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Modern Racism In America Today

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The title of my research paper will be Modern racism. I choose this topic because of as an American that was born in Africa it is always something that has been an interest to me. I came to America around the age of seven. I was young, and coming from Nigeria we were not taught anything about racism. My views on racism in America didn't really come from studying the history of slavery and civil rights in America, but rather from personal experiences I went through. In elementary school even though I was taught the history of African American I never really understood the impact of slavery. I merely took what I was taught as part of the curriculum, which I needed to pass a test. I never really absorbed much from learning. Most of the racist …show more content…
I will also highlight how President Trump plays a major role in the spike. Not only has racism been a thorn in the history of the United states it caused beliefs that has been passed down through generations. Some children are brought up to even believe that it is natural to be racist and find nothing wrong with it as they grow older. Even though the United States passed civil rights laws, the belief is still existing among some American that their race is superior over others. This is problematic because America is a county of mixed races. We have people from every part of the world in one Country. The multiculturalism that has been happening has created an atmosphere where different cultures are blended. We are comfortable are comfortable with each other’s culture. When there are groups like the KKK that come together and urge that there should be a division, this disrupts the fabric of what we all now call society. This is not to say that modern society is perfect, there were major hurdles we had to overcome. The sole purpose of the paper is to bring to light an old issue in our country that is still in existence and is slowly tearing the fabric of our society through the election of President …show more content…
Alt-right: a right-wing, primarily online political movement or grouping based in the U.S. whose members reject mainstream conservative politics and espouse extremist beliefs and policies typically centered on ideas of white nationalism. White Nationalism: is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism which holds the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity. White separatism and white supremacy are subgroups of white nationalism.
Hurdles: Civil right laws, desegregation, Amendments, activism, etc.
Old days: Time when racism and segregation was permitted in the United States.

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