...Nike China’s “Find Your Greatness” Campaign CLIENT NIKE PRODUCT NIKE ENTRANT WIEDEN+KENNEDY SHANGHAI Shanghai, CHINA TYPE OF ENTRY MEDIA: Use of Media CATEGORY Best Use of Social Media Marketing TITLE FIND YOUR GREATNESS PRODUCT/SERVICE NIKE ENTRANT COMPANY : WIEDEN+KENNEDY SHANGHAI Shanghai, CHINA ADVERTISING AGENCY : WIEDEN+KENNEDY SHANGHAI Shanghai, CHINA MEDIA AGENCY : MINDSHARE CHINA Shanghai, CHINA BRAND OWNER: Nike AGENCY: Wieden+Kennedy, Mindshare, AKQA, Razorfish BRAND: Nike COUNTRY: China MEDIA BUDGET: 10 - 20 million AMBUSH MARKETING: A marketing technique in which advertisers work to connect their product with a particular event in the minds of potential customers, without having to pay sponsorship expenses for the event. An example of ambush marketing might involve selling music merchandise just outside the grounds of a concert without the consent or awareness of the concert promoters, relying on association with the concert to drive sales. PARASITIC ADVERTISING: A type of marketing that promotes one product at the cost of lost sales for another product. Parasitic advertising often occurs when two products are close substitutes for one another. Firms generally attempt to avoid parasitic advertising within their own product offerings because it is not the most effective way of maximizing the return on ad spending. THE BIG IDEA: Honour the pursuit of greatness, not just gold. Simply to inspire and energize everyday athletes everywhere...
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...Friendships are a big part of careers, through the whole story Edgar Prado tells his friendship between him and his horse Barbaro. My Guy Barbaro, by Edgar Prado, was about a young, aspiring race horse named Barbaro. From the start of his first race, America knew he was something special. Then their careers took a turn both of them wouldn’t want. During one of their races Barbaro severely injures his back right leg. Survival is a lens that goes with this book because both of their careers have their thicks and thins, their ups and downs but it all can come with greatness attached with it. The jockey / author, Edgar Prado develops the theme that greatness can come easy, but greatness can come hard as well, by using setting, symbolism, and conflict. To begin Edgar Prado uses setting to develop the theme of the story. Setting is where and when the story takes place. For example on page 11 Edgar says, “They had gotten into a spat over a horse Michael trained named Kicken Kris. I won a race on him at Belmont in June 2004, convincing Michael to run him in the Arlington Million, a big summertime race in Chicago.” This quote supports the thesis because his agent and trainer got into a feud with each other. So Edgar has to figure out a way to settle this feud between his trainer and...
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...1. I think Christopher Plummer played the role of Professor Vladimir Nabokov very well in this film. His lecture was a straightforward summary about the story “The Metamorphosis”. His lecture helped me understand the story better by retelling the story in details. The drawings of the “beetle” help me visualize what kind of insect Gregor was and how Gregor would look out the window. The professor brought life to this story because of the way he explained it. 2. When I read the first sentence to the story I had no idea what this story would be about. The first sentence described a striking image to me when Gregor wakes up and “he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect” (pg. 428). When I first read this I kept wondering why Gregor turned into an insect overnight. I think Kafka chose an insect because insect are not species that are loved or cared for which could relate to how Gregor’s family members behaved towards him after he was transformed. At first all of the family members act sympathetic towards Gregor after his transformation but their feeling of sympathy change to feelings of disgust and ashamed. Grete becomes his caregiver and tries to figure out what kind of food he favors since his transformation but she can barely stand to be in the same room with him because of his appearance. The mother hopes Gregor will change back into his human form but she faints every time she sees him. The father shows the least sympathy and even attacks Gregor twice...
