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Interpersonal Communication Paper

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Sales interactions occur nearly every day in the United States. For most people these interactions include deciding between items at a store or making more important decisions, like deciding whether or not to buy a car. These scenarios occur between a consumer and a salesperson and involve a large amount of interpersonal communication. The research in this paper will focus on the nonverbal communication aspect of interpersonal communication. By researching and analyzing these interactions between consumers and salespersons, it is possible to make salespersons more effective and consumers more satisfied with the outcome of a sales situation. The combination of all the research in this paper will help to determine ways to better understand and …show more content…
The outcomes that occur from a sales encounter are relatively complicated when looking them as a whole. Sales encounters are a back and forth battle between salespersons and a consumers where each person wants to leave satisfied. For use in this paper, the sales situation outcomes can be simplified into four different outcomes that are based on whether or not the salespersons and consumers are satisfied. The main goal of the salesperson is perfectly stated in the following quote that also explains an example of the Outcome I, “I want you to be satisfied this time so that you will think of me next time, too (Arndt, Evans, Landry, Mady, & Pongpatipat, 2013).” Outcome I is that both the consumer and the salesperson are satisfied with the sales encounter. Outcome II is that the salesperson is satisfied with the encounter, but the consumer is unsatisfied. An example of this is that the salesperson makes the sale, but the consumer finds out that the salesperson lied to them or they paid more than a fair price. Outcome III is the exact opposite of Outcome II, the consumer is satisfied with the outcome, but the salesperson is unsatisfied. Outcome IV is that both the salesperson and the consumer are unsatisfied. An example of this is that the salesperson does not make the sale, and the consumer is angered by the

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