………………………………….Appendix……………………………………………... Appendix 1: Tables…………………………… Appendix 2: Images…………………………... Appendix 3: Definitions……………………… |...
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...| The Wireless Telecommunications Industry in Canada | | An analysis of the Canadian wireless telecommunications market reveals that many consumers are unhappy with high prices and want to see a more competitive marketplace, while the government agrees; some experts believe three competitors is the natural number for the industry. The wireless telecommunications market in Canada consists of an oligopoly comprised of three major players; Rogers, Bell, and Telus. These three companies combined have over a 90% market share in the industry (Mayer, 2013). Many consumers are unhappy with their mobile phone bills but are stuck paying high prices because there aren’t any cheaper alternatives. Interestingly enough, many other countries’ wireless telecommunications markets have a similar make-up to Canada’s, where three or four companies dominate the market. However, according to one report by Wall Communications Inc, consumers in many of those markets are subject to more affordable mobile phone bills (Wall Communications Inc, 2013). The Canadian government has sided with consumers on this issue over the past several years and have attempted to increase the number of players in the market by altering old policies and implementing new ones. They believe if they can increase the number of mobile carriers throughout Canada from three to four, consumers will benefit from increased competition, more options, and lower prices. However, it appears they are struggling to...
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...in Motion Table of Contents Research in Motion Competitive Analysis OEM Market Share In September, 20.1 million Canadians ages 13 and older used mobile devices. Device manufacturer Samsung ranked as the top OEM with 25.2 percent of mobile subscribers in Canada, followed by LG with 20.0 percent share and RIM with 14.3 percent share. Apple ranked fourth with 12.0 percent share of subscribers, while Nokia rounded out the top five at 10.1 percent. Top Mobile OEMs September 2011 Total Canada Mobile Subscribers (Smartphone & Non-Smartphone) Ages 13+ Source: comScore MobiLens | | Share (%) of Mobile Subscribers | Total Mobile Subscribers | 100.0% | Samsung | 25.2% | LG | 20.0% | RIM | 14.3% | Apple | 12.0% | Nokia | 10.1% | Smartphone Platform Market Share 8 million people in Canada owned smartphones in September 2011, representing 40 percent of the mobile market in Canada, a gain of 7 percentage points in the past six months. RIM ranked as the top platform with 35.8 percent of the smartphone market, followed by Apple at 30.1 percent. Google Android gained ground among the competition by doubling its market share to 25.0 over the past six months. Symbian ranked fourth with 4.2 percent share, followed by Microsoft with 3.2 percent. Top Smartphone Platforms September 2011 Total Canada Smartphone Subscribers Ages 13+ Source: comScore MobiLens | | Share (%) of Smartphone Subscribers | Total Smartphone Subscribers | 100.0% | RIM |...
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...global expansions. The biggest strategic issue it faces is to carry over yesteryears’ growth to next level through sustainable innovation at global level. Although its R&D expenditure has grown 6 times in the last four years, the ratio of R&D expenditure to sales has been halved. This ratio shows RIM is not utilizing its explosive growth to proportionately improve its technological innovations (important for sustainable revenue growth), which are the main sways of the mobile communication industry in which it is doing its business. Mobile communications industry is highly competitive being oligopolistic in nature. Gauging RIM on the Porter’s five forces model, I understand there are many a threats to RIM. The biggest threat is the Threat of Rivalry. RIM’s direct competitors have much bigger market share globally and they are spending much larger amounts (as well as R&D ratios to sales) on the R&D activities in comparison to RIM. They are also trying to convert the industry into network industry by sharing of Mobile OS (e.g. Symbian) across companies. Some of them have already expanded globally for tapping talent in emerging countries, an idea which RIM is pondering over. RIM’s Blackberry products have a product differentiation (temporary competitive advantage) of being a smartphone originally built for busy professionals. But now, RIM is also trying to capture the consumer market, which is dominated by other companies. Also its rivals have also been able to develop effective similar...
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...Wireless!Communication!Industry!in!Canada! Meizhang!Xing!(1000583889)! ! Executive!Summary! Hello!Mr.!Liu,! I!am!honered!that!you!trust!my!ability!enough!to!give!me!this!opportunity.!After!my!detailed!research!and!analysis,!I!do!feel!that!it!is! indeed!worthwhile!to!learn!about!the!wireless!communication!industry!as!well!as!WIND!Mobile.!I!will!presnet!you!with!my!findings! from!the!following!three!aspects!:!! 1. 2. 3. Current!industry!environment!:!rapid!growth!;!oligopolistic!structure! Wireless!communication!industry’s!strong!profit!generation!ability!:!revenue!growth!;!EBITDA!margin!growth! WIND!Mobile’s!development!and!potentiality:!stable!corporate!structure;!competitiveness! ! ! In!my!opinion,!the!above!three!question!needs!to!be!answered!to!make!an!informed!decision!about!the!investment.!I!do!hope!my! research!can!help!you!convince!your!partners!to!investigate!in!the!Canadian!wireless!industry!and!WIND,!and!eventually!decide!on! whether!or!not!to!invest!in!WIND.! 1.!Current!Industry!Enviroment! a.!Rapid!development:!! !! ! ! ! Cell!phone!penetraeon:! In!2013,!83%!of!Canadian! households!had!an!aceve!cell!phone,! up!from!78%!in!2010.! In!2013,!21%!of!households!reported! using!a!cell!phone!exclusively,!up! from!13%!in!2010.! Data!traffic:!! Mobile!data!traffic!will!grow!900%! from!2013!to!2018,!a!compounded! annumal!growth!rate!of!54%.! Employment:!! Telecommunicaeon!field! employment!would!grow!from! 64,100!people!today!to!110,000!by! 2019!ability.!! (http://cwta...
