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Modern Day Texting

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People in the modern day use texting as a means of communicating with friends and family. It is typically thought that teenagers are the only people that use their cellular devices to text but it has become more common now for people of all ages to text, including people well into their 50’s. Many people will argue that texting is ruining the way that others write papers and essays, but does it come across to these people that maybe our language is just evolving just as it has over the last 80 years? When writing papers and essays, people should have the common sense not to use terms such as “LOL” or “BTW” as they do when they text. Texting is not something that is affecting language and proper spelling and grammar, it is an adaptation of language. Texting is a positive change in society because it provides the younger …show more content…
McWhoter goes on talking throughout this video about how texting is more like a talking to writing ratio, whereas speeches are more talking to writing ratios (McWhorter). In a way, we understand that term papers and essays are more commonly written in formal speech, therefore, we will not write in the way we normally speak with others. As a matter of fact, it has been proven from research in an article by Matt Andazola that “texting has made students demonstrably better note-takers during class” (Andazola 1). So not only is texting a better and faster way to communicate with others but it allows students to take better notes in class, which will result in better grades. When you really think about it, there are not very many negatives to texting, Older people just assume that with every generation people are getting dumber when in reality they are just becoming more

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