...Accommodations and Modifications To Promote Access to the General Education Curriculum And Standardized Assessment Procedures The information provided in this document is to serve as guidance for best practices in selecting, administering, and evaluating adaptations, accommodations and modifications in instruction and assessment. This document provides information on federal and state guidance, equal access to grade level content, selecting accommodations for instruction, and strategies that can be used with students to promote their ability to access the general education curriculum. Information about variations, accommodations and modifications for use in the classroom and standardized statewide assessment system is also included. These guidelines are intended for use by individualized education program (IEP) teams, Section 504 Accommodation Teams, Student Success Teams (SST), other types of Educational Monitoring Teams (EMT), general and special education teachers, administrators, and assessment personnel. Federal and State Guidance The inclusion of all students in statewide assessment and accountability systems is not merely a legal obligation; it is a mechanism for ensuring that all students, including those with disabilities, are included in the general education curriculum. Federal and state laws stress the importance of documenting accommodations and/or modifications for instruction and assessment in the student’s IEP as noted below: ... a statement of the special education and related...
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...Week 1 Discussion Question 1 Recently Sheltered English Instruction, also known as Structured English Immersion (SEI), has replaced bilingual education in a few states. Arizona is one of those states. Looking at the SEI model and bilingual education model, compare and contrast these two methods, citing advantages and disadvantages of each. As a future educator, which model would you prefer to see implemented? Looking at the SEI model and bilingual education model both use strategies to facilitate language development which include using only one language for a given lesson, not focusing on correcting a student’s language but being more concerned with a student’s understanding of the content, the use of visual aids or supplements to support verbal information, as well as positive encouragement. However, there are significant differences between the SEI model and the bilingual education model specifically regarding the language of which the content is taught. The SEI model teaches the content in English by tailoring the level of English used to meet the needs of the students whereas in the bilingual education model the content is taught in the student’s primary language until the student has learned English. Additionally, with the use of the bilingual education model there is a shared common goal for the entire school to be bilingual proficient; for example English and another language for all students whereas the SEI model focuses on English proficiency for all students only...
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...any medical experience repair a heart valve? Of course not, he or she must first obtain the proper education necessary to perform such a complex operation. The same can be said about the American education system. Throughout America’s history parents, educators, and government officials have been debating what changes must be implemented for American children to receive every opportunity possible to gain an education that will prepare them for the future. the one type of public policy the education system would be suited for is by way of distributive polices because “ of its most common form of government policy where it uses general tax revenues to provide benefits to individuals or groups, often by means of grants or subsidies and other educational assistance”(blanc,denhardt,denhardt,2014,pg.55). The educational system in our country has changed over the years to accommodate all students with special needs and learning disabilities’ will touch on two (2) positive programs and two (2) negative programs. The first would be special education inclusion. Inclusion means “improving learning for both classified and non-classified students, children learn to accept individual differences, develop new friendships, parent participation, and lastly it’s the law (turnbull, A. 2013)”. when teachers are properly trained they will notice when to implement the following modifications to their classrooms “provide a study guide or...
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...Lesson Plan Dollar and Cents Objectives: * Students will be able to identify coin/money values. * Students will be able to write amounts of money. Materials: * Clean sheet of money * Pencil * Play Money * Money Worksheet 1 Plan: Introduction/Motivation 1. Watch a lesson on money on “Brain Pop”. 2. Ask how many of them think they can count money really well, and how many think they could improve with some practice. 3. State objective: We're going to be working on money this week and today you will learn how to count money. A. Teach: 1. When it comes to counting money, bills are probably the easiest things to count. Why? (They have the amount written on them.) 2. How do we tell coins apart? (size, thickness, pictures) List coin names and values. 3. Refer to the video--list money that he started with and its value. Now, as a class, determine values of the money he began with. 4. How much money did he lose? B. Model: 1. Demonstrate how to count money. Always start with the bill or coin of greatest value and work down to the bill or coin with the least value. C. Guided Practice: 1. Give the class a bag of play money. 2. Tell them to count how much change they have and record their answer as #1 on their blank sheet of paper. 3. Continue with questions. (See Process Questions, next.) Choose volunteers to demonstrate and explain how they got their answers. Process Questions-- 1. How much...