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...The Success of Failure Since the day I could walk, I have been obsessed with greatness. Or afraid of failure, whichever way you want to look at it. Whether it was school, sports, or just being a friend to someone, I had a burning desire to always make the people in my life proud. Although this was true for everything I was involved in, it was especially true for cheerleading. I was a cheerleader from grade school all the way up until my senior year of high school. I loved it and it always came natural. When I made it to high school however, things started changing. After an unimaginably nerve racking tryout, I made the JV competition team as a freshman, which was my goal entering in. The year went by and I could see myself improving little by little everyday. I was sure by the next year’s tryouts I would make the Varsity competition team easily. My family kept telling me how excited they were to see me on Varsity and they just knew I would make it. The next year’s tryouts came around quicker than I realized, and even quicker came the disappointment of seeing my name on the JV competition roster, AGAIN! The disappointment I felt was unlike any other I had experienced. Nevertheless, cheerleading was the one thing I loved most and quitting was not an option. I began to develop a more positive attitude about the upcoming season and...
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...Our life has a Destiny. There is no Accident. God has Great Plan for our life. God’s Game Plan (Sport game?)I realized that when we play team game sports, it is important to have a game plan. In order for you to be victorious in a game, there must be a plan. God has a game plan in our life. But the problem is we also have our own plan. The same with our life we need to learn to follow the game plan of God in our life for us to be victorious and successful. Pero ang tanong is kaya ba natin mag follow and submit sa gameplan ng panginoon sa life naten? But the problem to many Christian’s today is that have our own game plan. Pero kahit anong gawin natin ang plano parin ng diyos ang mananaig sa life natin. Psalms 33:11 But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. Whatever the plan that we have, it will never change the plan of God.- Many People bargain the plan of God because we thought we can change the plan of God.- Tapos nagtataka ka bakit kung bakit yung life mo hindi victorious, kasi hindi mo iniimbrace ang plano ng Lord sa life mo. Kasi feeling natin mas matalino tayo kay Lord. (revised version) - Isaiah 55:8-9 We could compare the plan of God in our plan it is different (napakalayo) 8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. - 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts...
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...How Great Was Our Man Gatsby? As on author said: "F. Scott Fitzgerald created Gatsby, the eponymous character of his novel, The Great Gatsby, as a character who built himself into something great. He begins life as just an ordinary, lower-class, citizen. But Gatsby has a dream of becoming wealthy. After meeting Daisy, he has a reason to strive to become prominent. Throughout his life, Gatsby gains the title of truly being great. Even before Gatsby is introduced, he is hinted at being out of the ordinary. The first evidence of this is when Nick says, "Gatsby turned out all right at the end." (2) Nothing was known about Gatsby at the time and Nick is already saying Gatsby was okay. There's a air of mysteriousness surrounding Gatsby. Everyone knows of him, but no one knows who he really is or where he comes from. Even at our first glance of Gatsby, he's reaching out for something only he can see. There were many stories flying about Gatsby but no one knew what to really believe. In on instance Jordan made the comment, "I think he killed a man." (49) Even when Gatsby confessed about his past he didn't always tell the truth. He told Nick he inherited great wealth, but in reality, Gatsby gained his wealth on his own. Even though Gatsby lied, the fact that he made himself what he was makes him even that much greater. When Gatsby was still James Gatz, he had a dream of leaving his life on the farm behind and become part of the upper-class. Even Gatsby's father knew...
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...During this time, Santiago develops a deep sense of empathy for the marlin, his brother in strength, suffering, and resolve, as the readers also get to explore some of Santiago’s flashbacks to when he was younger and more fit. Finally on the third day, the marlin tires and follows the current east. In a state of sleep- deprivation induced delirium, Santiago manages to kill the marlin with a harpoon thrust. However, the scent of the dead marlin attracts a countless number of sharks who continuously attack the marlin. When Santiago reaches home, the marlin is completely gone, eaten by the sharks. Only its great skeleton remained. In writing this story, Ernest Hemingway portrays a clear message- the source to greatness is simple yet dangerous- pride and determination. This theme can be proven through an analysis of three characters in the book- Santiago, the marlin, and even the African American man with whom Santiago arm- wrestled...
