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Monadnock Region Research Paper

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Monadnock Region

The Monadnock Region is a region located in the Southwestern side of New Hampshire. The region is named after its distinguishing landmark, the Mount Monadnock however; the region has no specific borders. The Monadnock Region covers the whole Cheshire County and a portion of Hillsborough County.

The Monadnock Region only has one city, Keene and it’s also the largest municipality in the region that has a total land area of 37.3 square miles and an approximate population of 23, 410. Since tourism is one of biggest industry in the region, numerous tourist destinations, a number of souvenir shops and café’s are found in the area. If you’re planning to roam around the region or move in, don’t forget to stop by at a few spots, like: …show more content…
Hillsborough – 6, 000
9. Lyndeborough – 1, 640
10. Mason – 1, 330
11. Milford – 15, 133
12. New Ipswich – 5, 123
13. Peterborough – 6, 387
14. Sharon - 320
15. Temple – 1, 594
16. Wilton – 3, 679
17. Windsor – 269

For those who’re starting their lives over, the Monadnock Region is one of the best places to move in. With the scenic beauty the place possessed, on top of that the tourist destinations that you can spend your time relaxing at is beyond compare. For those who’re planning to move in and looking for a job, the Monadnock Region is open for young workers that would maintain that competitiveness of the region along with the other states.

There are numerous companies and businesses in the area that are looking for agile workers, and if you can’t get through the large companies, you can also try applying in smaller companies or businesses that still offer great wages. The largest companies and businesses in the region are:

1. Fuller Machine Company
2. Benson's Woodworking Company
3. Robblee Tree Service
4. Brailsford
5. Edmunds Hardware
6. Laconia Savings Bank
7. Landsite Corp
8. Rymes Heating Oils, Inc
9. Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc.
10. Alberto’s Restaurant
11. Crotched Mt. Ski & Ride Area
12. Common Place …show more content…
Google – you can take advantage of the internet or Google, just type in the town’s name, Chamber of Commerce NH and it will give you a number of results

If you have time to roam around, you can also find job ads posted in bulletin boards around the office or pasted in stores. You can also find job hires on the newspaper as well. Basically, as long as you are aware and have the knowledge of the companies hiring, you always have the opportunity of acquiring a job. Also, you can use the benefits of the internet in applying or looking for a job. You can send emaisl directly to the employers’ human resource department or use the internet in looking for a job.

You can also find different job offers online, as long as you know what you’re searching for, the position and location of the job. You can visit the websites below as well, guaranteed that they only post legal job offers. For if you’re not aware, some job hires online are scams. Go ahead and try these links:

1. Monster – easy to use, just type in the job detail and you can view the different job offers. You can use the filters as well locate the place you plan to work at
2. Indeed – the same as Monster, you can type in the job you’re applying for and the location as

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