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Mod Piece Analysis

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Creative Writing Assignment: Mood Piece The batter’s shoulders shrink in disbelief as the pressure is scary high as the scoreboard shows the score of 1-1. The dazzling gold numbers bounce off of the board, giving light off light to the field as the moon gives off light to the earth in darkness. The shining lime green ball rolls around the pitcher’s hand.The ball blinds everyone as all you can see is the pattern of the blood red laces. During this, day turns into night, the intensity is as high as the clouds. The clouds are fluffy cotton balls flying swiftly to another land; continuing their journey to elsewhere. The clouds move as girls are working hard. The pink and blue skies created a sense of urgency as a couple of girls …show more content…
The footprints that were made, make tiny mountains in the sand and out lines of the shoe. The dirt looks like the color of gingerbread; tan with a small hint a brown. The footprints made by the batter get deeper and deeper as more pressure is applied by the cleats. The cleats smell like sweat while they feel moist. She has never felt so much purpose as her life depends on this exact moment. Sweat continues to fall down on the batters back as it falls slowly on the ground making the powdery dirt, wetter. The day is warm and damp as it feels like they are in Libya creating stress and fatigue on the diamond. The dark circles under the player’s eyes are as purple as grapes. The lights are as bright as fireworks as the lights tend to blind the girls as it’s so bright, that they can't even see. The lights cause the pupils of the player’s eyes to be so small that they look like the ends of straws; plastic, small and glossy. The pitcher’s eyes are filled with anger as you can see the red and anger in her eyes as she is struggling to pitch strikes. You can almost feel the death stare given off by her, because she just wants to do better. Her head …show more content…
The score is still 1-1. The player’s parent’s hearts sink the floor when the pitch is about to be thrown. The next pitch determines the decision of the game. Words run around the pitcher’s minds as she tries to decide what pitch she should throw. She stares down the batter and the tying runner on third with a fierce look in her eye. The base-runner starts her rock back with 2 outs. The pitcher's windup is so fast, that it makes a “Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh” sound that can be heard from miles and miles away. The weight transfer from the batter is as smooth as butter, and it is so good that you could see it in a textbook. The pitch is released at a lightning speed as the batter makes such a solid contact that it makes a satisfying “Pop!” sound as it hits right on the barrel creating a scuff. Her extension is spot on as her contact point is straight on as well. The ball travels through the air like a plane in the sky as it flies far, far away. It continues to travel over the sky at a lightning speed, then it eventually falls and makes a thump sound on the ground. It lands over the gleaming red fence. Everyone screams with joy as it ends up being a home run. Positivity floods the field creating giant smiles all

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