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...Is his novel the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald creates Gatsby as a character who becomes great. He begins life as just an ordinary, lower-class, citizen. But Gatsby has a dream of becoming wealthy. After meeting Daisy, he has a reason to strive to become prominent. Throughout his life, Gatsby gains the title of truly being great. Even before Gatsby is introduced, he is hinted at being out of the ordinary. The first evidence of this is when Nick says, "Gatsby turned out all right at the end." (2) Nothing was known about Gatsby at the time and Nick is already saying Gatsby was okay. There's a air of mysteriousness surrounding Gatsby. Everyone knows of him, but no one knows who he really is or where he comes from. Even at our first glance of Gatsby, he's reaching out for something only he can see. There were many stories flying about Gatsby but no one knew what to really believe. In on instance Jordan made the comment, "I think he killed a man." (49) Even when Gatsby confessed about his past he didn't always tell the truth. He told Nick he inherited great wealth, but in reality, Gatsby gained his wealth on his own. Even though Gatsby lied, the fact that he made himself what he was makes him even that much greater. When Gatsby was still James Gatz, he had a dream of leaving his life on the farm behind and become part of the upper-class. Even Gatsby's father knew when he said, "If he'd lived, he'd of been a great man." (169) Little did his father know that Gatsby was...
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...The Truly Great Gatsby Is his novel the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald creates Gatsby as a character who becomes great. He begins life as just an ordinary, lower-class, citizen. But Gatsby has a dream of becoming wealthy. After meeting Daisy, he has a reason to strive to become prominent. Throughout his life, Gatsby gains the title of truly being great. Even before Gatsby is introduced, he is hinted at being out of the ordinary. The first evidence of this is when Nick says, "Gatsby turned out all right at the end." (2) Nothing was known about Gatsby at the time and Nick is already saying Gatsby was okay. There's a air of mysteriousness surrounding Gatsby. Everyone knows of him, but no one knows who he really is or where he comes from. Even at our first glance of Gatsby, he's reaching out for something only he can see. There were many stories flying about Gatsby but no one knew what to really believe. In on instance Jordan made the comment, "I think he killed a man." (49) Even when Gatsby confessed about his past he didn't always tell the truth. He told Nick he inherited great wealth, but in reality, Gatsby gained his wealth on his own. Even though Gatsby lied, the fact that he made himself what he was makes him even that much greater. When Gatsby was still James Gatz, he had a dream of leaving his life on the farm behind and become part of the upper-class. Even Gatsby's father knew when he said, "If he'd lived, he'd of been a great man." (169) Little did...
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...HAAS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, EWMBA CLASS OF 2017 A leader prepares Leadership Communication Sachin Sundar 3/8/2015 Adaption of lessons learned from the classical acting text, An Actor Prepares, written by Constantine Stanislavski, towards leadership. Some people claim that great leaders are born and not made. I believe that even though there are certain traits that can be attributed to genetics which can, let’s say, gives a person the propensity to be a leader, I think through hard work and training anyone can master the “Art of great leadership”. In this paper, I am exploring some of the ways a person can train to be a great leader by drawing parallel from training techniques used by an actor. The primary source from which an actor can draw to create the emotional world of their character is their own life. In an analogous way, an authentic leader must draw from the experiences in their own life. This involves ‘connecting with themselves’ and drawing from the emotional memories and from key events of one’s life. To be a great leader, the quality to recall past experiences from the personal life that trigger certain emotions can evoke the feeling of authenticity in your audience. A growing number of studies point to the importance of leaders expressing their vulnerabilities in order to fully engage with and establish trust from followers. By revealing vulnerability followers can more readily identify with leaders, resulting in more positive and influential...
