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Boxing Day Tsunami Analysis

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The Boxing Day Tsunami was enormously damaging and resulted in many deaths. The causes of the catastrophic waves wiped out complete coastal areas across south-eastern Asia, India, Sir Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, islands in the Andaman Sea and in the Indian Ocean the Maldives. The Tsunami caused large destruction and affected people more than 2000km away. Reports on how many people died vary, but as of March 1 2005, the death toll wasn’t far away from 300 000 deaths. It is said that over 5 million people were affected because of the disaster. Also well over a million people were left homeless. The tsunami had had eleven countries report deaths, most in tens of thousands. There were many economical impacts from the tsunami them being, Fishing industry devastated. Boats, and all equipment destroyed. Sri Lanka’s …show more content…
The buoy notices changes in sea level out in the deep ocean. This increases and enhances the ability, capability to detect, and report of tsunamis before they reach the particular land. A Tsunami Buoy consist of two elements, the pressure sensor and the surface buoy. The sensor, which is anchored in place at the sea floor, measuring the changes in height of the above water Column. This is done by measuring connected and possible pressure changes in the water. The water Column height communicates to the surface buoy by telemetry (recording the readings of an instrument) and then carried via satellite to the Tsunami warning centre. The tsunami buoy on the surface of the water is triggered into ‘event’ mode when the underwater anchored pressure sensor detects the first fast moving seismic wave moving at/through the sea floor. It then starts reporting information about sea level at intervals of 1 minute to allow rapid confirmation of the possible tsunami. After four hours if no more seismic events are distinguished the system, returns back to its standard

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...lay_man Says @Cricaddict- By this point you mean that average age of population is less than 22 years or there is some typo mistake? Sorry to barge in but i could not understand this line Yes avg age of population, for yemen - 17.9, syria - 21.5, egypt - 22 or 23 yrs.. in general a very young population and umemployed, so frustration and anger.. thats why the uproar.. @layman updated.. S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research PGDM Finance Class of 2014 | CAT'11 - 99.04%le QuoteReply. Like . Share   3 cricaddict Reply #22 03:44 PM, 10 Mar '12 Limits of Foreign Direct Investment in various sectors in India :: Non-Banking Financial Com-panies (NBFC) : 100% Petroleum Refining (Private Sector) : 100% Petroleum Product Marketing : 100% Oil Exploration : 100% Petroleum Product Pipelines : 100% Housing and Real Estate : 100% Power : 100% Drugs & Pharmaceuticals : 100% Road, Highways, Ports and harbours : 100% Hotel & Tourism : 100% Electricity : 100% Pharmaceuticals : 100% Transportation infrastructure : 100% Tourism : 100% Mass transit : 100% Pollution control : 100% Mining (Mining of gold and silver and minerals other than diamonds and precious stones) : 100% Advertising : 100% Films : 100% Mass Rapid Transport Systems : 100% Pollution Control & Management : 100% Special Economic Zones : 100% Air Transport Services (Domestic Airlines) : 100% for NRIs 49% for Others Single Brand...

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