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...PRESCHOOL LESSON PLAN 1. MISSION STATEMENT 2. Outline of the laws governing exceptional children that impact my instructions: 3. FERPA & SECTION 504 4. ESEA: Elementary and Secondary Education Act 5. Classroom Description for my Students 6. Ways I will communicate with the families of my students in order to meet the individual needs of each child: 7. Two instructional approaches I will utilize in my instruction 8. A discussion of my instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications and services available to my student who exhibits certain behaviors but has not been diagnosed: 9. Why I feel the chosen approaches will be effective? 10. An explanation of my instructional techniques/plans for my eight typically developing students: 11. A description of my instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications, and services available to my student who has an Autism Spectrum Disorder: 12. A description of my instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications, and services available to my student who has an Autism Spectrum Disorder: 13. A description of your instructional plan, including modifications/extensions for your student who is cognitively and linguistically advanced: 14. An explanation of my instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications and services available to my student who has a Sensory Processing Disorder: 15. Preschool Less Plan for Diversity Learners 16. References ESE 315 WEEK 5 A DIVERSITY PRESCHOOL LESSON PLAN ...
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...any medical experience repair a heart valve? Of course not, he or she must first obtain the proper education necessary to perform such a complex operation. The same can be said about the American education system. Throughout America’s history parents, educators, and government officials have been debating what changes must be implemented for American children to receive every opportunity possible to gain an education that will prepare them for the future. the one type of public policy the education system would be suited for is by way of distributive polices because “ of its most common form of government policy where it uses general tax revenues to provide benefits to individuals or groups, often by means of grants or subsidies and other educational assistance”(blanc,denhardt,denhardt,2014,pg.55). The educational system in our country has changed over the years to accommodate all students with special needs and learning disabilities’ will touch on two (2) positive programs and two (2) negative programs. The first would be special education inclusion. Inclusion means “improving learning for both classified and non-classified students, children learn to accept individual differences, develop new friendships, parent participation, and lastly it’s the law (turnbull, A. 2013)”. when teachers are properly trained they will notice when to implement the following modifications to their classrooms “provide a study guide or...
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...Ever since the advent of IDEA educators cannot lawfully deny a student with a disability their right to a fair, public education. This law not only protects disabled students’ rights, but it puts educators in the right moral and ethical mindset. However, the problem is in the execution of a fair education. The problem is not whether they want to educate students with disabilities, but how to properly teach them. All students require a degree of individual attention, because not all students learn in the same manner. Sometimes this attention can be subtle, such as referring to the student first not the disability. The difference in the voicing of “an epileptic student” and a “student with epilepsy” can mean a lot to a student, and increase their...
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...Needs As a youth of today’s society, the majority of our day is spent at school. Our parents reasoning for sending us to school, is that we need to receive an education. This education in needed in order to acquire general knowledge that will prepare us intellectually for a mature life. Education is the process by which people learn that general knowledge. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has six principles governing the education of students with disabilities, the first is the zero reject principle, which prohibits schools from excluding a child because they have a disability. IDEA second principle affirms that after students enter school they are entitled to a nondiscriminatory evaluation, which is to determine their strengths and needs. Once these are determined, and a student is accepted for special education services, teachers can grant the third principle, which is the right to an appropriate education, by designing an individualized education program (IEP). Students with special needs cannot always learn the same way, or as quickly, as general education students. Because of this, they will need further assessment, and possible modifications and/or accommodations in order to benefit from their education. Instruction refers to the facilitating of learning by a teacher, and is one of the most important factors affecting a student’s performance. Proper instruction...
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...The role of the special education teacher in the IEP meeting is to provide suggestions for instructional strategies, modifications vs accommodations, and services. The special education teacher brings classroom experience of how to implement the specific needs of the student to the classroom. While the administration is making sure that the needs are met legally and within the scope of what the district can provide, the special education brings knowledge and experience from working directly with students each day. The special education teacher oversee the student's total educational plan in collaboration with all IEP team members ("IEP Team Member Roles and Responsibilities," 2011). The special education teacher is the primary person that...
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...Introduction To identify with the conflict being tussle in the current day for kids with special needs, it is significant in the direction of being aware of the times what went before and today society associated with district schools and exceptional education. History Prior to 1975 in accumulation to means of access of the original national individual education regulation, a possible five million family among Children with disabilities customary get little or no education. In addition, children with special needs did not obtain the help they needed in instruct and a supplementary thousands were completely not allowed in public school. Children were keeping at home or lock away from the general public. In time past parents thought they have sin against God this was a punishment and this was the result their child was disable. In view of the fact that 1975, national individual education bylaw has been reformed a variety of period. A major fact is that the groundwork of today’s exceptional schooling regulation was approved .During 1975 laws endorse in 1977. (Peter Wright and Pamela Darer Wright) The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (EHA). This ruling launch the idea of: at no cost right to unrestricted Education for all children up to21years old; defending the constitutional rights of children with disabilities in addition to their parents as well as due process rights; IEP ,also LRE, as well as It supports all children with disabilities through federal...