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...and 54 % of them are married. However,Starbucks target market also have common psycho-graphical characteristic. MainStarbucks consumer are college graduates with high income who like to socialize and share a neighbor hood. The coffee house locates its retail stores in central spots of a neighbor hood such as train stations because these spots are easy to reach for everybody in a community. Also, Starbucks practices a concentrated targeting strategy by focusing only one segment which is the gourmet coffee drinker. This is how Starbucks defines its niche and label themselves as a high quality product. After establishing their niche, Starbuckscontinually expanses its product line to keep its only segment excited. Starbucks Mobile Order & Pay in Canada begins with 300 stores in Greater Toronto Area New feature on the Starbucks® app for iPhone® will let customers place an order in advance and pick it up at their nearest participating...
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...Mauricio Jimenez ArceAli KhalilAnja JelacaClaudia Siller VargasJorge Siller Vargas | Managing Strategically - Case Assignment 1: “Wind in Shaw’s Sails” | Adolfo Mauricio Jimenez ArceAli KhalilAnja JelacaClaudia Siller VargasJorge Siller Vargas | Table of Contents Introduction 1 Mission Statement 1 The Macro Environment 1 6 Element Examples of the Macro Environment 1 1 Gone with the Wind: Shaw in the Cell Phone Market 1 Competitive Strategies 1 Core Concept 1 Conclusion 1 References 1 Table of Figures Figure 1: 6 External Elements: PESTEL Analysis 1 Table of Tables Table 1: Rankings of the Big Four by Media 1 Table 2: Canada's Wireless Market Share 1 Introduction This report is a case analysis of Shaw Communications, commonly known as simply Shaw, and its purchase of Wind Mobile. Shaw provides Internet, television, and landline services to customers in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario. Shaw intends to finalize the purchase of Wind Mobile in late 2016; however, the sale requires federal government approval. Wind Mobile is a relative newcomer in the cellular market, but it will provide Shaw with a service that has been lacking. In this report, the following elements will be examined in greater detail: Shaw’s mission statement, the macro environment, competitive strategies, and core concept. Mission Statement A mission statement is a formal summary of company’s purpose. It tells who a company is and what it does. Additionally it defines...
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...CASE SYNOPSIS Business 478 Prepared by: Aswin Kumar Candice Woods Giorgio Budolig Lucas Segars Qasim Nathoo Prepared for: Jerry Sheppard March 20, 2013 Blackberry, Then And Now Research In Motion (RIM) entered the mobile communications industry in 1984. The Waterloo, Ontario, company founded by Mike Laziridis, penetrated the market with two-way paging technology; developed as a substitute product for Motorola’s SkyTel. Following a series of financing in 1998, and a Co-CEO partnership with Jim Balsillie, the firm launched its first signature Blackberry device in 1999. The year following, RIM released its first smart-phone, the Blackberry Bold. This release marked the beginning of RIM’s journey, through the tumultuous and extremely volatile high technology industry. Initially, the firm’s iconic Blackberry device was riding the crest of the telecom wave. Its proprietary and unparalleled encryption technology made their device the globally preferred Smartphone amongst corporate clients and government agencies. The brand dominance soon permeated the individual consumer market. However, the company’s fortunes took a turn for the worst, as intense rivalry and innovative technology emerged. Competitors, such as Apple and Samsung entered the market in 2007, and soon became cultural phenomena. As their market share severely eroded, so did RIM’s share price. RIM’s shareholders lost almost 80% of their wealth in 2011 (Levy, 2011). Adding salt to the wounds, ...
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...Yes, it's possible to follow these guidelines. Also, yes i do follow these guidelines. I try to keep my phone away from my face during calls by putting it on speaker, and i try to prevent long period calls. 12. Melatonin is a hormone made in the brain, which is a natural antioxidant(5x stronger than vitamin C, 2x stronger than vitamin E). It is produced when we sleep, because during the time we sleep, we use melatonin to repair our brain from daily activities. Melatonin is used to defend against radical cells, which have been linked to cancer. This means a lack of melatonin in the brain can cause an increased risk of brain cancer. 13. Yes, this does change my opinion on getting enough sleep. I try to make getting enough sleep a priority, but I can't convince myself to sleep early or sleep for long periods of time. This documentary has motivated me to try to sleep longer in order to both prevent cancer and make my face look healthy. 14. Yes, I'm already trying to make changes in my habits. For example, when I'm not using my phone, I put it on airplane mode. This can conserve power, prevent testicular cancer and even help me get a good nights rest. The only reason why I'm trying to break my bad habits is because I'm scared of getting ay kind of cancer from my...
