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Athletic Scholarship Research Paper

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Athletic Scholarship A couple years ago many talented athletes did not have the money to attend college after high school. This is still a problem in today's society. On the other hand, young men and women who are eligible to get a athletic scholarships are closer to reaching their goal and controlling sufficient funds to better educate themselves. Many pros and cons could be argued for and against academic scholarships, but the real question is does Athletic Scholarships benefit college athletes and the university's ? The first reason athletic scholarships can benefit the university is by being able to help build a strong athletic program . The college has to decide on whether or not to give out scholarships to their athletes or just …show more content…
Males and females get various amounts of scholarship money. Typically male athletes receive more scholarship money them woman athletes depending on what division of the school. The schools pay out these student athletes for the betterment of the school’s sports program, and the chance for these athletes to potentially further their lives in the sports world.These students without an academic scholarship probably would not even receive the opportunity to go to college let alone pursue their sports careers. Academic scholarships are vital for multiple students across America to reach their full potential, dreams, and desires. Athletic scholarships benefit the athletes by giving them the opportunity to go to school. Over half of the college athletes are on scholarship today to help pay for their tuition. Although sports might look like fun and games to the outside perspective, the athletes take the games serious because they cannot just be a another body on the team, they have to be somebody. Being somebody meaning to work the hardest and giving it their all in practice, during the game, and off the field in their school work. By working hard on and off the field the student might gain more money the following year so they won't have to pay as much out of their pocket. If the student athlete does not try their best they have the opportunity to lose their athletic scholarship this is why Athletic scholarships can be beneficial to the athletes that are luck enough to get an athletic

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