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...substitute for hard work. The moment our band, New Era, entered the St. Mary's Battle of the Bands competition we knew we would have to work hard from the very beginning if we wanted a chance to perform alongside some of the greatest school bands in the country. Donovan, my twin brother and lead guitarist, informed us that we will be auditioning in only 3 days time - we could not contain our excitement. We departed Southdowns immediately after the last school bell rang. We managed to fit 20 people into a 15 sweater mini van - yes that's right, South Africans in transit. The trip was surprisingly quiet, the only noise in the bus was the sound of my drum sticks rebounding off the seat In front of me and the humming of some of the band members, humming the audition song to themselves over and over again to ensure perfection. When we had finally arrived the band was full of energy, we could not contain our excitement! We stepped onto the stage, performed our hearts out and received a standing ovation from the audience - not bad if you ask me. The results of the qualifying bands would only be posted online in three days time, we were sure we had already qualified but as Mr. Sheldon would always say, "Stay humble guys - don't grow wings!". A few days passed, nothing. We were starting to get nervous, "Surely they would of posted them by now?" I thought to myself. I could not concentrate in class - my mind was set on leading my band to the top, to greatness, to victory! Then as soon as...
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...Carthage, Aeneas expresses little of these emotions to Dido. If we consider one’s self to reside in one’s will and emotions, Aeneas betrays himself by leaving Dido, and he admits as much, claiming that her words set them “both afire” (IV.498). Both Aeneas and Dido face a conflict between civic responsibility and individual desire. Aeneas sides with his obligations, while Dido submits to her desires, and so their love is tragically impossible. In terms of his patriotic duty, Aeneas acts impeccably, though he may be faulted for staying with Dido in Carthage as long as he does. His abandonment of Dido is necessary his service to Troy, his allies, his son, his father, and fate. Dido became inconsolable and quiet mad over Aeneas abandoning her; the moment she saw the ship leaving the harbor, Dido went back to her bed where she shared with Aeneas, and on the bed were...
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...First Gatsby having everything, then suddenly nothing, demonstrates his beyond questionable distance from greatness. Overall, if he was so great, how come his death is not memorized or honoured? Instead it is forgotten and ignored. “No one arrived except more police and photographers and newspaper men...” (Fitzgerald 157) Gatsby’s death is Fitzgerald’s last reminder to readers that although he has his great moments, they eventually led him to his death. “Most of those reports were a nightmare—a grotesque, circumstantial, eager and untrue.” (Fitzgerald 155) Fitzgerald explains that no matter the great moments Gatsby had, they were all forgotten or overpowered by his demise, demonstrating that as a whole, he is far from...
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...The 8th Habit: From effectiveness to greatness Author(s): Publishers: Edition: ISBN: Reviewed by: Stephen Covey Simon & Schuster 2004 0743206827 Gill McKay, Director, Extensor Limited It is 18 years since Stephen Covey published his seminal work “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, which was a hugely impactful book, selling millions of copies across the globe. In that book, Dr Covey showed us how to become as effective as we possibly could be. In the 8th Habit, he opens up more potential for us all – by moving from “effectiveness to greatness”. The world today is different, with more challenge, ambiguity and complexity and while the 7 Habits form a strong basis upon which to start, it is this next step – the 8th Habit –that will take us to true fulfilment in what Covey describes as the age of the knowledge worker. I learned a lot from his previous books, particularly the 7 Habits, and approached the 8th Habit with real enthusiasm. Unfortunately I found it a much more difficult read which, although it contained some good tips and new and metaphors, did not deliver on its initial perceived promise. The book’s synopsis promises that The 8th Habit is the answer to the yearning for greatness, the organisation's imperative for significance and superior results, and the human’s search for its "voice". I believe there are some handy tips to be found in the book, but it is a much less intuitive read than his previous works. The book is divided into two sections...
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...prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers.” So, the question remains, is it still alive today, and is this really how people are living their lives? As sad as this answer may be, the truth is, probably not, like all good things they must end. The American Dream is a great thing to wish for however, it has been lost in time with the unwillingness to pursue it. The saddest thing is that some people believe the American dream is something that exists today; whereas some people in society have no idea that this dream exists. What ever happened to the zeal that drove America to the top? What happened to the aspiration of striving for greatness and becoming that greatness? That may be a question no one knows the answer too or it is an answer that people are unwilling to give. George Carlin once said, “The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it.” Realistically the American Dream is the idea of working your average 9-5 blue or white-collar jobs just to provide for your family. However, society has become so corrupt that the dream has lost its true meaning; the American Dream is the idea of living a good life with someone who loves you no matter what economic status, no matter the...
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