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...Headquarters | Canada | Current CEO | Thorsten Heins | Revenue | $ 18.435 billion (2012) | Profit | $ 1.164 billion (2012) | Employees | 12,700 (2013) | Main Competitors | Apple Inc., Google Inc., Nokia OYJ, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. | SWOT BlackBerry SWOT analysis 2013 | Strengths | Weaknesses | 1. Highly secure phones 2. Strong focus on narrow customer segment | 1. Inability to market the brand 2. BlackBerry OS 3. Highly dependent on government and corporate contracts 4. Poor presence in the tablet market | | Opportunities | Threats | 3. Growth of tablet and smartphone markets 4. Strong growth of mobile advertising market 5. Increasing demand of cloud based services 6. Obtaining patents through acquisitions | 7. Rapid technological change 8. Saturated smartphone markets in developed countries 9. Increased competition for government contracts | Strengths 1. Highly secure phones. The primary RIM’s competitive advantage is its very secure mobile phones. The company released its phones with secure encrypted network that allowed sending emails between phones without possibility of stealing the information. This became the USP (unique selling proposition) of Blackberries and was a very attractive feature for corporates and governments that other phones didn’t have. As a result, BlackBerry became no.1 choice for enterprises and governments. 2. Strong focus on narrow customer segment. Unlike other mobile phones and smartphones...
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... districts and territories of the U.S., operating under various brand names, including but not limited to, Best Buy, Best Buy Mobile, Geek Squad, Magnolia Audio Video, and Pacific Sales. The International segment is comprised of all operations outside the U.S. and its territories, which includes Canada, Europe, China, Mexico and Turkey. The company also markets its products under the brand names: Best Buy, Audio visions, Best Buy Mobile, The Carphone Warehouse, Five Star, Future Shop, Geek Squad, Magnolia Audio Video, Napster, Pacific Sales and The Phone House. The company changed its name from Sound of Music, Inc. to Best Buy Co., Inc. in 1983. Best Buy was founded by Richard M. Schulze in 1966 and is headquartered in Richfield, MN (BestBuy.com). Through its different brands, Best Buy has offerings in 6 different revenue categories: consumer electronics, home office, entertainment software, appliances, services, and other. Best Buy is considered a Oligopoly. A market where a very few large sellers dominate an industry and they each know how the other will react to changes in prices and quantities. There are two characteristics of Oligopoly which are small number of Firms and Interdependence (McConnell, Brue, and Flynn, 2012) . The value of Best Buy stocks consists of 55.5% U.S. Stores, 34.3 % International Stores, 9.0 % Stand-Alone Mobile Phone Stores, and 1.2 % Pacific Sales, Magnolia Audio Video & Other. Best Buy US is the most important division for...
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...Privacy and the impact of the internet Assignment #4 June 20, 2014 June 20, 2014 Privacy Rights Federally and provincially there are laws set out to protect our rights as individuals. Privacy is a right not a privilege. Privacy and Governments in Canada The 1983 federal Privacy Act puts limits and obligations on over 150 federal government departments and agencies on the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. It also gives Canadians the right to find out what personal information the federal government has about them by making a formal request under the Privacy Act. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has the authority to investigate complaints. The governments of all provinces and territories in Canada also have privacy offices and laws governing the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. The legislation varies from province to province, but the general right to access and correct personal information exists in all, and each has a commissioner or ombudsman who is authorized to handle complaints. In Ontario we have the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) Governed and enforces by the Information and Privacy Commissioner Ontario, Canada. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) protect the privacy of individuals with respect to their personal information held by provincial and local government...
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...JJC Products Executive Summary JJC Products is a wholesaling company specializing in mobile phone and computer accessories located in Surrey, British Columbia. Since its establishment in August of 2011, JJC Products has provided its customers with products catering to the burgeoning aftermarket smartphone accessories industry at various retail locations throughout British Columbia as well as online. Research has shown that in 2012 alone, aftermarket smartphone accessories were on pace to generate $20 billion in revenue out of the $36 billion that comprises the entire mobile phone accessories industry. This number is expected to continue to grow as smartphone penetration just recently passed 50% of the total mobile phone market in the United States. Market researchers predict that this number will grow to anywhere between $38 billion to $50 billion by 2017 as smartphone adoption continues to expand.Specifically in Canada, smartphone usage grew from 33% in March of 2011 to 48% in 2012 and, as Canadian trends are very similar to those in the United States, smartphones are expected to become increasingly popular. The JJC Products team has gained experience in the mobile phone accessories industry from over five years of market testing and sales at the Summer Night Market and the Surrey Night Market. These five years have also been spent promoting the JJC brand with packaging and advertising creating a large customer base. JJC Products has also secured the services of Simon...
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