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...comments here> ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- <Faculty Name> <Grade Earned> <Date Graded> Special Education Service Delivery and Federal Law Sherry Maxey Northcentral University Special Education Service Delivery and Federal Law The federal laws which are designed to create Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for all students have provided guidelines on establishing a “Least Restrictive Environment” (LRE), with a focus on students whom have special needs (What is idea?, 2014, para. 4-5). These laws such as Education for all Handicapped Children (EHCA) enacted in 1975, and the Individuals with Disability Act of 2004 (IDEA) furnished instructions, programs, and support to educators for assisting exceptional students with their behavioral and learning skills/challenges in the classroom (Blackwell & Rossetti, 2014, p. 1). In this paper, an administration implementation of the IDEA 2004 federal law in a school district that does not have a continuum program for exceptional students will be addressed. Factors such as assessment structures, modifications, response to interventions, individual education plans and other practices/policies will be explored in the following school district, to include what was accomplished administratively to establish an educational system of inclusion in accordance with...
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...Running Head: Reflective Analysis Reflective Analysis: Accommodations and Modifications Tracey Sullivan SPE 526: Grand Canyon University May 23, 2012 Reflective Analysis: Accommodations and Modifications Teaching students with special needs is a challenge and requires dedication. I have always been told that as a teacher you are either going to love teaching children with special needs or you don’t. I feel that it is vitally important to know what you are facing when having to work with this population of people. Disabled students are very unique in their own way and require special attention to be able to address concerns in a way that it is beneficial to the student. Considering that each student learns differently, there are many teaching styles that can be used to help disabled students to learn. Also as a teacher you must evaluate the student so that you are able to know whether or not accommodations and modifications are needed in order to help the student to learn as much as possible. During the assignment, I had to do fifteen hours of observation hours in either an inclusive or self-contained classroom setting. So I notified a school and was able to do these hours in a self-contained classroom. During this week, state tests were being administered in the regular education class, so therefore the inclusive classrooms weren’t available. Special education students are required to take state test as well, but they have a test that’s been modified to the needs...
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...is afforded a high quality education leading them on their pathway of future success. He believes that by educating every child and giving them a complete and competitive education, from preschool through college will create an economy that is built to last. President Obama has advanced his education reform based on four key objectives: * Higher standards and better assessments that will prepare students to succeed in college and the workplace * Ambitious efforts to recruit, prepare, develop, and advance effective teachers and principals, especially in the classrooms where they are most needed * Smarter data systems to measure student growth and success, and help educators improve instruction * New attention and a national effort to turn around our lowest-achieving schools (Whitehouse.gov). White House Issue Education policy are principles and government policy-making within the education realm, as well as the assembly of rules and regulations which administer the operation of education systems. This policy will support the Obama Administration and their efforts in education reform. Education takes place in many different forms and for many purposes throughout many establishments. These establishments consists of early childhood, preschool, kindergarten, throughout high school, college and graduate studies. Therefore, education policy affects many people involved of all ages. Some examples that are subject to debate in education policy, include school/class...
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...alternative treatment options: diet and nutrition, and behavior modification therapy (Millichap, 2010). Diet and Nutrition According to Millichap (2010), “of all the alternative therapies proposed for the treatment of ADHD, diet and dietary supplements have demanded the most attention and invoked frequent controversy” (p. 144) . The controversy is largely due to the fact that there is minimal scientific studies around this type of ADHD intervention. However,...
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...2011 Teaching for Exceptionalities Children with learning differences have always been a part of the community. Teaching children with learning differences began as a one on one setting, usually separate from typical schools. In the past, students’ with exceptionalities were often segregated from the regular classroom. Mainstreaming began the process of integrating them with nondisabled students, and inclusion takes the process further by creating a web of services. Special education is often times as diverse as the schools and school systems that incorporate it. Most common approaches include: self-contained classrooms, pullout services, and inclusion. Inclusion is most effective when regular education and special education teachers closely collaborate on instructional adaptations for learners with exceptionalities (Heward, 2009). In every classroom there are students with exceptionalities. These exceptionalities may include a student who has an IEP and needs extra accommodations/modifications or a gifted student that needs to be challenged beyond the curriculum. As an educator, one needs to make sure that each student is able to succeed in the classroom. Talent, imagination and skill are attributes teachers must possess. When working with children who have diverse needs these attributes must be perfected (Fogel, 2005). There may be some areas in which an educator may need assistance as how to approach a particular lesson and this is when collaboration may be effective...
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